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  • 14 2
 policial britality!! bastards
  • 8 3
 Where ever you're from, they are called police and its brutality. Sheesh
  • 2 0
 Just amagine the carnage if he sneezed ( the cop )
  • 1 0
 in soviet russia attention gets you.
  • 6 0
 does the term "capped in the dome point blank with a shot gat " make any sense
  • 3 2
 USA IS GAY.... jk its alright (if you live ther and dont know anything about the rest of the world bc of a retarted presaent and think bein hated around the world and obnocksious and and thinking nothing but your country matters bc you dont know better.)i guess
sick places to ride tho.
  • 2 3
  • 2 2
 the usa is the top power in the world and i have lived in many different countries (was born in canada live there for 10 years) so dont be dissing i know what canada is liek and america is so much better, minus mabye whistler.
  • 0 0
 and not racism everywhere
  • 1 0
 How can USA be so much better than Canada? I mean, not that i'm hating on USA, but in Canada we have many biking, skiing, advantages + we have huge yards and have a low crime rate... Wtv, its your opinion and you have every right to think that mate. Though i love Canada and probably will never live else where.
  • 0 3
 xt, u ever heard of the kkk? they first started having meetings in, yes you guessed it, CANADA, so much for less racism.
  • 2 0
 Is that what they told you in american history? I bet you live in the south, the only place where a racist group could start that is too stupid to spell clan
  • 5 0
 Do i give a shit where kkk started? And even if it did start in canada, where is it now? The past isn't as important as the present and the future. USA is know to be one of the most racist country and canada? Nowhere near USA. Don't start by calling us racist because in Canada we have so many different nationalities so we can't possibly be a "racist" country now can we? Get your crap together and live with the fact that USA in no way any better than Canada.
  • 0 4
flag lighttekku (Jan 31, 2009 at 17:59) (Below Threshold)
 no i acctually live near the canadian border whytey. and graph, the USA is the MOST diverse country in the WORLD BY FAR, maybe you should stop using wikipedia to find your information cause it's wrong. the only reason we are considered to be racist is because one day a couple of radicals decided to attack us, and we decided that we should defend ourselves. and if canada is so great then why did we deport 7,000 Canadian illegal immigrants to the USA last month?
  • 3 1
 Oh wow do i give a f*ck about your 7000 illegal canadian immigrants? You clearly speak from your ass man. Look, i'm not trying to start a flame war here, but you clearly want to talk against Canada. Also, why are you changing subject? Why go from KKK to illegal immigrants which i clearly don't care? Wtv, stick to what you think and i'll stick to what i think aswell. I preffer Canada in everyway for many facts. The fact that i can go dh biking in summer and skiing in winter. Both with only about 45 mins of car. I don't have to fear getting shot by a random person carrying a damn gun. I don't have to worry about my money getting wasted because of my ex stupid president sending soldiers everywhere in the world so he can make a few bucks.

