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  • 0 0
 In my opinion the green Spanks, look shit on the Stinky. Although they're both really good parts. That isn't hating on either the Stinky, or the rims. Just the lack of colour co-ordination.
  • 2 0
 about 10p
  • 0 0
 he right with those colour wheels
  • 0 0
 they actually go together really well it looks alot better in the flesh than in the pics
  • 1 0
 get a life
  • 0 0
 a probly rate you could get 750-800 for it if you needed to
  • 1 1
 thanks rolto 1822 i agree what a dik
  • 1 0
 haha don't worry. i'm not stopping until he admits defeat i'm absolutely sick of people like him thinking that they know everything just because they've seen people writing "konas are shit" a lot on pinkbike. I must admit i think that is possibly the worst trend on here because actually they are amazing bikes and can take a whole load of abuse and people who say this sort of stuff are usually arrogant people with very expensive bikes who refuse to believe that a bike worth less than theirs can actually be any good, and people like this bellend ^ (Jack9216) who think they know a lot because they can read comments on photo's but actually have little knowledge when it comes to the real world! (they tend to have shit bikes or bikes funded by their parents)
  • 1 1
 yep im a bellend who thinks i know a lot, the thing is, im actually intelligent enough to take the 'little' knowledge i have and use it to argue my way out of anything you say soooo... go f*ck yourself Smile
  • 1 0
 yes... get yourself out of that one ^
sorry mate you clearly think you know more than you do, if you think you can prove anything by posting a link to the pages of broken photos with "kona" in the description. That doesn't prove anything!
  • 0 1
 read my other comment and you will see that i admited that my comment was biased
  • 1 0
 i really don't think there is that much in it. If you were to account for the fact that a lot of those photos in the kona broken bikes search were of the same breakage on the same person's bike, and quite a few are actually of kona's that they have bought after OTHER bikes have broken, along with kona's who's forks/other parts of snapped (which obviously has jack all to do with kona)
  • 0 1
 not 10p at least 25p no really ide say about 600-700
  • 0 1
 all uve done is changed the rims and bars so yea bout 600-700
  • 0 0
 giv ya 750 posted??
  • 0 0
  • 0 0
 yea boiii
  • 0 1
 250 for it
  • 0 1
 oo and pedals
  • 2 5
 its a kona stinky so... bout 1p. if it doesnt break b4 u sell it
  • 6 1
 no comment mate, you have a giant terrago with old SID's... sorry it doesn't even compare
  • 1 3
 yh cos im 16 nd cant afford a better bike, the original forks seized and i got the sids for 50quid. i no my bike is shit but at least i can admit it and i would rather keep a cheap bike than buy a kona stinky.
  • 3 0
 alright im not complaining that you cant afford a better one blah blah blah but dont go hating on stinkys just because you can. You're saying "but at least i can admit" are you suggesting for even one minute that my bike is shit? HAH. Sorry, definitely the funniest thing i've heard all day!
  • 0 2
 i'm not hating stinkys just cos i can. i'm hating them cos ive heard of so many breaking. and yes i am suggesting that your bike is shit: ive heard of the stinky frames snapping and the boxxers snapping. and if my suggesting that your biek is shit is the funniest thing you've heard all day, you need to get out more
  • 3 0
 yeah clearly you can trust everything you "hear". All bikes break. If you are trying to tell me about boxxers snapping do you wanna realise how SHIT SID's are! Boxxers have less of a problem of braking than the more expensive fox 40's and to be fair the only other forks to contend with those are maybe mz 888's but those are heavy and i've never tried them (i get the idea they aren't as plush as boxxers or fox's) and if you honestly think that MY bike is shit, maybe you should get out more! Now f*ck off and go and believe some other crap trend on pinkbike... i believe the next one is that norco's are shit

oh and mate...
GET A f*ckING GOOD BIKE and dont cuss bikes ten times better than yours you know JACK ALL!!!!
  • 2 1
 yh but the thing is rolto, all bike may break but the bike i have seen break the most is kona, and thats not just the stinky thats ALL of them, and also the boxxers break soooo much more easily than 40's or the 888 and also with the 40's if they break it just would normally be the internals of them, so new ones can be bought or just the originals need servicing, the boxxers just snap straight in half either on the lowers or the bridge of the fork soo i dont think boxxers have a less problem of braking
  • 1 2
 yes sids are shit, but when my old suntours (they were stock so dont tell me theyre shit aswell) seized, i bought the sids second hand for 50quid, and compared to other forks of the same quality, this was cheap soooo before you critise my bike maybe you should think about how hard it is to buy a decent bike when your in full time education and dont have rich parents.

