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Bryceland Junior World Champion, Peaty takes Silver!

Jun 21, 2008
by Tyler Maine  
Source: Kathy Sessler

Santa Cruz Syndicate’s Josh Bryceland brings home the gold at the UCI World Championship Junior Downhill race today at Val Di Sole. Steve Peat is the bridesmaid once again placing second in the elite men’s downhill to Gee Atherton’s first place run. Gee was the man to beat all week and this race was his to lose, and he pulled through with a run as stellar as his practice had been all week. Sam Hill was on a winning time, over 6 seconds faster at the second split time and gaining speed on the last section when he slid out and crashed in the second to last corner throwing away the win. His time was still good enough for a bronze medal. Greg Minnaar followed them all in for a fourth place finish.Josh was happy to win saying, “I just had a smooth run and held it together and it came together perfectly. It was mint, I’m so happy.” Josh’s dad and mechanic, Iain Bryceland embraced Josh at the finish and says, “He was in a Slovenian hospital six weeks ago being told he needed surgery and that his season might be over. Up at the top of the hill Josh was just cool as a cucumber and he said to me, ‘Don’t worry dad, I’m in the zone.’”


An emotional Rob Roskopp said, “I’m happy for Josh that he got the monkey off his back from last year. To win with that big of a gap is total domination and he is deserving of it.” Rennie comments, “It was great to see Josh win. We all had faith in him and he did it in great style and it makes up for last year. I’m really happy for him.” Peat chimes in, “It’s about time!” Josh’s time of 3.23.55 would have placed him 10th in elite men.

In the elite men’s race Peaty had a good run but made a mistake. His feet blew off and it took awhile to get them back in. He was satisfied with his run and as he sat in the hot seat he was hoping for a little luck and had some when Sam wadded it up. But his luck ran out when Gee came across the line. He was happy for Gee but disappointed with his result. He has been the silver medalist four times in his career. He says, “I’m stoked Gee won but I wish it had been the other way around.” Bryceland comments, “I’m gutted for Steve. I wanted it so bad for him and after Sam fell I thought he had it. It’s not over, he’s got a few years left and there’s a chance for the old dog yet.”


Greg Minnaar was not pleased with his run. Over coming his injury from the week’s practice he started smooth and fast. He says, “I wouldn’t say I’m happy. I knew it would be a tough race and I did just what I didn’t want to do and that was losing rhythm. I battled to get back in to a rhythm and I knew I had lost time so I went faster to make time up but it was the wrong thing to do. I’ll be back next year and I’ll focus on the world cup’s now.”

Rennie did not have a good run. It started off fine and he felt good, but right after the first split he hit a tree, carried on and got arm pump, had a hard time holding on and just didn’t hit his lines and he finished 21st.

Practice recap:

Practice on Friday and Saturday was a mixed bag for the boys. Minnaar wadded it up in a gnarly section and strained his neck badly, and race morning Bryceland bent his ISCG mount. The mechanics noticed this as Josh was napping before the final and they made the decision to swap everything off of his race bike and build up his number two bike and they didn’t tell Josh as not to distract him from his race. Josh had a hunch, but didn’t ask, as he really didn’t want to know. After some therapy, Minnaar’s race morning practice went well and he hit all his lines. On a practice run through a rocky section Rennie was overheard calmly talking to his bike saying “come on little machine, you can do this.”

Roskopp said this about the track, “It’s a course no one will have a perfect run on. It’s a boxing match, that’s what that course is. The person who is fit and makes the least mistakes will win. They were doubling things up, like super cross and the consequences are so big in those sections. Josh found a few new lines on Friday and was pretty happy about it. It’s his race to lose.”

Some fun was had the night before the race with Bryceland and Rennie getting new race hair cuts. Rob Roskopp shaved off Rennie’s V-drive Mohawk to the skin, leaving the just the sides and Iain Bryceland calls it the Ren-Hawk. Bryceland shaved the middle of his V-drive out and we call it the Miami Slice. Looks like the Miami Slice paid off.


Elite Men:
1. Gee Atherton (Great Britain) 3:12.12
2. Steve Peat (Great Britain) 3:14.74 (Santa Cruz Syndicate/SRAM)
3. Samuel Hill (Australia) 3:15.27
4. Greg Minnaar (South Africa) 3:17.34 (Santa Cruz Syndicate/SRAM)
5. Fabien Barel (France) 3:17.92

21. Nathan Rennie (Australia) 3:31.73 (Santa Cruz Syndicate/SRAM)

36. Andrew Mitchell (Canada) 3:37.22
38. Hans Lambert (Canada) 3:37.89
DNS. Charles-Alexandre Dube (Canada)

Elite Women:
1. Rachel Atherton (Great Britain) 3:49.92
2. Sabrina Jonnier (France) 4:01.91
3. Emmeline Ragot (France) 4:07.03
4. Floriane Pugin (France) 4:10.25
5. Mio Suemasa (Japan) 4:11.68