I'm done with you non sense now.
Good day to you.
  • 0 3
 if canada is really so great then why don't they just stay in canada? oh and its you who talkked about it when you said "Get your crap together and live with the fact that USA in no way any better than Canada." and if that were true than canadian's wouldn't be trying to sneak into the USA by the thousands. and u can go biking in the summer and boarding in the winter here too, cept it's much safer here. oh and remember 9/11/2001? nobody ever seems to, well it was a decleration of WAR against the west (from RADICAL islam), so we are defending ourselves and you, why we are defending canada i will never know, mabye cause your good at making bikes.
  • 3 1
 "and u can go biking in the summer and boarding in the winter here too, cept it's much safer here."
I'm sorry, but how is it any saffer in the US than in Canada? You make no sens what so ever. Also, if the USA is so great, why do 30 millions people there live in poverty? I guess its because your country is the best in the world. Do i care about those canadiens skeaking in the USA? Here, your country is so great that you can't even go to cuba or get anything from cuba in your country legaly. Thats sign of the best country in the world right? USA is so f*cking great that they get the poors to make they believe they will make money in the army and get them killed. Nice way to show you love your country by just getting rid of you poors instead of helping them. I love how you absolutly want to be right, but you're only digging your hole. You from those that make USA look bad. If you don't except it, than thats your problem and not mine since people have told you that before. Keep it to waht you want to think and i'll keep to what pretty much everybody thinks. Now get a life.
  • 0 4
flag lighttekku (Feb 4, 2009 at 12:32) (Below Threshold)
 umm i was referring to skiing, remember at whistler, how the lift snapped? remember that? i would much rather make it back up the mountain thank you very much. 30 million huh? please stop using wikipedia to find your facts, less than 1% of americans live in poverty, which is less than one million, and those one million people are the illegal immagrants, a lot are from canada acctually, who just sit around and drink beer all day hoping to make a livling shining shoes. yeah, you can't go to cuba, but why would you want to? i mean really, all they have is cigars. and thats qhat really pisses me off, if you sign up for the army, and get the $40,000 check, then expect to fight in the war, your being paid for it, and quite well, and its not a f*cking draft, you have a choice if you want to join or not, but if you do, expect to fight, dont expect to get paid to sit around on your butts drinking beer and watching tv.
  • 3 0
 Thats the stupidest shit i've ever heard, besides the obvious american ignorance sterotyping canadians as people who drink beer all day and hate their own country. In fact alcohol consumption in the U.S. per capita is almost 3X that of Canada. More American ignorance is hating Cuba, just because your government tells you to their health care is far better than yours, and hey they may be communist but at least they're passive. You guys blow people up just because you don't think their government is stable enough. It would have been smarter to first focus on stabilizing your own govenrnment and keeping monkey faced retards out of office.
Peace the f*ck out
  • 0 3
 oh i believe that, american's love their beer, but i never said canadians were people who drink beer all day, because they arent. we hate cuba because they tend to harbor people who hurt americans, but you wouldn't know that, your too busy drinking your beer. excuse me? you forget about 9/11, it was a decleration of war against the "western" cultures, so we are simply defending ourselves, besides canada is in iraq too ya know.
  • 2 0
 TO : lighttekku
Wow so you're telling me that Oprah is bullshiting all around when she HERSELF said that their was about 30 millions of poors in USA? You're probably the dumbest f*ck ever. First off, theirs WAY more than 1 million poors in USA and many of those 30 millions are blacks. Why? Well simply because your "great" crountry is so f*cking racist. You clearly speak from you ass and maybe if you took your square head out of your fat ass, you'd know a little bit about your country. But we can clearly see why americans are named to be dumb. You're prouving every thing thats been said in bad about americans. All on your own, you managed to show why america is known as stereotypes and people who don't even know shit about their country. You can argue all you want from your ass, but you've just seen, once again, from others, that what you talk of is pure bullshit. Either get your crap right or STFU and take your head out of your fat ass. When arguing, make sure you actualy know what your talking about. Also, when replying back again, don't dig your hole any deaper. Just accept you were wrong or don't say anything. I said it once, i will say again, you're one dumb idiot. I didn't get my shit from f*cking Wikipidia you dumbass. I got those things from something called facts and truth. A few words of advice, get a life man, seriously.

I'm done with your dumbass comments. Makes you look like a freaking jackass.
Live a great ignorant life.
  • 1 0
 to lightekku:
Canada is not in Iraq, we were in Iraq, we pulled out, we are now only in Afghanistan for peacekeeping purposes. Also, you dipshits brought 9/11 on yourselves by living too decadently, I'm not saying that those thousands of people deserved to die. What I'm saying is that the muslim's have a point. Take your head out of your ass and listen to somebody besides the REpublican campaign commercails for once
  • 0 0
 graph, your an idiot, oprah doesn't care about anything except women's rights, and making herself look good. you see, your the reason why most americans hate canadians, you don't have good information, find a source to prove there are 30 million people living in poverty in the usa, but you will find that there arent any, because that isn't true. oh and listening to canadian news doesn't tell you much about a country that the reporters have never stepped in, during their whole life. oh and the only reason why we have any black's in poverty, is because they tend to try to make easy cash, for instance oprah, who cares so much about the poor that she has not one, nor two, but three solid gold toilet's in her malibu mansion.

