North Fork... forever in my heart. I was randomly flipping my all of my shots, and I happen to find a shot of the place, one of only a few I've taken there, cause I'm usually too busy having FUN RIDING!!!
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North Fork... forever in my heart. I was randomly flipping my all of my shots, and I happen to find a shot of the place, one of only a few I've taken there, cause I'm usually too busy having FUN RIDING!!!
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 I didn't know you shoot photos......
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 Imma getchu... IMMA GETCHU!!!
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 At PA? You bringing your best French-American racing skills? Exciting times for everyone.
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 just to clarify, with humor in mind, my connection to Frenchiness only goes as far as what was forced upon me in my 3 years of French in high school. I'm much more of an impersonator, cynic and schizoid than a cultured samaritan. but I guess I'll use what's available in my arsenal of vast, eclectic knowledge. I could go further with my personal description, but I'm pulling this all out of my shabang. unfortunately, I won't be going to the first race on the 8th. I hope to make it to the one on april 29th or may 13th, as long as I can secure some transportation along with registration.
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 I might race expert though, just so we can ride together. The view of your ass better be worth the extra cost of the racing license... so help me...
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 I've been working out, but still wont wear lycra shorts. I run baggy so you'll have to use your imagination.
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 I've been working out too! we have so much in common. I wore skinny jeans with a road jersey as a joke for a race in Whistler, and Brett Tippie called me out on his mega-phone as I crossed the finish line, thinking I was wearing a skin suit... NEVER AGAIN. I can't wait to show you my pecs. They're new most recent prized possession. Though my abs need some work... biking doesn't really help with those... I can't prove how low my body fat percentage is, just because they don't poke through... waaaahhhhahahaha!!!
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 Sounds like your on the PX90! Pump those pecs Freedman! Oh and son, start writing a book. Your just too creative to not do it. Bang out a kids book will ya.........

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