12. Micayla Gatto (Canada) 4:36.08
14. Claire Buchar (Canada) 4:37.42
15. Danice Uyesugi (Canada) 4:37.71
20. Kim Huard (Canada) 4:51.74

Junior Men:
1. Josh Bryceland (Great Britain) 3:23.55 (Santa Cruz Syndicate/SRAM)
2. Sam Dale (Great Britain) 3:31.06
3. Rémi Thirion (France) 3:32.13
4. Aari Barrett (New Zealand) 3:32.47
5. Brook MacDonald (New Zealand) 3:32.77

8. Shaun Connor 3:36:24 (Santa Cruz/SRAM)

16. Simon Garstin (Canada) 3:47.63
19. Alex Prochazka (Canada) 3:50.94
23. Yann Gauvin (Canada) 3:52.74
25. Phil Cyrenne Blanchard (Canada) 3:56.65
29. Trenton Zoobkoff (Canada) 3:59.08
55. Rob Fraser (Canada) 4:31.38

Thanks to the Syndicate sponsors:

Santa Cruz Bicycles
DT Swiss
Lizard Skins
Clif Bar
Troy Lee Designs
Chris King
Five Ten

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Press Releases

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Member since Mar 27, 2001
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  • 19 1
 wooooooo go great britain top pplaes all round!!!!!
  • 16 0
 feel so sorry for peaty, sure he's gonna win one day... Sam Hill???? 6 seconds up, crashes and finishes 3rd???? what is this guy made of?
  • 4 1
 Watch Gee haul ass: freecaster.tv/live/1000188_1004965

Sam's crash aside - Gee's run was immense and the vid shows world class DH riding at its very best. The way he takes some of those sections is not right. The boy's not right. Great work.
  • 1 8
flag dylans (Jun 21, 2008 at 19:31) (Below Threshold)
  • 2 0
 sam was six seconds up mid mountain. u can hear rob warner yell that sam was up ten seconds when he washed out!
  • 6 0
 freecaster.tv/live/1000188_1004965 this is Sam Hill at his best... without the wipeout... he could of easily taken gold, but that means that sam needs 6 more worlds' titles to tie Nicholas. it just shows the sport is progressing more and more with people like Gee and Sam
  • 4 0
 Yes. Hill's run was unprecedented - 3rd place after a high speed wash-out. He was insanely quick on that run. What an event. The kind that reminds you why you love this sport.
  • 3 2
 Looks like the Athertons training paid off. Mega Props to them. In fact mega props to all the GB riders 1st in everything!
  • 3 2
 yaa sams run was great other then the crash, but thats kind of the point isnt it, you can be 6 seconds up, but if your going so fast your almost out of control its not worth it. i think a few others caught up to him this year and now hes trying to push it to where even he can quite keep it rubber down yet to win and its not working for him
  • 2 1
 ^^ but remember, its often about how hard you ride. but you do have a point, you can only push your limits so far...
  • 7 0
 shut up you french twat!^ did you look at the table? Great Britain come first in every event! go back to making your crosants ya c*nt!
  • 4 0
 erm, may i point out, this was over-shadowed but rachel beat sabrina by 12 seconds, and personally i think thats amazing, all of great britan's results were amazingly good but it would have been nice to mention rachel i think a lot off people who read this missed her amazing result.
  • 2 0
 Not 12 second, 11.99 Wink

She was on fire
  • 5 0
 Rob Warner was yelling for Peaty on the webcast....I was up at 6am to watch the final 20.......one of the greatest races ever!!!!!!! Stoked for Brycland after that crash in Maribor.
  • 4 0
 Pumped for Gee! Look's like Sam would have closed the deal as he was up 5 or 6 seconds at the split, going down right at the bottom to still take the bronze! Sad for Sam to loose at right at the end, he must be gutted.