whytey, i was unaware that canada pulled out of iraq, thank you for the information. well since there are 30 million people in poverty we must be living too decadently, yeah they do have a point, and it is "kill anyone who isn't muslim" btw i'm just referring to radical islam, contrary to popular belief not all muslims are radicals. oh and fyi, i am a democrat, not a republican.
  • 2 0
 You want proof. Here is some from the f*cking gouverment site dumbass.


Even though those are stats from 2007, its logicaly impossible that they dropped to 1% as you stated above.

Oprah only cares about herself? Wow you just showed, once again, how f*cking dumb you are. She gave millions of dollars worth of gifts to so many people. Her spectators, people around the US, new born mothers and etc. Why do you think she so loved? Surely not because she helps so many random people right? Seriously, you made yourself look like the dumbass f*ck ever. I can see why some americans, such as you, don't like us canadians. Its rather simple, you think you know something, but actualy, you don't even know crap of your own freaking country. Let alot of us Canadians. Please do your country a favor and stfu. BTW, nice way to show your racism against black with this statement : oh and the only reason why we have any black's in poverty, is because they tend to try to make easy cash,

Now go die.
  • 0 2
 i lived in Jackson Mississippi for 2 years of my life and have no problem with black people, and living there has showed me the fact that most blacks are on welfare, not because they lack the information or knowledge, but because they simply don't want to have to work for 8 hours a day, and spend their money on lottery tickets hoping to get lucky, and don't tell me that's not true, because my mom owned a gas station, and the regulars who bought lottery tickets, were, yes, you guessed it, black. and Oprah couldn't sell her multi million dollar toilets to give the money for the poor? no of course not, she has to take a crap on gold. and the reason she is so loved is because she has connections, personally she donates hardly any money to people, she finds foundations that donate the money for her, so she can keep getting paid.

about that census, first off, the census is taken every 10 years, thus the next time it will be taken is in, yup you guessed it 2010, oh and you are clearly blind, here is a quote from that source.

"2008 Annual Social and Economic Supplement (ASEC), the source of official poverty estimates. The CPS ASEC is a sample survey of approximately 100,000 household nationwide"

your judging the entire country based on approx .005% of the population, 100,000 people, thats 1/3 the population of our smallest state which is Wyoming who's population is about 300,000. so umm, maybe try to actually read how many people are being surveyed.
  • 1 0
 I might as well get in on this one, as I'm having so much fun in the "Canada's view of the world" PB picture.

Lightekku, in case you didn't realize it, and you obviously didn't im only saying this to try and make it less hurtful, but Canada is indeed in Iraq. Except we are there on behalf of the UN (United Nations)on a peacekeeping mission, which DOES NOT mean that we are the aggressors, nor are we blowing the shit out of every town that might happen to have one terrorist. The peacekeepers (a Canadian's idea, Lester B Pearson to be exact) are also known as blue helmets (hence why they wear the blue helmets) are not allowed to attack, they may only use force if they are being attacked. Americans on Iraqi soil however went in without the UN's permission, which means that the other four superpowers on the security council voted AGAINST the US invading Iraq. Also US soldiers can basically do anything that they want, kill innocent civilians, politicians and sometimes even terrorists and dogs. It is clear that the US doesn't even know what it is doing, other than maybe terrorizing another country for no reason? Really throwing an innocent dog of a cliff? Does your country feel so powerful and have such a big ego that it feels that it shouldn't answer to anyone? (please click this link to see what I am talking about, polidics.com/war/iraq-war/solider-throws-puppy-dog-off-cliff.html).

I would really like to know where you are getting your info, other than the made up data and the incorrect data from Wikipedia. Again please eliminate your opinion, check your facts, and then think before you write anything down.

