This was taken on 9/11. The photo is of the twin towers in New York struck by the terrorist hijacker's planes.
Remember the people who died on this day.
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This was taken on 9/11. The photo is of the twin towers in New York struck by the terrorist hijacker's planes. Remember the people who died on this day.
  • 32 1
 if only the sick fucked up people who did this somehow lived id love to see them die slowly an painfully
  • 24 0
 Cry Hard to look at this picture.

Moment of silence. Attention
  • 4 0
 For EVERYBODY whos going to give your crackpot theories on how the Government performed this tragedy, just don't. This picture is meant to remember those who died on this day. Don't post your ridiculous ideas. This Picture is NOT for Anything Besides a Moment of Silence.
  • 0 0
 Yeah thank you!
  • 25 1
  • 5 19
flag cali-rid-305 (Sep 29, 2008 at 10:25) (Below Threshold)
 that looks fuckin insane
  • 9 1
 What the fuck call your self american, your a disgrace.
  • 3 11
flag cali-rid-305 (Feb 26, 2009 at 8:52) (Below Threshold)
 oh shut the fuck up i didnt mean it in a bad way so go eat dick you fagot fuck i just mean it looks insane as a once in a life picture that everyone will and does remember. fuckin idiot
  • 7 2
 Wow look who's the mature one...
  • 4 0
 snaple is the mature one
  • 3 0
 That looks so unrealistic but I know its real. R.I.P
  • 21 1
 Nice to see someone from a different country still care.
  • 9 1
 I think that the whole world cares about it! R.I.P.
  • 1 0
 Yer its not like everyone else is laughing in you face. It wasnt just Americans that died that day and it has had repurcussions for the whole world. Hopefully one day there will be an end to this terrorism and the world will live together in harmony and just ride!!!
  • 1 0
 the whole world does care. i remember the day that happened like it was yesterday. horrible. R.I.P to all the people who died
  • 14 0
 imagen seeing that.but imagen being involved with what hapened.very tragic day.
  • 13 1
  • 11 0
 R.I.P to all the people lost in this tragic event
  • 11 0
 Thanks to everyone who helped and cared props to you all
  • 11 0
  • 9 1
 i actually lost a cousin in this. pretty amazing to see what things can be done in the name of religion. in both aspects of good and bad.
  • 1 5
flag snaple (Feb 21, 2009 at 11:04) (Below Threshold)
 Religeon is gay... i lost my aunty and im sorry to hear about your cousin, religeon killed both my aunty and my uncle...
  • 2 0
 People Kill, Religion isn't real, it can't do anything physical too you, its just a way to live by. but people interpret it wrong all the time.
  • 7 0
 So sad. I think everyone old enough to remember things from that date will remember this. God bless.
  • 7 0
 it is so hard to image what happened there,sorry to see this
  • 5 0
 a day ill never forget.. thanks to all the firefighters and policemen who helped out
  • 5 0
 343 firemen lost there lives that day, rip
  • 5 2
 Man that was horrible.. watched it live on TV and know a few people even here in Germany who lost friends and family on that day screw you Talibans!!!
  • 1 0
 THIS WAS NOT DONE BY THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT! Bush told us the truth that people in caves did this and hit the pentagon, not the government itself. NORAD, the most advanced air defense system was overthrown 5 times in one day by extremists who live in caves. This was in no way an "inside job". It was done by people with box cutters! You people who believe that a plane didn't hit the pentagon, and that it was a missile, are the same idiots who believe in "proof", "evidence", and "logic". When would the president lie? He is the fearless leader. He wouldn't do that.
  • 2 2
 That's realy sad that lot of peaople have to die. But who believes that it was terrorists plane hijacking ? Everybody knows that Your sick goverment has a reason to do that by himself. Why whole buldings falled down like it was planned pull down ? Becouse plane hited the top of the building ? Why the whole on pentagon's wall looks exactly like from the rocket ? Not the plane ?! Sorry, but with all respect - I DON'T BELIEVE THAT. That was giant tragedy for all of the victims and their families. I make a big low bow to them. But I think that perpetrator is closer than You can imagine... That's my point of view.
  • 1 2
 You are a douche!!!!!!!!
