Our jumps got vandalized, Some people on dirtbikes came down, and we blocked the jumps so they couldn't hit them cause they were already tearing them up. They hit one of my friends (all the guys on dirtbikes were 20 yr old+) and then some guy walking by yelled at them for picking on kids, and said he would call the cops. They came back at night and did this
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Our jumps got vandalized, Some people on dirtbikes came down, and we blocked the jumps so they couldn't hit them cause they were already tearing them up. They hit one of my friends (all the guys on dirtbikes were 20 yr old+) and then some guy walking by yelled at them for picking on kids, and said he would call the cops. They came back at night and did this
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 That sucks soo F*cking much. i hate it, i simply detest people who do this! your not alone man, its hppened to me, the exact same thing, but tht will take a complete re-build to get them going again. All i can suggest i man, hnt them down, or find their motor bikes and mess them up.
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 Pee in there gas tanks man!!
  • 1 0
 I'll do a hell oof a lot more than that if I see them again
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 what a bunch of dicks - set spikes when you guys are done for the day - muahahahah - or some sort of trap
  • 1 0
 dig pungi pits Smile

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