7000 illegal immigrants from Canada to the US???? Please look at this link www.nytimes.com/2007/09/21/us/21refugees.html, and realize that people are trying to sneak into your country because it might be better than their current country, but upon arriving are heading straight for Canada because they can't make a life for themselves or are victims of racism. Also the KKK started in Tennessee, which is a part of the United States of America, and has always been doing there business in Canada.

You would have some good arguments, but only if you could back them up like I am doing by using sources other than my opinion and my prejudice of other nations. Again I do not know everything and this almost essay sized argument was not meant to anger you, but more to show you that there is more than your side of things.

Just as a side note though the US owes some 3.4 billion dollars to the UN, even though you may be the most powerful country in the world you are not invincible and still answer to the world.
  • 0 0
 ironhorserocks, i enjoy debating with you, and hope this does not cause any hard feelings in the long run. and am not offended by anything you have said.

that being said, American solders are not allowed to engage any enemy combatants without being engaged first. that is what the solders are ordered to do unless they are on a specific take down mission and in that case if a possible combatant points a gun in your, or your team's direction, you are ordered to open fire immediately so that you team will be protected from possible gunfire, thus saving your team's a*s. now i would give you a source for that, but i am unsure about how to use my uncle, who just left for his third tour of duty in Iraq, as a source.

and i'm just curious, who are the other four super powers? i'm not asking to start a debate, i'm asking simply because i don't know the answer to that.

now as for American solders being allowed to do what ever they want in Iraq, that is total rubbish. American solders who have killed civilians have been issued with a dishonorable discharge and i would say that the vast majority of them are facing court marshal charges.

as for the killing of the dog, my computer would not let me play the video, but blaming the action of killing the dog on anyone more than the solder, or squad as the case may be, shows how hard you are trying to win this argument, but do you honestly think that the U.S. government provided orders to kill that dog? absolutely not!

and the last time i checked, we were debating about racism and poor rates, not the war on terror.
  • 0 0
 The other four super powers are China, England, France and Russia. I'm done with this though, I'm so sick of trying to argue with someone that is completely unwilling to even consider listening to another point of view, especially when it might be right.
  • 0 1
 oh i've listened to it, i hear it every day from every single american, and i have considered it, honestly i have, but the facts are so simple, you are trying to use sensationalism to rpove hard facts wrong, next you are going to be saying that 9/11 was done by the government.

and thank you for telling me them, i learned something new today Smile
  • 1 0
 "The data presented here are from the Current Population Survey (CPS), 2008 Annual Social and Economic Supplement (ASEC), the source of official poverty estimates. The CPS ASEC is a sample survey of approximately 100,000 household nationwide. These data reflect conditions in calendar year 2007"

lighttekku, you're a retard... conveniently, you forgot to leave out the part that a sample population is an accepted method of representing the whole. Graphxxx is right and you are wrong. you're completely retarded if you think that your clown of a president bush was able to reduce poverty by 11% in one year... oh ya, and AFTER he managed to completely f*ck the US economy.

