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Mathias Jabs...! Was moving rocks and found this dude...
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Mathias Jabs...! Was moving rocks and found this dude...
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 Just like spiders. You get to know them that are not evil. He made a new friend. Probably only sting if truly feels a threat. They look cool!
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 Needs garlic
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 ...everything's better with garlic!
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 WOW look at him! No petting!
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 I did pick him up...with gloves on of course! I just saw a velvet ant, too...I love critters...
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 Really with gloves on does he try to poke you?
And the gloves are thick enough to stop him, very fun!
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 well, I grabbed him by the tail so no stingage...people around here say it aint much more than a wasp sting...
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 WOW, I have watched some documentaries of people who have died from stings!
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 there's all sorts of different scorpions ... some more deadly than others --- just like with deadly snakes and other deadly things out there in general --- it all depends on the persons reaction to the sting/bite, how quickly they can get treated, etc .. lots of different elements can change the outcome.

I was out at Moab, forget which trail but, we sat down to take a break from the hot hot sun, I was sitting for about 2 minutes when to my right was 3 little scorpions. I don't what kind they were, they didn't say but,... that was the end of break time ha ha .. we high tailed it outta there.
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 ha --- I do remember the type of trail is was --- local Moab'ers might know it.

it's a point to point ride, very slight gradual descent for a good 3, 4ish hour ride at least --- as you leave the town of Moab, I think you pass by a pot-ash farm, you park one car at X (the low/ending point), drive several mile to another spot (the high/starting point).... you pass through this super funky sand stone area during the ride (maybe the coolest thing I have ever seen in nature).

the reason I say "ha, I do remember"....

we did this ride --- we were on empty as far as water and food......and most of all day light.... we roll into the parking lot which is miles and miles from town... there's like 4 cars there. my bud who dropped vehicle off at the ending point had his keys locked in the car at the starting point....

we were like --- FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFuuuuuudge!!!! only, we didn't say "fudge".
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 we saw a group of girls getting ready to leave so Greg ran over to their car and asked for a ride back to the top...
with his classic married guy swagger, the girls laughed and said "ahh no" --- we were like (WTF??!?really?!).

there were two other cars in the parking but nobody at them so we had no choice other than to ride our bikes back to the starting point (via the road) which was I think about 12 miles or so ---- not really a huge distance on a bike but it is when you're already totally spent and outta day light. we gathered our things, said F U to the chicks who wouldnt offer and help at all and started our way back to the truck up top. .... just Greg and I .. our other bud, Nick, stayed back -- he was done, no fuel in the tank left. we figured I'd be the first to get back to the truck so I took the keys to Gregs truck.

about 4 miles into it, two guys who were a few clicks behind us picked us up and drove us back to Greg's truck.

hard lesson learned, chicks are beyatches to married guys --
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 hahahahhahahah Awesome story bro! Im so sorry those chicks would't help you out. I don't know why, but maybe they just didn't buy your story! hahhaah I have never been to Moab but it would be a dream to get out there one day. I have been lucky in time, never locked my keys in the car! hahahah I have a feeling its going to happen to me soon!
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 yeah --- I have accidentally locked my cars at bad times before --- it's called an "igo-second" ... the brief moment in time when as you're closing the door to your car, you suddenly notice two things --- 1. the keys are in the car and 2. the door is in lock mode but 3. your brain can't react fast enough and you continue to close the door, locking it..... that's an igo-second.

I had a 5 series BMW a while, on a cold cold cold day, I was on my way to work, already late to begin with.. I started the car, noticed I forgot something, went to go get whatever it was in the house and as I was about 30 feet from the car, I heard a ssshhhlicK noise coming from the car. huh? what was that? some sorta short in the system, maybe caused by the cold, the farkin' doors locked on their own. so, not only was my car locked, it was running...