  • 1 0
 clymoure, he's entitled to his opinion, isn't that the foundation of your country: FREEDOM OF SPEACH
  • 0 0
 I remember this. It was a complete LOLfest wasn't it? Shame someone had to photoshop this picture. I prefer the towers without flames. Ah well, I prefer cars without flame decals too, but you can't always get what you want. Unless you're the American government and you want some oil. In that case you can fake terrorism and blame it on a country with oil. Anyway, back to the point. What a crazy day it was huh guys?
  • 1 0
 yea unbeleivable did you know tho,were not stealing iraqs oil. we put in a democracy to buy oil so we dont give saddam all the money.... if he got the money he would be a super power if a democratic regime supported by us gets the money for oil,its all good for us.

as for afghanistan,they got rid of the opium in 2001. the attacks were in SEPTEMBER. we invaded october,RELEASED DRUG BARONS,often be headed by the taliabn and re planted the crops the taliban would NEVER have replanted. the season to plant is november or in 2002 there would of been again NO HEROIN,on are streets. it would start to take effect,especialy on wall street.

Wake up guys the war on terror is a war for heroin,and if we as tax payers allow it,it's going to drain us economicly,the taliban make 100's of millions of this drug trade,becasue after 9/11 they rely on it it fund there jihad against us,the money they get allows them to buy weapons off turn heroin enters our countries and in america the government tootaly makes profit of it. yea crazy day. there was even put options on american airlines in september,so yea the whitehouse knew what was up,forsure needed the attack,bushes got so rich from this,and they maintained a balance in the economy untill they went into iraq.

In the end i agree what a f*cking lol fest
  • 4 1
 thats not photoshoped
always remember 9/11
  • 3 0
 not saying it didnt happen or that that pic isnt real just the quality of the pic makes it look slightly photoshoped
  • 1 0
 dude, the photographer could have had his/her son/daughter/mom/dad/uncle/aunt/friend in that tower. I dont think he/she would be giving a shit about photo quality at that moment
  • 1 0
 hmm good point but if your relitives or friends were in their i personally think i wouldnt bother with a photo, although its a one only
  • 3 4
 The talibans are people that think if we don't follow there religion we should die i think the best idea is if U.S. and Canada stay's in are own countries and make shore people like this stay out.Im sick and tired of these sucide bombers killing good canadian and american soldiers just because there religion tell's them to
  • 2 6
flag konad (Sep 19, 2008 at 17:35) (Below Threshold)
 reason there religion is so fuked up is cuz amareicans killed all there brothers and sisters and parents and grandparents,i couldnt imagine loosing someone in a terorist attack but its kind of a ongoing war.i think the talaban religion is so bad they should all just be killed,but one thing i know forsure is they arent going to come back living some ritch perfect life.
  • 2 2
 Man you are a moron!!!!! I can't even believe you are real!!!!!
  • 1 3
 i cant belive you cant see past your leaders and what they are.
  • 2 4
 your country did this.and afaganstan gets bombed to shit for it.
  • 1 4
 We should have just bomber you retarded ass!!!
  • 1 1
 Wait... The talaban religion??... First I think you mean taliban... Second, there religion is Muslim... However they are extremists... Very very very few muslims want to destroy america but as with any group of people there will always be outliers that are just crazy... Christianity has some of those as well as atheists... Please get informed before you start passing off conspiracy theories as facts... and how does you killing off an entire group of religious people make you any better than the government that supposedly killed its own people...
  • 2 2
 you can make great points,because we will never know what realy happened,but i point out the only people that defend the conspiracy theory are amrecians.the rst of the world can see what you cannot except.
  • 1 1
 well im not american konad.. ur just anti-american and are seriuosly single minded in that u think everything is americas fault... well funnily enough ITS NOT!!
  • 2 1
 these coments are dumb,im more educated now then i was,i dont realy think it was an inaise job,but i know america inavded afghanistan in 1989,it wasnt prety if you think it was,regardles 12 years later 9/11 happened. america brings these attacks upon themselves,dont you think its dumb to spend trilliosn of dollers on soem crazy men half way around the world when america has enough problems as it is before 9/11. i dotn hate americans,just the governemnt. people are just people.