GET AN EDUCATION... either that, or make a time machine, go back in time and give your mother an abortion, the world doesn't need your supposed "accurate information"
  • 1 2
 no actually you are wrong, every 10 years, as i have stated i don't know how many times, the U.S. government does a census of EVERY household in America, and that is what all of the statistics are based on, and your an idiot if you think that a survey of .05% of the population is even close to enough of a group to make an accurate prediction of, then you really need to do some thinking. and bush is no longer our president, you would know that if you actually kept up with the times.
  • 1 1
 ok, you're not smart... at the time of this partial census, bush was president... and you are an idiot if you think 100,000 RANDOM samples isn't enough for a decent representation... so long as they're randomly chosen, it's valid... like i said, get an education: take a statistics course if you can wrap your brain around it, then get back to me...
  • 0 0
 100,000 random people out of approx 305 million people or 100,000/305,000,000 which is like .033% of the population, you must think that all american's are rednecks because that's about the same percentage. oh and i have taken two courses on statistics and if it were even 1% of the population i might agree with you, but not .033%. and when did bush become a part of this conversation?
  • 2 1
 holy shit this is pink"BIKE" not pink-until-ur-pink-in-the-face-arueing
  • 1 1
 your name fits you perfectly moron.
  • 0 1
 was that supposed to make any sense at all? honestly think about things before you just throw them out there. and once you've thought about it, rethink it and then post it
  • 0 0
 meh takes to much time
  • 1 0
 no i was directing that at "lighttekku", whatever his name is supposed to mean i don't know
  • 0 0
 umm i wasn't speaking to you genious, i was speaking to "Moron1777" and my name is the phonetic way to say bike mechanic in Japanese.
  • 0 0
 wow you're so deep... and smart! you nailed the spelling on "genious"...
  • 0 2
 so i don't take the time to correct every single spelling error, just like you don't like to check the facts to check and see if they are true or not, you just put them up there in a way that sounds good, hoping that everyone will automatically think it's true.
  • 1 0
 Sure buddy whatever you'd like to think, if you would like to accuse Canada of something else now feel free to go ahead, maybe make it something big this time though like harboring Nazis or members of the KKK (because don't forget it started in Canada according to you)or maybe even that we are the cause of all the problems of the world; hunger, disease, war....

By the way though, a fact means that it is something that is proven,there is no way to put it so that it sounds better, it is just true.

Also I would like to take the time to thank you for your compliment as you have obviously just complimented me on my arguments in your previous post, showing that subconsciously you know that I am going to win this argument. That is if I haven't already.

If anybody doesn't take the time to check their facts it's actually you.
  • 0 0
 excuse me? now your going to sensationalism, when did i accuse Canada of anything? and no, you're not the cause of all the problems in the world, its a combination of every country in the world.

and a fact does have to be proven, and you said that .033% of an amount of people is a good number to judge the whole group on, i would really like you to find ANY survey of ANY kind who uses that percentage, or less, to prove their side of the story, other than you of course.
  • 2 0
 you are one hopeless person i give up, its just like the "you're a __________" comeback everything that i prove to be true about you, you turn around and basically saying "you're a_____" so please when you grow up and realize that the world doesn't rotate around the US or YOU get back to me and we will have a civilized discussion just like the rest of the decent world. honestly im sick and tired of trying to prove my point because all that you do is deny it and turn the EXACT SAME argument around on me, honestly you're so narrowminded and pigheaded (which is what i am starting to think all americans are) that you won't get anywhere in your life becuase of it. actually you probably have the most messed up life already, honestly you're arguing against at least TEN other people and guess what their all arguing the same points as me!

you obviously feel the need to feel right, and if i may im gonna breakout some psychology here . You most likely have an inferiority complex, caused by one of many things but most commonly neglect or over attention by parents, so now on the internet you are trying to wage a war against the rest of pinkbike just so that you can feel independant or right so that you can tell yourself that you were right on the internet. I can tell that just from the few little arguments that we've been having over the last while, isn't it amazing what you can tell about a person just from the internet and their writing??? So again I ask you to please get back to me when you can act and think like the 16 year old that you are, and when you feel ready come back and refute my points in the correct manner (not just taking my points and turning them right around on me). By the way an inferiority complex, especially neglect can lead to a hatred for society, and the inability to love as you may have never experienced it. I'd book an appointment with a shrink as soon as I could if I were you.

Again I ask you to please get back to me when you can act and think like the 16 year old that you are, and when you feel ready come back and refute my points in the correct manner (not just taking my points and turning them right around on me)
  • 2 0
  • 2 0
 oh and i would like to correct your math, earlier you said

"100,000 random people out of approx 305 million people or 100,000/305,000,000 which is like .033% of the population"

100,000 divided by 305,000,000 equals out to 3.2786% roughly, so even if you are the most retarded person to ever walk the face of the earth you could never round that to 0.33%

just thought that you should know, but you might want to pay attention to the class (its called math) where you learn how to use a calculator and do long division
  • 1 1
 No, the world doesn't rotate around me thank God. No it doesn't rotate around the United States, or Canada or any other country for that matter.

and no, if you consider mountain biking a waste of my life, then you are probably on the wrong website.

