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DHX air and 36 Floats on the voltage totally transform this bike!
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DHX air and 36 Floats on the voltage totally transform this bike!
  • 1 0
 That looks sweet! Love the Idea of having a DH and AM/FR/Mucking about set up. Whats the travel when its set up like in the picture? I was thinking of getting a voltage and having a simliar set up for doing the Mega Avalanche next year.
  • 1 0
 Thanks! Yeah it is a really great bike for swapping around and doing different stuff. In this picture, the travel is set at 135mm, but by moving the shock into the lower mount you can get 150mm. Also you can get different mounting brackets (the small black triangular brackets) to increase the travel up to 180mm...pretty sweet idea. Anyway you probably knew all that! I am also thinking of doing the Mega next year (hopefully!). You done any enduros before?
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 Nope, never done one in my life but I really like the idea of them! Problem is, all the enduros are a good 4 hour+ journey from where I live.
I have been looking at getting a Rose Beef Cake and having a similar set up, with some single crowns, air shock and reverb for some trail blasting, and then keeping my boxxers and getting a coil shock for DH-ing.
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 Imthinking of doing the Mega next year and im stuck between bikes ive got a voltage too but im concerned about the weight. How much is yours weighing?
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 I don't know how much mine weighs just now. When I did weigh it (jumped on some scales and subtracted my weight so not very accurate!), it came out around 34lbs I think but it could be a bit lighter with changes to the wheels, and all the smaller components. Your voltage is looking sweet! You thinking of changing the setup for the Mega then? Shorter travel stuff? One thing I would recommend is an adjustable seatpost - can't believe how useful they are!
  • 1 0
 Cheers, yeah really chuffed with the voltage. Dont know what to do the Mega on? I've got an orange five that I use for trail riding with an adjustable seat post etc so i was in two minds between the two.

Ive heard a mixed bag about what bikes to do the mega on. Ive never been but from what people tell me the voltage will be ace on the gnarly stuff but the orange will be better on the more pedally flatter sections?

What's your thoughts?
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 I have only done it once and I got a puncture in the qualifier which put an end to having a decent position! Good tires is a must. I am not sure what I would do in your situation. I have never used an Orange 5 but have heard a lot of great things about them and as you say they would be great for the pedally sections. I reckon if you want to do well and are prepared to have a a slightly harsher ride then the Orange 5 would be quicker, but if you just want to have fun and blast the DH sections but not do so well on the uphill sections then go for the Voltage. I would go for the 5 and just make sure you either get some training in before to get your hands/wrists used to the arm pump as it is a struggle to hold on after 10 minutes of bumpy single track! Have you been to the Alps before?
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 Ive been twice/three times a year for the last 12 years or so to the alps but all in the winter season!

Keep saying im going to go in the summer but work commitments have always stopped me.

Defo going next summer though, im not getting any younger so Im going to get it in befor I'm old and decrepid!
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 I have been talking to some friends that did the last Mega. One guy did it on a remedy which he said was to small on the travel size for the top part of the track becuase of the larger rocks.

If you think you seriously have a chance of winning the Mega, take a 160/170mm bike. But if like me, you have no hope of winning, then people say take a DH bike to have a laugh and a make a time to remember. Thats the advice I have had from several people.
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 True. Voltage it is!
  • 1 0
 Yeah good advice!!! Have fun! The voltage is such an awesome bike you just know the mega will be good on it!!
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