Could Sam and Gee (hopefully) fighting it out for years to come remind anyone of Nico and Peat from back in the day?!
  • 4 0
 Pretty similar to Minaar's crash ot the Worlds last year, he probably would have won it if he hadn't crashed and broken his shoulder. Well done Athertons! Was a pity Dan was injured so he couldnt try and seal another family treble.
  • 5 0
 The last few Worlds have been damn exciting eh! Minnaar and Barel's runs at Fort William last year were something else. Barel in particular didn't seem to get much recognition considering how fast he came back from injury and the time he put in.
  • 3 0
 I believe that was because many considered that Barel had focused only on the Champs ignoring the Cup, giving him an advantage.
  • 4 0
 From what I can gather him and his mechanic spare no time or expensive for the worlds, looking for every possible advantage. Just imagine the pressure that is on him at worlds because of how he does things though.
  • 6 1
 goooo athertons yet again. britain owns Big Grin haha the 4x men was funny. all 3 out of 4 racers bail on first berm. owning each other. lolzers.
  • 9 1
 Come on GB!
  • 6 1
 Britain gets 1st and 2nd in both Elite and Jnr Mens, and wins the Elite Womens! Good results all round!
  • 4 0
 ATHERTONNSSS rrr on ittt , imagine if dan hadnt broken his collar bone it could have been Andorra at the world champs crazyyy stuff(But it wasnt Frown )
  • 5 0
 just watched gee,s run on freecaster, One of the best runs ive ever watched! Fucking immense.
  • 2 0
 I was there watching the whole event .... track was really SOOOOOO STEEP and TECHNICAL .. you had literally to climb some sections up the woods .. !!! Awesome show .. Sam is an alien .. floats everywhere .. but i'm so happy for Gee .. he really deserves it .. and naturally for Rachel .. ! Congs brits ..
  • 5 2
 Congrats to the Syndicate on their results, aswell as the Athertons and a big good work to all the Canadians that went to Worlds too!
  • 5 1
 Awesome to see Fabien up thereSmile Congrats to Britain, and Hill missed it by 3 secs and thts with a crash!!HOLY COW!!
  • 4 0
 Amazing run by Gee! But i was so gutted for Peaty..Thought this was his year..Frown
  • 2 1
 im all for britain doing wel at the worlds, but from what iv heard the way some racers treated sam after his crash and after he finished doesnt make me proud to be british at all. sam hill has raised the bar for racers all over the world and treating him badly just because he is fast is NOT cool.
  • 6 1
 It's always the case that brits are stupidly patriotic. We invented hooliganism. We pioneered fighting, for no good reason, supporters of the opposite team. What does that say about us? I'm not patriotic when it comes to sports, Im proud to be english but I'm impressed by the person with the most skill. I dont care where they come from.
  • 0 0
 What did you hear? And who did you hear it from?
  • 1 0
 good year for GBR! poor old peaty, he's not done yet though. Gee was so fast he had to win. Hill mustve been heartbroken after he washed out, he was gonna be miles ahead.
anybody see the track test guy before the 4x? that was the highlight of the worlds for me
  • 3 1
 congrats to gee on his win . best rider on the course on the day that mattered stepped it up a gear and took gold. good result for peaty to
  • 3 0
 lol he was soo close. go check the thread of his crash. it was a rock that stopped him.
  • 4 0
 Josh would have been placed 10th in the elite mens with his time! AMAZING!
  • 0 0
 What's up with Josh's hair? Keep's freaking me out.
Big props to Gee, I feel sorry for Peaty though; set a good time, waiting for Sam, he crashed so all good, then Gee completely kills it and takes it away from him again.
  • 0 0
 Haha do the french ever stop whining! errr nope. Awesome brit 1/2, the Athertons work so hard, deserve it all. But gotta give the up most props to Mr Hill, how do you go down at that speed in just a skin suit and carry on to finish .5 of second behind peaty?? Just super human that guy!
  • 0 1
 Did Sam Hill hurt his ellbow? I think role models like him should wear protection, I've read about a Crash from Fabien Barel, in which his safety jacket saved his back... And Sam seems to be a little superstitious not wearing protection. But great Race-Runs, these guys are crazy but skilled..
  • 5 3
 Aww Sam... Thats a shame, should of had it.
  • 3 0
  • 2 1
 Great Britain killed it. Anyone know what happened to Charles-Alexandre Dube?
  • 3 1
 why is gee getting no credit ?????????????????
  • 1 0
 PS talking about protection .. skinsuits suck .. but i'm glad to see leatt braces are becoming popular ...
  • 4 3
 Unlucky Sam...He was by far the fastest
  • 6 4
 He wasn't the fastest, he binned it - he lost, that's racing. Gee Atherton was the fastest.
  • 4 2
 Have you seen the race??I am not a fun of Hill but I'm pretty sure you saying that because you are British.He was 6:35 ahead in the last part, he was riding crazy and the gap among Gee and Steve would be huge...Gee won, but not the fastest.
  • 2 1
 we might not be the biggest nation, but our riders still kill it. woo!
  • 2 1
 But we are a big nation in DH... Athertons, Mosely, Griffiths, Gaskell, Peat, Bryceland, Beaumont, Fairclough, Dale, Cunningham and I could go on listing world cup winners, worlds medalists and top twenty riders. Best result of the day - Rachel. Best ride of the day - Sam Hill. Best RACE of the day - Gee/Josh.
  • 2 1
 We are big nation for sure. We may only be a small island, but we have a huge population relative to our size.

Australia: 20,434,176 - Canada: 33,390,141 - U.K: 60,776,238
  • 1 1
 its gonna start shrinking rapidly in 2012
  • 1 2
 I am so capped, i have always rooted for Gee and at last he came through for a worlds To all those who said that sam was fastest, he might have been riding quickly, but its results that count! Dont miss out bullhead.... wish he would get his act together
  • 2 1
 That's the only way they can win Hill!
  • 1 0
 where was steve smith in all of this ?
  • 0 0
 el viejo sam se costaleo que demalas
  • 1 1
 does anyone know who top american was?
  • 0 0
 Cole Bangert in 24th place
  • 4 3
 Sam Is The King!
  • 2 3
 wot a silly silly race, quite unbelieveable!!!
  • 0 0
  • 0 0
  • 0 1
 you forgot the junior women, it's a french podium
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