"inferiority complex, caused by one of many things but most commonly neglect or over attention by parents" ok, seriously dude, those two things are POLAR opposites, like the north and south poles, or like what you have said and the facts. opposites.

yes, you're right i did screw up that math, how i don't know, but let me show you some math. 1+1=2+1=3+1=4+1=5 or 1+1+1+1+1=5, if you try to debate that, then you are an idiot, ok? want me to break it down a little more? ironhorserocks+lilwalters+moron1777+graphxxx+xwhyteyx=5, now do you honestly think that there are only 5 people in all of pinkbike? really, i'm fighting with all of pinkbike? do your own math, oh and i have received no less than 6 messages from people who think that you are an idiot and need to be shut up, oh, and 2 were Canadian.

now as for where you got your information, all you are using is opinions, and how could those have come from Wikipedia? that's like saying "what's your favorite color" "blue" "wrong" i mean come on, that answer obviously didn't come from Wikipedia.

oh and i'm 17.

one more thing, I'M CANDAIAN genius, yeah i took the time to spell it right that time, i was born in CORNWALL ONTARIO, Canada, thus making me Canadian, think about it.
  • 3 0

Since you are obviously retarded and can't read I would like to point out that (hoping this time that your brain will actually recieve and process the information)I never once even hinted at the fact that mountain biking was a waste of your life or my life, so try to come up with an argument or a quote of something that I actually said next time.

As for the inferiority complex here you might actually have a point, but as I will soon point out it isn't much of a point. As you may or may not have learned in school (that is assuming that you even attend school or have ever attended) that the only thing we can do in science (including psychology because it is a science) is refute things. This is the ABSOLUTE ONE AND ONLY REASON THAT YOU ARE RIGHT. Now what I was talking about when describing inferiority complexes is actually true, even though they might be polar opposites. Both neglect and over parenting are known to cause inferiority complexes, this means that it has been repeatedly proven by multiple different psychologists and since it had yet to be refuted it is accepted as correct. Meaning that you are wrong, just because they are polar opposites it does not mean that they can't have the same effect. I have included some links hoping that you might believe me, and if you will please notice that none of them are Wikipedia,which according to you means that they are correct. I have also taken the time to include the definition (also not from wikipedia) and here it is:
in·fe·ri·or·i·ty com·plex (plural in·fe·ri·or·i·ty com·plex·es)


sense of being inferior: an overdeveloped sense of being inferior to other people. In extreme cases it can manifest itself in either withdrawn or aggressive social behavior."

From MSN Encarta, ca.encarta.msn.com/dictionary_1861692442/inferiority_complex.html



I'm not going to try and debate your math, I agree that
And so on and so on, there is no refuting this as again it has yet to be refuted and therefore is accepted as correct.

Big difference, so what you're 17 instead of 16, it's just too bad that you talk and think like a 7 year old.

And finally,


  • 0 2
 "actually you probably have the most messed up life already" no actually i don't, i use my time for MOUNTAIN BIKING, which isn't a waste, or a way to mess up my life, and i apologize, i took that as "you are wasting your life"

and did i say that you were wrong, ABSOLUTELY NOT (notice i can type in all caps just like you can, but it really isn't worth wasting my time to do), i just pointed out that they were polar opposites.

and finally i would like to point out that i am indeed Canadian, really, i am, it says so on my birth certificate, oh, and i DID live in Canada for years, now if you went to ANY person who you consider smart, which i am beginning to think includes Adolf Hitler, and asked them if a person born in Canada, is Canadian, and try to argue that they aren't, you will make yourself look like the complete idiot that you are.

now, i am done with this conversation, although it has been fun
  • 1 0
 well actually it appears you use your time for making opinionated, false debates trying to big up the US, and belittle Canada. (Feb 19, 2009 at 17:2Cool "when did i accuse Canada of anything?"
you said that Canada hosted the initial meetings of the KKK. Last time I checked that's an accusation.