  • 0 0
 I wouldn't say they completely bring the attacks on themselves... The gulf war was UN sanctioned... Many other countries were involved... America just has the largest army and terrorists hate that and the whole american way of living... ps... I'm canadian
  • 0 0
 oh kmon,you realy think islamic extremist want to take on the strongest army and country. the taliban/alqida are evil,but they are tiny portions of muslim population,they dotn want to fight anyone,they are tryign to drive america out of afghanistan and thats why they did 9/11,they want to control afganistan,and thats realy not a problem for us,its a problem for inocent afghans.
  • 0 0
 so thats what they want,the reason they are fighting is because russia inaveded them,america invaded,for there econmic benifit,and just so you guys know,afghan is 90 percent of illegal and legal opioids,which after america leaves,they will propbaly stop using,and before america came in 1989,afghanitsan made 0% of world opioids. so there you go.
  • 0 0
 I'm saying that the reason islamic extremists target the US is because we are the largest army... They want us to suffer like they have... In the gulf war, the US and several other countries went into Iraq, kuwait etc... to stop the arab conflicts that were going on... If your saying the US did it for their own benefit then I guess the United Nations failed to see that and make a bad call by approving of the war...
  • 0 1
 the gulf war has nothing to do with the Taliban and Alqaida,nor the intentions of them
  • 0 0
 No but I'm saying that the US trying to solve the arab problems at the time pissed those groups off...
  • 0 0
 gibson seems to hav grasped the issue way better than u hav konad, and please go elsewhere with your wacky conspiratory theories, the conflict is a seriously complex issue, and it is probably not black and white, therefore you most definitely cannot put the sole blame on america, especially with all the terrorist activity nowadays, and around the time of this picture(which is undoubtedly terrosist, as they claim responsibility). And as for the "taliban/alqueda not wantign to fight neone", u know thts b*ll*cks as wat happened to the extremist view on killing infidels? (non muslims)So please STFU and go elsewhere.
  • 1 0
 im not tlaking conspiracies anymore,im just saying america made the taliban so they could get rid of russia,so america could walk rite in and make it america. at the time the "afghan freedom fighters"mujahideen the taliban were liked by the world for getting rid of russia,but that chnaged when there hrash way of life especialy on women and girls was revealed,despite that fact america since 1960's had invested in afghanistan and wanted there benifit of the deal,but the taliban wanted no part of that in there country,they would rather harm there country and women,thats what it is all about,america could of just let afghanistan deal with it instead they took on there own enemy,leading to 9/11. and america has caused alot of harm to most people in these countries,but are strating to give aid,so i know america does alot of good for the world,but this was all avoidable,and has had huge effects on everything,nowadays invading countries does no good,are the taliban defeated yet? whats been the cost? so how can you tell me im all wrong!
  • 0 0
 w8 a sec, the americans helped the northern alliance, not the taliban, get rid of the russians, and as for doing no good, this was always going to be a long term projest, and will make a big difference in the LONG term (if everyone can stick at it for long enough, which seems to be happening),as u can never bring a country from such an economic and social state that is so different to MEDC's up to speed so quickly, as people will need educating in even the most basic of things to do with running a country democratically/successfully, that it is going to need a lot of time and effort that the afghans/ iraqis do not have the rescources or funding to sort out quickly alone, as even basic infrstructure would be a challenge for them moneywise, and possibly expertise wise, without help.
  • 0 0
 thats ofcourse a result of bombs beign droped for a decade. and oh yea they gave the weapons to the mujahideen (taliban) they gave them tons of weapons,the taliban were formed in concentration camps from the russian invasion,they were the largest group so america gave them the weaopns,thats how bin laden and a bunch of other taliban at the time had CIA training with rocket launchers and such.
  • 0 0
 just one question... who/what is your source? because the mujahideen were nothing to do with the taliban.... the taliban was a splinter group formed by a mullah at the end of the war, while the 7 main powers of the mujahideen fought each other for power in kabul. the taliban then won that battle and that was that. the taliban did not recieve at any point american help or training, only some backing from other muslim countries like pakistan. honestly man, get your facts right.
  • 0 0
 At present the term "mujahideen" is sometimes used to describe insurgents, including the Taliban/Al Qaeda, fighting NATO troops and the security forces of the US-backed government of Hamid Karzai and allied militias in Afghanistan, although most of the Mujahideen leaders who fought the Soviet Union later fought against the Taliban.
