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360 attempt
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360 attempt
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 i like archer, hes a proper sound guy. and ive seen him land loads of hop 180s, and i have seen him 180 that flatbank box loads. so yeah, he doesnt like spinning, neither do i. doesnt mean hes shit. i know this fight is over, and im not 'licking his arse' or taking sides, but yeah he can 180.
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 archer is sound as a pound
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 you can bearly 90, footjam, manual lets face it you the shitness of shit (not being nasty), you can hardly ride a meter without your chain snapping so do us all a favour and sit down and shut the fu*k up also if someone took your pegs off you you'de probly resolve to suicide. ly though
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 i can 90 , not like its hard .
an what you can manual yes , quite good , but your really do f*ck all else and just come to the skatepark mubbling on about other people when really your not good your self .
as for spinning , neil has seen me land 180's on flat , and i can do them on that box at wakey most times aswell , i dont think im that bad alately to say that i ride like 2/3 evenings a weekand maybe 1 more day if i get chance .yes i could be better , but i think we all could .
so yeah marsh , feel free to carry on having a go at other peoples riding etc, when your clearly the greasy little f*ck up here , and always will be .
i know im nto one of the nicest people to be mates with , but i get on with my mates (i.e not your or barnsley before you bring that up) , but atleast i tell people when they get on my nerves instead of making stupid f**king comments all the time .
oh wow , i must really be a terrible person , ill just go end my life now .
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 Owned theres no come back from that haha
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 yo liam told him Big Grin
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 will you please pull your tounge out of neils arse for a fuc*king minute, mate i ride less than you and im 10 times better im not having a comp about whos better because its gay i know that.... and how am i ''greasy fuk up?????'' lets face it you nearly bald at 18 you live in a ghetto no one likes you apart from sims? i'd say you were more of a fu*k up than me tbh and ffs learn to look at someone with both eyes you mammoth!
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 its getting harsh now ladys i think enough is enough
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 i like liam. and so do alot of other people. so stfu
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 im on about 3's . i cant do them , i slip out when trying 270's but i am gonna get them real soon .
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 not being a prick or owt but you cant even 180 :S
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 not being a prick , but yes i can over that box that simbos spinning , i can do them on flat sometimes , i just cant compete with your massive bag of tricks , 180s , and fastplants and like 1 griz .
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 i cba with this , end of the day i dont like you or barnsley much , and i geuss you both feel the same , so just leave it yeah ?
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 get off his back guys. and sorry but i had to LOL when you said youre '10 times better' than him :/
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 i loled when i found out how gay you are...this argument happened ages ago...who cares?
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 if im gay that means your mums a man.
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 Ohhh didnt see that coming, and hirsty i think you slept with his dad mate, the dick gives it away
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 i must learn these soon . almost got a 270 the otherday
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 its easy trick archer even nick can do them and barnsley was off for them
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 what do u mean by "even nick can do em"?!?!?!???? >=(
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 i mean your pro now Big Grin
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 i can spin , i just slip out doing them .
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 soo dont be a pussy and fuckign slipping out doesnt even hurt when it happens
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 lol whatever i hold no grudges
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 i'll fight you
  • 1 1
 yeah whatever
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 haha chad i say you fight a giant tuna fish
  • 1 0
 hahaha what an argument!

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