Now i would have to agree with everyone but you, lighttekku, in this argument because you have backed up very few of your arguments, when others have backed up theirs, and your arguments just seem so full of ignorant, inaccurate babble that i spent that last ten minutes reading this argument and laughing at each and every one of your retorts (that means a response in an argument in case you didn't know). You have contradicted yourself several times, including suggesting that Canada was inherently more racist than the US, and then going on to make a the remark "the only reason why we have any black's in poverty, is because they tend to try to make easy cash" and you then backed that up by saying that the majority of people visiting your mum's petrol station were black. Well, if we're talking about statistics, that is not a usable one
If you had told us the ratio of black to white people visiting the petrol station, and the percentage of those people buying lottery tickets, then we would have been able to establish a useful outcome of your statement, but having not done that, it was yet another pointless statement.
Otherwise, well done for finishing your argument (i just had to have my 2 cents worth, sorry Razz )
  • 1 0
 ok ironhorserocks is correct on everything he said and lighttekku is a complete dumbass cuzz of ur math skills,HOW THE f*ck DO PEOPLE=NUMBERS?!?!please explain that to me.
  • 1 0
 lol, thanks for the support finally guys! lol maybe we'll get him to change his ways, or not....
  • 1 0
 ive been supporting you from the begining
  • 1 0
 and on lighttekku last comment he said hitler was smart......WTF BUDDY!??!??!?? dude if he was smart he wouldnt of been an IDIOT and tried to take over the world, i listen in english and believe "smart" has no connection to "idiot"
  • 2 0
 holly shit! I just spent like half of an hour reading this whole arguement! Pretty interesting too.
  • 4 1
 the usa has way to much police brutality
  • 1 9
flag nouser (Jun 26, 2008 at 20:40) (Below Threshold)
 YOU ARE FORM CANADA HOW WOULD YOU KNOW!!!! If oyu are dumb enouhg tot come down here and mess with our cops then you deseve the "brutality"
  • 2 10
flag nouser (Jun 26, 2008 at 20:41) (Below Threshold)
 Sorry about the spelling, im a lazy american
  • 1 8
flag lighttekku (Aug 2, 2008 at 14:50) (Below Threshold)
 dhdavid live here for a month and then you will realize there is no poilce brutality here. period.
  • 4 2
 ahaha wya there is i was biking and i cop pulled me over garbed me and slamed me on the hood yelling and shit
  • 5 0
 bighit138, so lazy that instead of correcting a few letters, he makes a whole new comment about.

Thats called "dumb american"
  • 0 2
 xt, what color are the cop cars here in the usa? and what color are the uniforms?
  • 0 2
 if that happened, you should be able to tell me, but i'm guessing it never did.
  • 0 0
 uhhh lighttekku i was there in washington d.c for 2 days and shit r u ever wrong...
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 in every country the police says that they are "protecting us from the bad guys".....
here in Greece when they kill a 15years old boy they say that this was a MISUNDERSTAND
  • 1 0
 prolly a reason but none the less there is to much police brutality around the globe
  • 3 8
flag nouser (Jun 26, 2008 at 20:39) (Below Threshold)
 they are scum and will always be scum un less they are locked up and knocked aorund a bit.
  • 2 0
 that ^, wingman303 is a very right wing approach to what is, actually, quite an issue in the US! Personally i think you should relax a bit. Ok, maybe he did something wrong and he needs locking up, but do you think its necessary for a shotgun to be held to his head, (since hes already on the floor, and in the control of the officer), and to be "knocked around a bit"
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 I dont know the situation. Plus those are russian cops. not US. And I dont see cuffs so he is not in control of the officer. For all we know this is training. And way to try an revive this. Thread/picture=dead.
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 for some reason i the guy on the ground is gonna do anything to get arrested again
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 im sure there`s a reason he`s there,if not fcuk`em
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 you guys are fairies who say there is too much police brutality
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 those are Russian OMON (SWAT)
  • 2 3
 the usa doesn't have enough police brutality
  • 0 0
  • 1 1
 shoot the twat
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