  • 0 0
 talking to you does no good,i watched a movie about the taliban regime,made by the cia explaining the regim and the events up to 9/11 and now. YOU guys have no idea what circumstances it takes for men to fly plains into towers,you guys dont understand what afghanistan endured before and after 9/11. you dont even aknoweldge any of the problems made,what do you expect out of the situation. again,america helped the taliban,they used them to fight off russia,this isint even a secret. this is cia fact. bin laden was cia trained. get off my back about my facts,i atleast aknowlege both side and what they do worng,america created most off these situations whick is there fault,the taliban violate human rights,which leaves the door open to be attacked by the world.(coaliton force) as evryone knows.its just sifting through the coments,people say "what a shame all this lost life over religion",seriosuly people get a grip.
  • 0 0
 and so you know,i know the taliban had civil wars to fight to get control,but in the 1990's they had most of the control on afghanistan,america aided billions in weapons to the taliban. if it was the mujahideen and those leaders you say they faught,well i dont care my point is if the taliban seized control,what weapons did they do it with,what training. how could the "mujahideen" of received billions is weapons and training by the super power of the world,have the support of afghans and not beat the taliban. the taliban got control because of the rediculous amount of weapons they had,and the country decided they would not have anymore war with the taliban,so that basicly gave them control. this is when bin laden started doing his attacks funded by himself.
  • 0 0
 repeat: the taliban did not fight off russia. they did not even exist then. when they came to power they were backed by the pakistan army, and other muslim countries. and as for u knowing the full situation, u ever been there or heard of sumthing phenomenal called media spin? funnily enough my facts come from someone who has been there, brokered a peacefire between two warlords who used to be members of the mujahideen etc. etc. the mujihadeen was broken when the taliban took over, fighting within itself, with no US involvment. A few remaning warlords then regrouped when the taliban took over forming the Northern alliance.. that is where most of the trainees and weapons went. cmon man, stop spouting twisted and made up facts.
  • 0 0

at 32 minutes exatcly,you mite see something read the second thread too.and mujiahden is almost identicle ideoligy as taliban. and many warlords joined the taliban.
  • 0 0
 many warlords joined the taliban... yes, but do u know why? funnily enough in afghan society, it is commonplace for people to switch sides, depending on who is winning, which was exactly the case with this. neways, u shud go and read some first hand accounts of the situation there and educate urself on the matter instead of getting me to do it for you, as you are getting things terribly mixed up and wrong, fact.
  • 0 0
 now stop clogging this pic with ur anti american theories, and go talk to someone who has been there and seen it first hand (preferrably someone who has worked closely with the afghans) and you might begin to get a realistic understanding of the issue, as i hav done precisely that, and can easily tell that u r blatantly wrong. neways, enough of this rant and pay ur respects to those who died in this terrorist attack, not rip it into them.
  • 0 0
 the bottom line is they were islam extremist,america was feeding there enemy weapons,and when the mujiahden fell apart the taliban resumed the duties of the mujihaden,in the end it was all the same outcome.
  • 0 0
 and watch the movie,it shows how everyone was in the wrong.(To the U.S. and the Soviets, Afghanistan has always been a pawn in a much bigger game. Both countries have used Afghanistan for their own gain since the late 1970’s) if thats not a reason for terrorism what is,just like the ira getting rid of britain,same deal basicly ira wanted britain out,just like the taliban want usa out,this started cuz someone said taliban attack usa because of the religion,when in reality thats simply not fact. that i know forsure. id be surprised to see an attack on america after 2011,asuming the war realy ends....
  • 0 0
 u still havnt paid ur respects... and i know that the reason the taliban leaders have for this is probably not religion, however does that make it right? all the small fry, the ones who actually carry this out, do this because it is what they believe, e.g. religion. Tbh, nothing can make terrorism right, so stop standing up for it, and pay ur respects to the innocent civilians killed on this day.
  • 0 0
 oh yea cuz america left the afghanistan after russia,taliban just let al qeada in,so that al qaeda couls attack america and afghanistan would pay for it,nope america wasnt trying to do anythign with the land,they only spent billions fighting out russia. if the taliban didnt violate human rights,what would make them different from the ira.well it would be best if the taliban left,but thats all up to afghanistan now,coalition isint doing much good anymore,they have put thousans of people into camps without food,shelter or water,the harsh winters there claim thousands each year. well rip to victums of 9/11 and forget all the people and kids not involved in 9/11 they are not equal to americans. now were politicly correct.
