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  • 1 1 --- sorry, mis-heard some stuff on the news, but the number is still very low, which is bad because you actually need "illegal" immigrants for the economy ---> ( ) also the trickle down effect does NOT work ( ) . Are you for raising the minimum wage to $15?
  • 2 0
 Funy, how A. the poster of this pic doesn't live in the US, and B. the fact that we did just fine without illegals before. We don't need anyone here who uses the infrastructure paid for by taxes, while not paying taxes themselves.
  • 2 0
 and who owns the corporations? ........the financiers!
  • 1 0
 this is pure fucking gold
  • 1 0
 its all crap
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  • 1 4
 Bernie sanders 2016!!!11
  • 2 1
 As if $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities wasn't bad enough!

Free stuff (*taken from other people's wealth*) for everyone!!

Wall Street is bad! But don't mind the overreaching government policies that birthed "too big to fail" banks and the economic crisis we are in. So give the government more power and resources!

Take away resources from the productive bunch that create wealth at gunpoint! And give "free" stuff like college education to further increase college costs and supply of useless degrees!
  • 1 2
 Bernie sanders 2016!!!11 (raise taxes on the 1% / and lower taxes on the working class)
  • 3 2
 The working class doesn't create jobs... the 1% does. The 1% includes your small business owner who's creating thousands of jobs in your local town and city. By taxing them more, it only makes America less attractive to business owners. You want to raise taxes on the 1% of 1% of 1%....

A better solution is less tax for everyone, balanced with slashing military funding from +50% to 20% or so, and getting rid of all the governmental toll gates for employment.
  • 1 2
 Are you ready to cry?
  • 2 1
 Do you know 40% of Mexico is in the US, taking dozens of times more in welfare than the tax they ever pay? Do you know that video is a gross simplification of the problem that doesn't quite bother going into the details? Raising the tax on the "1%" will destroy America once in for all. Bernie Sanders, if he becomes president, will be the last "commander in chief" the USA will ever have.
  • 1 2
 There is next to 0% net "illegal" immigration from mexico ya goof, you sound like a libertarian, would I be wrong in assuming this?
  • 2 1
 "next to 0% net "illegal" immigration from mexico"

  • 2 1
 Also, I'm quite new to this "liberal", "libertarian", etc. and I simply look at the viability of policies. It just doesn't make sense to me how it is moral to take money from one part of the population and give it to another part of the population. And if it is common sense those who have money are better equipped to use it efficiently in an economic sense, why take capital from the ones creating jobs and give it to the "poor" who are already receiving tens of thousands of dollars in welfare?

That action doesn't create jobs (in fact, destroys businesses), but it creates even more dependency on the state. We have nearly half a century worth of data that proves welfare has been largely unsuccessful and that the only way to bring the lower income bracket population up is by giving them opportunities through easier access to jobs.

When you have less jobs and incredibly many government licensing requirements to get whatever job is left, how will redistribution of wealth (disproportionately taxing people) fix that root problem?
  • 1 2 --- sorry, mis-heard some stuff on the news, but the number is still very low, which is bad because you actually need "illegal" immigrants for the economy ---> ( ) also the trickle down effect does NOT work ( ) . Are you for raising the minimum wage to $15?
  • 2 1
 You don't need illegal immigrants for the economy when you have a 7% hidden unemployment rate (govt measures it to hide the population that gave up on finding a job and/or went back to school using loans) and that means nearly 3.5 million Americans without a job.

But the crux of this problem lies in import/export policies that make it so easy to move almost anything out of the country as long as it is cheaper. The manufacturing base has completely deteriorated in the US because people are addicted to cheap and low priced goods. NOW if you're trying to raise the minimum wage while keeping everything else in the company the same, the price of goods will have to go up.

People are not ready to pay things for what they are worth NOR are the higher ups in corporations ready to give their money to a bunch of people who are still working a "entry to workforce" job. So this minimum wage would further destroy (what was supposed to be) the entry-to-workforce job in the US, and automation has accelerated development and production, taking position to replace the minimum wage workers (in McD for ex.)

The solution isn't immigrants with low level of education (relative to host country) taking jobs for less money than the American. The solution isn't raising the minimum wage through the GOVERNMENT forcing corporations to do something they don't think makes any sense.

But do you know what else doesn't make any sense? Why did the cost of living go up in the first place? Why does the minimum wage have to be constantly raised? If you ask the deeper questions instead of scratching the surface, you find that it's because of the government and the "F"ED, introducing trillions of dollars to dilute both the value of the dollar and the morbid reality. Expect another wave of "free money" printing early 2016, and that money is not going to help anyone except the big-big companies and the banks.
  • 1 2
 get ready to be proven wrong baby --->
  • 2 1
 Are you not going to bother even responding to "Why did the cost of living go up in the first place?"

Ducks are cute tho, too bad that's not an argument Big Grin Argument meaning reasoning and proof against what was said. If you don't argue, you are making this a religion.
  • 1 0
 @theminsta: Glad to see some actual sense being applied in this argument! Of course he won't counter the points he knows are true.

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