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  • 1 0
 Nice scooby ripper! I'm thinking about getting rid of my 850R and getting something like that. How well do they age?
  • 1 0
 Probably not as well as a 850R.. I have looked for a clean 850R for a while now. After 200k miles, Subarus can be a ticking time bomb.
  • 1 0
 @swan3609: Well I don't mind having to swap a motor or trans. I just want the interior to stay together.

850's aren't built as well as the older 900's/700's/200's. They use a plastic that ages and get's really brittle. A whole list of things start going off as a result. The first and most noticeable is the dash. The connect to the firewall with 4 bolts and every 850 dash breaks at those bolts! Then when you remove the dash to fix it, you wind up accidentally breaking more of the brittle bits.

I fixed my wifes T5 only for it to break a plastic bit in the hvac two months later. That meant cold on one side and hot on the other. Not good when it's 5 degrees out.

850's are cool. Pure giggles. Handle well enough. Look good. But also built like crap!

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