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Happy 4th of July to all the Americans From Fogel, Mikey and Justin... and a late Happy Canada Day from Howey
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Happy 4th of July to all the Americans From Fogel, Mikey and Justin... and a late Happy Canada Day from Howey
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flag dirteveryday (Jul 5, 2012 at 18:24) (Below Threshold)
 Missed the US Flags? What we have here is two brothers from other mothers rippin it up equally. Nuf sed.
  • 19 1
 wow way to take a fun photo way over the top....Mr dirteveryday your comment about the locals being and i quote " Last time I was in Whistler I didn't speak to one single "local." But they were easy to spot, they were the a*shole douchbags not talking to anyone else"

Maybe you should try talking to a local..its not our job to talk to everyone and im sure if you were to talk to me a "local" you'd be laughing and shaking my hand by the end of our conversation.

I shot this photo for fun not for this immature war of words..Canada is great and so is the US.

the end
  • 1 0
 i would love to chatt to Locals! i want to move there sooo bad!
  • 33 7
 we own whistler so screw america
  • 17 6
 haha...and you pay as much to get on the lift as we do... juz sayin... Wink
  • 8 16
flag courage (Jul 5, 2012 at 8:13) (Below Threshold)
 yeah and you pay six times as we do to fly there just sayin Wink
  • 7 2
 I drive there... only 2.5-3 hours drive!
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flag courage (Jul 5, 2012 at 16:15) (Below Threshold)
 yeah but I'm talking to dirteveryday so mind it own business
  • 8 2
 I feel a flame war between canadians and americans coming on....
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flag dirteveryday (Jul 5, 2012 at 17:48) (Below Threshold)
 yeah...I live 2 hours away. Someone needs to buy a map.

And there's no flame war over Canada... Considering how many friggin Canadian plates we have to fight around doing 40mph in the f*cking passing lane seems like they all want to be here. Lucky us.
They all keep spending their money in the US and you guys are going to lose that lovely "free" health care up there. Genius plan.
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flag courage (Jul 5, 2012 at 18:08) (Below Threshold)
 buddy calm down its not a big deal i never said there was a war i just think americans should ride in there country its my opinion and im sorry if you think im trying to START A WAR but im not im stating my opinion thats wat your supposed to write on these pictures
  • 7 4
 Apparently you missed the post above mine...about the flame war? lol

And actually... you DID try to start shit with "We own whistler so screw america." Amazing words there "buddy."

And no one gives a shit where you think ANYONE else should ride. So follow your own advise and mind your own business. Last time I was in Whistler I didn't speak to one single "local." But they were easy to spot, they were the a*shole douchbags not talking to anyone else. You guys are your own worst enemy.

BTW... Being from ONTARIO you don't have SHIT to do or say about Whistler in BC. You have about equal rights to tell the Europeans where they can ride.
  • 12 2
 Courage, Not many Americans want to travel up there just to shop. Everything is so expensive. A maxxis tire in canada is around 100 bucks. Or thats what I saw. Down here, 50. And although Americans don't go up too much, the few times we do to go to places like Whistler, Sun Peaks, Mt. Washington, Etc. Keeps revenue going. I don't have a problem with Canadians coming down here. Gives our country more revenue to get out of this deficit.

Also, in the winter while most of Canada is covered with 2 ft of snow and biking season is over, people travel to places like California to go ride because it is still 60 degrees there (14 degrees Celsius) so.....

Anyway, hopefully I didn't go over the limit, i just wanted to get my opinion out there. Whether your Canadian, American, European, Asain, it shouldn't matter where you ride. WE ARE ALL ONE BIG COMMUNITY
  • 4 3
 Because I'm too lazy too read your comments i'd just like to stop by and say AMERICA FUCK YEAH! But i do love canada for their mountain biking no american can say they'd rather ride here than whistler... At least i can't..
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flag dirteveryday (Jul 5, 2012 at 21:20) (Below Threshold)
 That sucks to hear dude. I seriously prefer local dirt over Whistler. Period. It was way better when North Fork was bangin, but I still prefer local. Town full of prime builders.
  • 1 3
 Yeah i'd rather have my local mountains for a "home" mountain just because whistler would always be so jam packed plus you live in washington state you're pretty much in whistler! hahaha
  • 3 0
 Locals discount Razz
Lived in whistler 18 years and the perks keep on coming
  • 6 0
 2 min ride from my house Wink
  • 3 3
 I hate all of you.
  • 4 1
 you american guys do realise that higher prices go with higher wages and it just means that canadas economy is doing better than the US one...and Canada was one of the least effected as a result of the recession...
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flag dirteveryday (Jul 6, 2012 at 22:39) (Below Threshold)
 And you realize that your tax-supported "free" health care is soon to be a thing of the past thanks to all those bad canadian drivers spending all those "higher wages" on US products rather than being poured back into their own economy?
It's a bad idea all around. Canada is losing consumer spending in a BIG way and it's just keeping US prices up.. which means the Canadians are paying those same high prices, so... I just can't even imagine what stuff their costs...
Nope, I'll stay here and keep my lousy $25/hr... got all I need.
  • 5 0
 wow way to take a fun photo way over the top....Mr dirteveryday your comment about the locals being and i quote " Last time I was in Whistler I didn't speak to one single "local." But they were easy to spot, they were the a*shole douchbags not talking to anyone else"

Maybe you should try talking to a local..its not our job to talk to everyone and im sure if you were to talk to me a "local" you'd be laughing and shaking my hand by the end of our conversation.

