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my new Revell 450r build :) ask for spec :)
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my new Revell 450r build :) ask for spec :)
  • 4 1
 Who dis boi calling dreamer, pussy hole fam, wait till i get my bois and see wat happens to your bike cause from now your gona be using your mamas bike. Big it up to Tourdeessex and my boys back in SS1
  • 1 1
 I hope the way your talking is as a joke! lol Nice bike aswell tup
  • 1 0
 yeaah dont worry i aint some chav loool, just hate gobby f*cking people who think there better then everyone else !!! i.e tobiousmaxiPUSS
  • 1 0
 to right, they make convos like these well shit! awsum lookin bike m8, awsums custom wheel!!! great idea!
  • 0 0
 cheers, and yeaah im sick of people puting others down coz they "aint as good as them"
  • 0 0
 exactly, ruins the sport compleatly i reckon, loads round here do it, i just tell em to ride with me if they wanna and if they dont, they can fuck off and digg there own tracks instead of ridin me and my m8s track allthe time!
  • 0 0
 yeaah i agree, the things is the sad twats 29 i mean come on whta 29 year old in the right mind would start on a 15 year old, sadddddddddd bastard
  • 0 0
 one word to describe them, dicks!,
  • 3 0
 haa mate your a funni one aint you ya mug!!, bring your shit to my yard then bruv!! your on about me talking like a chav "yard" what kind of mug are you....go layu your patio "brookside style" ...f*cking idiot...
  • 0 0
 dannyboi23 (Apr 16, 2009 at 15:26)
Who dis boi calling dreamer, pussy hole fam, Lols to the SS1 crew !! Smile
  • 2 1
 what a well constructed reply. i'm amazed your only put-down is my age. you keep coming back to it. i think you'll find i hit the nail right on the head. hence you being reduced to 'go f*ck yourself'. comedy. maybe you should have your 'outstanding' gcse results tattooed on your forehead so everyone knows how very smart you are, until you open your mouth.........
  • 1 0
 i'd like to add a congratulations to this comment and to all the others you have posted. these little pikeys were royaly raped by the long dick of the law
  • 2 1
 mate i don't give a flying f*ck if you're a hundred and fifteen, you're still a pikey chav who thinks he's a rapper and you wouldn't know a good looking bike if it ran over you. so just to get this straight, anyone who argues with you is sad and has no life? thats an interesting concept. you have nothing of any value to come back with so you keep repeating the same thing. you sound like a parrot son.
  • 1 1
 i aint no fucking chav mate so get ya facts straight you CUNT !!
  • 1 1
 i dont walk about in nike tracksuits, i wear decent cloths you mug so get a life
  • 1 1
 "you wouldn't know a good looking bike if it ran over you"

sorry but grammatically correct it SHOULD read

"You wouldn't know a good looking bike if it ran you over."

So yh I'm a smart arse kid, and probably a gob shite aswell, but I am most certainly not a chav. I wear skinny jeans and listen to slipknot for f*ck sake?

and yh your only put-down is ur age band the fact you still decide to reputivly argue with us "chavvy pricks"

but at the end of the day your are an idiot for saying he has a rubbish frame when your frames are practically identical Blank Stare
  • 1 0
 Mas....http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=246654891&albumID=1244373&imageID=16999736 LMFAO !!! Sorry, ill go back to being on your side xD !! This is getting as sad as the welsh kids on joe going the 'stoppy' lols. You just want a pic wid 130 comments dnt ya mase Wink
  • 1 0
 lol "chavsuit" luv it Big Grin

chore whod have thought it....

Children being children

f*ck me!

soon we'll have Asian suicide bombers...
Emos That Cut there Wrists...
Black people That LOVE Chicken...
Gay People Who Like Arseholes...
and other stereotypical shit


(53rd Comment Maybe?)
  • 0 0
 The sad thing is... were arguing over BIKES
  • 0 0
 just thought that i would correct myself before some facetious bastard comments back with a grammatical fault thus proving themselves to be self-rightious pricks who insist on starting shit arguements and aiding shit crack to eminate and furthermore piss people off
  • 1 0
 Thats me Big Grin
  • 0 0
 and calling people because they are 29 ? how pathetic...are people like golfers pathetic if they are that age ? coz afterall all they do is whack a ball and walk after it, in my opinion thats more childish than biking as thats whats being implied when arguments related to age are being started
  • 1 0
 were not arugin about golf u plum

were arguin about how pathetic tobby has made himself look after arguing back with people younger than him when his like 29, he cneeds to get his priorities right, havn't you got a car to be driving toby? or like a wife n children to be tending for? no, youd rather sit at a pc and argue with "boys" o, ok then, N1 (Y) Big Grin
  • 0 0
 just typical of the gobshite, know-it-all, chavvy, yob, youth of today, you think you fucking own everything. i'm really sorry, i didn't realise pinkbike was only for teenagers Legend2. i'll turn in my membership so you kids can play in peace. fuck that! i'll still be winding up muggy little cunts like you when i'm a hundred, basically because you think you're the absolute dogs bollocks. well i've had enough now, but rest assured, pinkbike isn't yours and life isn't all driving cars and tending to wives and kids. as you will realise when you pass puberty. have a nice life my pedigree chum.
  • 4 0
 yeeaaaaah homies Smile
  • 2 0
 the kids a f*ckin idiot boy him of guys Big Grin
  • 1 2
 oh dear oh dear. like a pack of feral dogs. start on kids? soon you will be an adult, at which point people like me will be able to hold you accountable for your huge gob. the only reason you think you can 'give it the big one' is because you know i can't do a thing and as a bonus you get to pretend its me thats the sad one. get back to me when you reach voting age, we'll hook up for a chat yeah? charlie f*cking big potatoes, protected by the fact he's a smartarse kid. too many of your kind about son. son. as for legend2, when did arguments become something that only goes on with people your own age? i'm certain your band of 'proud' essex chavs argue with countless adults, safe in the knowledge that nothing can be done about gobby little asbo f*ckwits like yourselves. i'd like to state i have nothing against essex, but pricks like you give it a bad name. you have blown this whole thing out of proportion and i'm finding it all comedy, so carry on. question, do you little knife-crime yobs have a gang? is that what tourdeessex is?
  • 1 0
 go fuck yourself you cock! seriously sort your life out you sad 29 year old low life!
  • 1 0
 lol u sad c*nt Big Grin
  • 2 0
 thats well nice in still trying to get bars n a tyer lol
  • 0 1
 i agree with tobiusmaximum, to be honest chavs and goon hu wear skinny jeans are just as bad as each other...and gcses tattoed on their foreheads hahahaha the tattoo would spell fudge
  • 1 0
 Speak for yourself (Y)
  • 1 0
 shizzle burger ? yeah thats mature... and legend2 as far as im aware i never asked for you to speak to me soo piss off
  • 1 0
 suck out ya f*cking cock,
you wrote a message on my friends photo... you was asking for a reply, esecially when you aim comments my why:

