Seb Kemp has been instrumental in turning this race into what it is today. Up until 2012 it had never quite worked for one reason or another, but for 2013 he persuaded Crankworx to open the race up to using the valley trails around the town, a move that seems to have transformed the race into a riders' favourite. After last years race there were some people left unhappy about the race using their trails, about the damage it caused. Over the winter Crankworx received a $10,000 grant for community development from SRAM, which was put into maintaining and developing the valley network. So for this year's race the emphasis on the trails has been on re-opening and re-awakening trails that had fallen into disuse over the years - names like Crazy Train should be instantly familiar to the freeride crowd. With the grant and the work that has gone into the trails, and will go into them again once racing is done, the hope is that the race will leave the valley trail network in a better condition than it was before. Seb was very keen to stress that he deserves little credit for the work on the trails though, it has been a community effort, with more people involved than we could possibly list on a Pinkbike photo caption. He also wanted to stress that he was holding the mattock like that to be gentle, he does know what he's doing with the tools...
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Seb Kemp has been instrumental in turning this race into what it is today. Up until 2012 it had never quite worked for one reason or another, but for 2013 he persuaded Crankworx to open the race up to using the valley trails around the town, a move that seems to have transformed the race into a riders' favourite. After last years race there were some people left unhappy about the race using their trails, about the damage it caused. Over the winter Crankworx received a $10,000 grant for community development from SRAM, which was put into maintaining and developing the valley network. So for this year's race the emphasis on the trails has been on re-opening and re-awakening trails that had fallen into disuse over the years - names like Crazy Train should be instantly familiar to the freeride crowd. With the grant and the work that has gone into the trails, and will go into them again once racing is done, the hope is that the race will leave the valley trail network in a better condition than it was before. Seb was very keen to stress that he deserves little credit for the work on the trails though, it has been a community effort, with more people involved than we could possibly list on a Pinkbike photo caption. He also wanted to stress that he was holding the mattock like that to be gentle, he does know what he's doing with the tools...

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