I shot this photo for fun not for this immature war of words..Canada is great and so is the US.

the end
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flag dirteveryday (Jul 6, 2012 at 23:53) (Below Threshold)
 I tried to keep it cool, and got neg propped for it, so I saw how this was gonna be. Check 2nd reply down from top.
  • 5 1
 Taxes fund a stable economy and a stable health system dude. One of the reason the US got hit so badly by the recession is because no-one wanted to pay taxes and all they were wanting to do was get as much money as they could, spend it even though in ost cases they didn't really even have it and then collectively as individuals, you took down your own economy! individuals never think abut the people as a whole, whereas taxes benefit the majority, not the minority. I think it's fair to say that as a result of the US health system not only are tourists put off from visiting the US because they are afraid of the massive costs involved in getting treated, but US citizens end up paying MORE as a result of having to buy ridiculously priced health insurance, just so they can say that they didn't pay taxes, which seems ridiculous to me. For a country that claims to be oh so patriotic, you sure know how to screw each other over.
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flag dirteveryday (Jul 7, 2012 at 9:50) (Below Threshold)

This has been fun, but I gotta go ride. Did you know that Canadians, on average, spend more time online than any other country? Seeyagottago.
  • 5 1
 lol you're pulling "facts" out of your ass
  • 11 0
 Just thought i would ask a question?.

Why the hell have we got a America vs Canada debate? The whole point on being able to comment on photos is to give constructive criticism about the photo you are viewing. NOT so that you can have a debate on which country is better. Why do you guys do this? Just comment on the photo and keep your opinions to yourself.

Thankyou from a confused Welshman
  • 6 2
 Dear confused Welshman, I'm confused too. Signed, Confused American. P.S. This picture is creative and AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 5 5
 Dude your an idiot.
  • 5 2
 Im glad you agree confused American Smile
  • 8 0
 you people are fucking losers stop arguing over countries and enjoy the god damn picture
  • 5 0
 i was a big fan of it..... first think i thought when i saw it was "AMERRRRRRIAHHH f*ckKK yaaa" then saw the canadian flag and was equally as stoked, both our countries have pros and cons, seeings that BC has HST and both should stand for Bring Cash to BC because of the HOLY SHIT TAX and america wastes there money on wars, that being said im pretty sure all of us use our money for bikes so why the hate......?!?!
  • 2 2
 Well put my friend and yes I know all of my money is into biking..
  • 1 2
 More outside the mountain biking/skiing community, but I noticed Americans hate on Canadians and vice versa. The best part is when you intermingle the two, they can't tell each other apart. I love travelling all over North America though. Great people all around, bad people here and there. I'll never understand the meaningless conflict.
  • 1 0
 i blame stupid moves by the government, on both parts obviously but that is what we hate on (we being both countries) it is hilarious because we truely rely on both parties to do much of anyhting as awhole of north america....... if you see a brotha from anotha motha in the lift line or at the jumps dont hate... alternate!
  • 20 3
 Cant we all just get along?


American whips in a Canadian park.
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flag rmb-396 (Jul 4, 2012 at 17:16) (Below Threshold)
  • 13 1
 well shit...
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flag rmb-396 (Jul 5, 2012 at 12:40) (Below Threshold)
 damn amuuuuuuuuricunts neg proping me. WHISTLER IS CANADA'S BIKE PARK GTFO.
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flag Rhomzzz (Jul 5, 2012 at 16:57) (Below Threshold)
 americunts hahahahaha thats awesome
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flag dirteveryday (Jul 5, 2012 at 18:25) (Below Threshold)
 40mph in the PASSING lane with a car full of US milk, gas and Macy's! Yay Canada!
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 i dont get it?
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 In bellingham, you cannot get milk at costco because canadians take 2 carts full. Same thing with gas. They all bring Five gas tanks to fill up on top of there car. Gives us revenue, but is pretty damn annoying to have to wait 30 minutes for a tank of gas.
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flag dirteveryday (Jul 5, 2012 at 20:04) (Below Threshold)
 And that f*cking disaster clusterf*ck on Meridian??? I still dont understand why all those idiots need to cram themselves into one little station backing traffic up all the way to the lights. I live in Blaine so I then get to do 40 f*cking mph all the damn way home because the f*cktards drive in the left lane(That's for PASSING ONLY, it's a freaking LAW people!)

Two more notes:
Your car has Cruise Control. Use it.
The law is right on red...AFTER you f*cking stop first.

So stupid!
  • 8 1
 For living in the one location of the US which doesnt suck you sure are an angry example of your people. Just be happy someone has money to spend in your country.
  • 8 0
 poor point... i have driven Calgary to kamloops kamloops to Whis more then 5 times this summer, i pass more US plates then i do any other country in the fast lane, possibly it is because you are not familiar witht he roads same as us in your country......... same with every tourist in every country, Jebuss!
  • 2 0
 I like how you pass them when they are in the fast lane. Hehe Smile
  • 4 2
 or maybe there cars just dont go fast enough cause of all the excess fat?
  • 9 1
 Happy merica day
  • 3 2
 I love both countries and feel it very stupid to get "real" hurtful feelings out of this debate. I joke about the differences in our cultures, but at the end of the day, we are very similar in many ways and the diversity of our continent is shared between us. As someone else said, on this forum we are all a community and the friendly rivalry between countries should be just that - perfect for little jokes and stuff, not bitter enemies with hateful comments and "feelings". Grow up and open your eyes.
  • 1 0
 Well said my friend Smile
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 why dont u douches talk to my but thats the only one that gives a sh!t....
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 All I got from this was, if you want to ride canada, it's whistler. Man I wish we had a riding scene other than whistler......how limited it always feels.
  • 3 1
 well done!!!!!!!!!!
  • 4 3
 oooooo canada...............................
  • 7 7
 Canada 1 America 0

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