"just thought that i would correct myself before some facetious bastard comments back with a grammatical fault"

"and calling people because they are 29 ?" -- i made the comment about him beign a sad f*ck at the age of 29.

So i think you'll find you was asking for a reply you silly prick

So f*ck OFF
  • 1 0
 f*ck thats nice what is the front rim/wheel called?
  • 1 0
 its a halo sas but i customised it Smile
  • 1 0
 haha sweet
  • 1 0
 how did u get the sas like that
  • 1 0
 duck tape Smile
  • 1 0
 ahaha nice one mate
  • 2 0
 ure such a cunt
  • 1 0
 why am i, and we are all going grove tomoz Smile come mate
  • 2 1
 lmfao, this is well funny xD !!
  • 2 1
 Yh not really Razz and u blatez propped urself Razz

+ 1 props

flag lukekona (2 days ago) (Below Threshold) show comment
lmfao, this is well funny xD !!
  • 4 1
  • 1 1
 yeaah yeaah okay children
  • 2 5
 hilarious. get over it boys. i repeat.... boys. this revell looks like a circus. the bit they call the freak show. dannyboi and revellboi, pikeys. bring your ghetto talk son. and bring your soft shite to my yard son, say goodbye to all you chavvy mates though, you won't be returning. f*cking essex airheads.... dirtjumpdan said it all really.... just besause you're thick doesn't require you to speak like a rapper, you aren't from compton son. so come on down, try to nick the bike i already sold and i'll put you under a new patio, brookside style. oh and did you notice i can spell? i didn't spend my youth robbing newsagents and spitting off bridges.
  • 5 1
 Is That A Death Threat? (you won't be returning

And THICK I'm on track for A*'s A's And B's, Hardly say I'm thick.
Danniboi, His on track for all A's and B's aswell, not thick either...

Airheads? So whose talking like a Rapper now?

And NO were not from Compton, were from Essex! and in true Essex fashion we'll fight our ground, not like were from Compton, Brookside or any other shit-hole, cos we are born and bred in ESSEX! ( AND f*ckING PROUD OF IT, RIGHT GUYS? )

You didn't spend your youth robbing newsagents and spitting off bridges... You didn't grow up either did you? At 29 YES Twenty Nine, you are still deciding to argue with (and i quoteSmile Boys

How cool do you feel?

f*cking Idiot
  • 2 1
 i love you rhys Big Grin
  • 3 1
 tobiusmaximum i aint your son and your a sado got nothing better to do then perv on little kids go get a life your the 29yearold virgin
  • 1 0
 tobiasmaximum..do yourself a favour.im more your age..pm my your address and well have a little meet shall we...you backward cunt.. ill wait for your pm!
  • 1 0
  • 0 0
 grow up okay, your sad, you have no life "obviously if you arguing with a 15 year old" and you never will do so....
  • 0 0
 fair play, ur rims nice i like it...and why are u bothering to arugue back if you think he pathetic, thats making you worse
  • 1 1
 fucking hell.... i love how kids are boasting about GCSE results to appear clever...
  • 0 0
 maison is it a 24inch frame
  • 0 0
 24/26 Smile can use both
  • 0 0
 not as nice as your other 1 mate
  • 0 0
 mason i want it mate my frame and some money plz go on mate
  • 0 0
 naa dan sorry i really dont want your frame, its not what im looking for and i will be stuck with it, try and sell yours and then buy mine
  • 0 0
 80 posted and ill have it deffo
  • 0 0
 sold it for 135 sorry mate worth that all day long
  • 0 1
 oh tobiusmaximum how did you do that front rim, look sick as fuck dude, msg me
  • 1 0
 its not tobiusmaximums bike u silly cunt
  • 0 0
  • 1 0
 so boring that u still reply yh (Y) lol jokkah!
  • 0 0
  • 0 0
 ... you silly cunt
  • 1 0
 na na na, ur the silly cunt gettin involved in sum pathetic argument that dont involve u, and then making the mistake of confusing each of theres bikes. Its bad enough theyre arguing about owning the same frame as it is. fucking penis
  • 1 0
 i agree keep out ya shizzle burger Smile anyways .....
  • 0 1
  • 1 4
 now then.... lets see if you're paying attention.
  • 1 0
 mate please pm me your address. we can all give it the biggun sitting behind our computer screens.. give me your address and well sort something out!
  • 0 0
 yeah he sent me a message saying hes coming to find me the mug
  • 0 0
 hes either a nonce,idiot or a coward mate. another prick sitting miles away giving it large..lol
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