  • 0 0
 U are very wrong about the coalition not doing much good any more... and where may i ask are these camps? The fact that everyone is sticking with it is the key, if they can stick it through, the afghan army will be able to look after itself and the countries infrastructure will be greatly improved. Why do u think the press is no longer ranting about it? because it is no longer a "disaster" and until u know a first hand source, I wouldn't bother arguing, as my source has now been there twice, and is about to go back, and i think he knows far more about the situation than u ever will as he was and is in a v high position.
  • 0 0
 well, in canada and i know were all about fighting this but that doesn't mean we dont look at the reality and watchhcing cbc who talk about it alot, ive seen the videos the taliban make to get support,and ive seen the huge areas of afghans that basicly shelter in the middle of rubble,huge heroin abuse,no food,no water,no jobs,and its realy cold in afghanistan in the winter,and parents sell there children to stay alive. most of the money these people need is provided by the more wealthy people that live in afghanistan but its no where near enough,the foreign aid sounds like its allot but it isint enough either,the states have enough issues with keeping there citicenz has always been tough and still is tough for the colaiton to gain support,you seem to think this is realy under control but atleast 1 trillion dollers later theres several thousand taliban,sevral thousand afghans extremly discplaced,and as of the moment a huge risk of al qaeda still making attacks,and if you think afghanistan can just randomly thrive,i assure you the taliban will just blow it all that story said i gave a link for the obama faith of "change" rings hollow,perhaps thats a bit unrealistic but the situation doesnt shine.
  • 0 0
 I know it isnt perfect yet, but for one thing the footage taliban uses may be real, but it is taken in only a very few areas, those of which are slowly being sorted. Those areas also tend to be in areas that the taliban uses for strongholds, mainly towards the border with pakistan. Yes the winters are cold, but they were always cold, even when the taliban were in power, and the conditions for the afghans in winter have not changed much since, if at all. This is because villages get cut off completely, as do military camps, and for them it is back to normal. The taliban are also losing power in afghanistan, as the army is getting sdtronger, main leaders are (and have been) being captured, the Pakistani army in now cracking down, and they are not what you would call humane with the afghans.. and as soon as they lose any popularity they start to lose power, etc. etc. Also, taliban videos are extremely biased, which is why so many people fall for it.. they are very good at decieving, hence suicide bombers, neway enough is enough, lets leave it at tht.
  • 0 0
 try twisting my words around a little less,winters have always been cold,but its clearly a large amount of people displaced with no shelter and when its cold its hard to stay alive,id have to say americans point of view is biased also about alot of things,will have to see what happensno matter what direction it goes i wouldnt be surprised.
  • 0 0
 sorry to stir it up but thers truth to what i say bin laden was supported by saudi to support any islamic extremeism anywhere on the planet. america never intervened on bin laden because they didnt want to stir up saudi arabia/usa reltions which face it is a critical part of the american empire. al qaeda is not a regime. it is saudi arabia giving bin alden money to support any islamic regime,bin alden picks attackers to personaly do an al qaeda attack. its in saudi inetrest to support there very unpopular Wahabiism in the large muslim world! america couldnt interfear with saudi politcly because it feared any threat to the economic connection. so why 9/11. islamic regimes in palestine have alwys been at war with isreal and the us support to isreal,using american weapons on palestinians,made bin laden support them to do 9/11. suadi arabia supplied 15 hi jackers,and the money, however 2 pilots and the ringleader was palestinian,egypt and lebanon. 9/11 could have been stoped if america would risk things economicly but bush never would of made it in the oil industry without saudi's support. clinton feared the same things he had numerous times to caprture realy the war in afghanistan is against a regime that simply held bin laden and like many islamic extreme groups wanted the attack,it makes afghanistan so pointless all they want is what they want in iraq,democrocy for the future. how many deaths nessesary to acheive it? i have a fealing this war is lengthy like a cold war,or whenever the oil is empty.
  • 0 0
 i can understand attacking afganistain to stop terrorist but iraq no . afganistain was the target to stop terrisoim but iraq was a way to get oil. ppl in the usa i don't even think they remember that fact
  • 1 0
 first of all i dont think this picture are his place on pinkbike so are any picture related to religion , gay or foreigh culture. i think i will start a post about this
  • 1 0
 All the arguing on here. Makes me sick. Such a terrible disaster and some people don't have the decency to not argue. Please, think for these people and there families.