I don't recall if I had a spare key handy but, what a fluke --- it only happened that once.
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 hahahahhahhahahahhahah Thats a word I must teach my students, igo-second! I have never herd of that before! hhahahhaha Man, modern technology is out to get us rather than help us. When cars started locking automatically, I think if fooled many people. The same thing happened to me in my wives car. I didn't know the door lock on their own until it was way too late. Im however starting to see too many problems with automatic solutions. Here in Japan, new modern homes have automatic sinks, toilets, lights etc. So, my students forget to flush the toilet, turn off the water after washing their hands and forget to turn off the lights. My wives car has push button doors that open or close. Well, if my kids get out late when my wife is in the house already they forget to close the door! Yaaaaaaa Automatic! The real kicker for me is when the big earthquakes hit in 2011 and tokyo had no electricity. The automatic doors couldn't open, the sinks in the stores had no water as you need the sensor and the toilets couldn't flush. I really think things just need to go back to simple turn the key, flick the switch and twist the knob. hahahhahahha My car is old fashion and when I finally get a new one, no electronics. Cheep and easy for me!
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 ha ha .. well, as a creative kid, born into a creative family, we have several words we made up to fit any given situation --

the igo-second applies to several life lessons --- like the time I was hauling a hug piece of lumber that I was using to build a feature.. the 8"x8" must have been 12 feet long, heavy as a hoot and hauling it by myself, up a steep hill was taking me to my limits. I had it over my shoulder as I threw it down. ***** intro, igo-second **** just as I let go, I realized that was throwing it into the steep hillside and worse, there was a big rock right where it was going to land. soon as it hit, it bounced right back at me and slammed into my shin. there was nothing I could do ---- igo-second.

igo-second would also apply to things like when you're working on an old carbon GT mountain bike, you need to replace the shifter cables which run inside the frame and without thinking, you pull the old cable housing and shifter cable out of the frame, not knowing if GT was smart enough to run some sort of internal tubing to guild the shifter products through the tubing --- NOPE --- they don't have any internal cable guild. It must have taken me at least 30 minutes trying to fish new cable through that frame....
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 we made up other words like phlibdelibrium (pronounced: flib del lib bree um). this is that punchy feeling you get when you completely tuckered out and giddy. so outta sorts you can hardly function. we made up the word playing basketball during the hot hot summer months when we got too tired to shoot the ball but, I often used the term during those rides you might have when you're just not feeling it, can't hit the good lines and whatnot, specially toward the end of a long ride. also applies to when you're doing a long road trip and you have been driving for hours.

and of course, there's gikoowi, or maybe it's gikoowe.... it's actually a word my grandfather made up when we were playing Scabble. when he got hit letters, it spelled out "gikoowe".. He defined it as the lint that builds up in your pant pockets.

and who can forget -- gooby dust.

actually, it's just the crushed stone often used when laying brick walk-ways.. I can't for the life of me remember how we came up with the word but, we still use today. peeps at the hardware store look at ya funny if you ask: "where's the gooby dust?
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 hahahhaa Ok made up words.
Well, it just could become a real word if we spread it joy enough.

hhahahhahah thats lumber story has me rolling! hhahahahha
Nice igo-second!

hahahhah Then being fooled my GT, that was on purpose from GT just to see how many igo-seconds they could make frustrating people!

Philibdelibrium in Japanese would be Kutabireta!
Beings the humidity is so high here Im philibdelibrium all the time, especially when riding! hhahhah

Gikoowe funny! I think your grandfather was cheating but he had a definition so its valuable.

I think gooby dust can be used for any kind of unknown powder.
"whats this gooby dust on the table?"

I like it but unfortunately I can't teach my students vocabulary thats not in the English-Japanese dictionary yet! hahahhha
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 well, aren't all words made up?

funny subject... I have 13 year old triplets, when they were in the early stages of wondering "why?"... every so often, they'd have munchkin subculture conversations about certain words they didn't understand.... I can't think of anything right now but, several times for sure they'd argue over words that confused them.

shoot, for years Jack called his brother's Pepe and Bee even though their names are Joey and Spencer.
Jack, at the top of the stairs, in his squeaky little twerp voice, yells out to Joey and Spencer ---- "Pepe, Bee!!! Mere!! ("mere", short for come here).

we do need to come up with a word for one of Joey's blunders ---

Joey, the one who's kinda bull in a china shop, clumsy --- we were camping out at the farm and Joey tripped over one of the tent guild wires that was staked into the ground. he's stumbling trying to regain his stride and before actually hitting the ground, he blurts out "I'M OK!!" ... there's gotta be a word for that.
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 hhahaahahahahaha Joey sounds wicked! You are correct all words have just been made up and became a standard! Now its time to get some worldly known! hahahhah
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 I couldn't go near that bro !!! urrrgh

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