yes i will get a f*cking good bike, as soon as i've got the money Smile
  • 0 1

follow this link and tell me that konas don't break
  • 2 0
follow this link and tell me that specializeds don't break:

follow this link and tell me that treks don't break:

follow this link and tell me that giants don't break:

follow this link and tell me that oranges don't break:

mate my point is there are going to be breakages with any major bike manufacturer, usually it is because they have not been properly maintained, but to be honest, with the sheer number of people buying high end bikes you must expect breakages! Aluminium is not indestructible, it work hardens, becoming more brittle and therefore more prone to hardening and don't go and try to tell me that the best bikes are steel because its a horrible, flexy material and if not properly coated it rusts like no-body's business. Your point stands no grounds (well, unless you want to try and argue that all bike manufacturers suck, and that you would prefer to stick to your crap bike than to take any other bike)
if you really need persuading that its not only konas that break i know plenty of pinkbike photos of very popular DH bikes that have broken (i'm just sorry i don't cater for your XC requirements: sorry to piss on your parade but no, not many XC riders break bikes, because XC is too light on the bike for it to have an effect)
  • 0 2
 what the hell, when did XC come in to this converstaion?
  • 2 0
 lol great comeback there... i brought xc into this since we were talking about bike manufacturers rather than individual bikes, and also because i was talking about your giant which is undoubtedly XC
  • 0 2
 hmmmm, i dont have a giant so it cant be XC and u do know that im a different person to Jack9216
  • 0 1
 right... giant make xc bikes? giant glory is xc?? wen did i say i was an xc rider?

ok, i admit that the link was biased, but i never sed tht kona were the only bikes that break, i just believe that they break the most. look at this pic: www.pinkbike.com/photo/2529919 i have seen bikes break, but i have never seen this, where the forks and rims appear to still be perfectly fine.
  • 2 0
 what, apart from this one maybe: www.pinkbike.com/photo/3188596 ?
similar situation (we'll excuse his flat tyre, that's not really damage) plus to be honest we have no idea under what circumstances that kona broke. as for you bullerboy i hadn't realised you had joined the conversation. Since you're defending fox 40s i think you should realise they actually break quite a lot on the arch (i have seen LOADS of broken 40's) and anyway i'm not trying to knock them (i'm sure they're great) but they certainly don't break any less than boxxers
as for the giant XC bike i was talking about - i was referring to Jack9216's Giant Terrago with SID's. So yes, they make XC bikes (doesn't matter how you use it, its still designed for XC)
  • 0 1
 u know wot, fuck it im just gonna leave now, cos i cant be bothered anymore to go on about all these different bikes and which ones are better and which ones break more
  • 0 1
 actually the terrago frame is design to be an all-mountain frame, the sids, yes they are xc forks but for 50quid im not botherd as they will do the job untill i can afford a better bike. as for giant making xc bikes i think that you will find that almost all bike companies make xc bikes aswell as downhill/freeride/dirtjump or any other type of bike.

ok, other bikes break in simalar ways to konas, only the konas have the reputation of breaking the most.
  • 1 0
 lol whatever my point was that giant do indeed make XC bikes as you seemed to be oblivious to this fact "giant make xc bikes?". I have nothing against you not having enough money to buy a better bike and until recently i was in your position. What i can say I wasn't doing was insulting other peoples bikes and to be honest I think we'd all be happier if you didn't either.
I cannot actually believe that you still think that "only the konas have the reputation of breaking the most" you are a lost cause and frankly your mind will obviously never be changed. You are perfectly entitled to your own opinion but please,
keep it to yourself!
thanks Smile
  • 0 1
 no, i know that giant make xc bikes but the way you wrote your comment made it sound as if giant ONLY made xc bikes.

i have also noticed that other people have commented on this saying that they would only pay 10/20p for it. why did you decide to argue with me?
  • 1 0
 lol well because westy526 is jakecrabtree's mate, and DirtJumpDopey corrects himself and of course, neither of them were taking the piss out of Kona! That's why mate.
  • 0 1
 ok, but everyone has the right to an opinion and you have no right to try and change mine.
  • 1 0
 no, you're right i don't. But actually posting on someones bike saying its not worth anything and saying its going to break just warrants a response now doesn't it? Did you honestly think that you would get away with saying that without getting gunned down?
As i said earlier, yup you're entitled to your own opinions but keep them to yourself! You don't need to go around pinkbike telling everyone that you're a kona hater, nobody gives a shit! Think what you want but don't knock other peoples bikes (especially since yours is SO shit. Oh and it still amuses me that you tell me that MY bike is crap!)

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