  • 0 0
 R.i.p i remember whatching then news with my parents when i was rly young and then suddenly it pops up the twin towers have just been hit by a air plane
  • 2 1
 man who cares how it happend its more about the familys who had to deal with the tradgedy r.i.p
  • 0 1
 Now there is an intelligent post!!!!! Thank you!!!
  • 0 0
 ye,why do we even have legal systems I mean you die someone killed you your not coming back why ruin another life by ctaching the guy who did it rite.ill tell ya how it is,carlyle group is how it is.Anyone seen kraked 7?mite not be your favourit video, I wtahced it and in between the "us or them parts" i saw cralyle group decided to research it and yea.its pathetic when people making bike videos have to point it out.“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” jimi Hendrix
  • 1 0
 you die someone killed you your not coming back why ruin another life by ctaching the guy who did it

are you f*cking serious? so if its alright with you, give me your address so I can kill you. seem fine to you now?
  • 1 0
 i ment the gov new all about 9/11..... were not going after the perpatrotrs saudi arabia did it they funded bin laden,a saudi ofcourse.... the taliban didnt do it,nor iraq,you make an argument that the taliban embraced terrorism by embracing bin laden,so did the white house tho. i mean kmon its not as simple as they tell it. saudi arabia wanted to do it,the white house needed it and its another buisness deal.bush should be tried for treason although americas econmy got f*cked from the attack and the war doesnt help the economy yet the sky was the limit for bushes of the most ovious parts of coruption is heroin. afghans have been saying for years the world needs food pay us to grow food. yet rite before 9/11 the taliban torched all the opium. 9/11 happens and america walks in and sure enough since america has been there its producing 90 percent of world heroin,probaly has nothing to do with the war on drugs also led by huge corperations whick bennefited the white house also.its so corrupt,its time to wake up.
  • 1 0
 oh and finnaly barrack comes in and they are actuly doing something about the heroin problem.we rarely here what change means,but if you know whats going on he is changing the corruption.luckliy that is big for this mess because the taliban finnaly will have no income source,i didnt mean "you die someone killed you your not coming back why ruin another life by ctaching the guy who did it" i just ment there is absolutley no real justice.ask the families they are still trying to sue saudi arabia,wont happen.
  • 0 0
 cuz bud if someone in your family was shot dead would you not wanna find the guy who did it and send him to jail ? or would you let him run free an kill some more people
  • 1 0
 this political debate is for somewhere else, sometime else, this post is to remember the lost on that terrable day. RIP
  • 0 0
 i still have the newspapers with the pictures printed on the front page in my loft
  • 2 1
 just to add the pentagon did not get hit by a plane
  • 1 7
flag JLOVE73 (Sep 23, 2008 at 16:21) (Below Threshold)
  • 0 0
 No btw he's right that was a hoax
  • 1 0
 I belive the twin towers were terrorist, but u never know whats going on at the pentagon
  • 0 0
 and konrad pls just shut up you sound like and idiot your young and don't know sit about antropology
  • 1 0
 i agree i made alot of dumb coments, my point was nothing happened before 9/11? to stop terrorism you have to stop fighting the terrorist.we can all see the war on terror was for u.s. interest and isint working.
  • 1 0
 I lost my Aunty in this. R.I.P.
  • 1 0
 R.I.P I'm with you guys
  • 1 0
  • 0 0
 to much RIP 3 is enough but yes very tragic
  • 0 0
 aha just tellin it how it is
  • 1 1
 LMFAO...... neg props for sure
  • 1 0
 For one moment before i read this i liked you my opinions have changed completely you my friend are an "A" class dick and im sure if you wanted to say that to my dad's face he would rip your bollux off and replace them with your eyeballs, you are a TWAT!
  • 1 0
 i kno i kno it was a horible joke and im a dick
  • 1 0
  • 0 0
 thats so sad to see Frown
  • 0 0
 Rest in Peace
  • 0 0
 RIP. respect
  • 0 0
  • 0 0
  • 0 2
 it does almost look photp shoped but i no its not
  • 0 0
 what is it with welsh people and photoshoping
  • 1 0
 whats with basically everyone on pink bike got with photoshopping|!
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