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Video: Full Highlights From Nico Vink's Fest Sessions 2023

Sep 21, 2023 at 9:43
by Fest Series  

Words: Fest Sessions


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  • 33 5
 Didn't watch it in paying true respect to fest core values. I'm sure there was some sends in there though
  • 2 0
 There is difference between vlogging and a highlights video
  • 1 0
 @atticus: the difference is you choosing to like one and hate the other
  • 21 4
 With all this rampage pr stuff going on, I have a newfound respect for Fest Series wanting to be less media-focused and lowkey. Just people hucking bikes for the love of the sport.
  • 6 5
 wait until you see how many women riders are part of the fest series
  • 6 2
 @jabblede: But if they wanted to ride they could easily join
  • 2 4
 @jabblede: ITS THE PATRIARCY!!!!!! I saw the Barbie movie, also. Serious stuff.
  • 3 1
 @scott-townes: Wow, you’re disgusting.
  • 2 0
 @not-welcome-here: Wow, you had to create a fake account to post that? LOL what a hero.
  • 25 14
 Photos? A highlights video? Content? This event is a dark stain on the spirit of freeride >Blank Stare
  • 18 4
 It's about personalities, a lifestyle, a certain dedication to the art of riding bikes and building trails, things that are far more important than how many views or likes a video gets on social media. I just hope that me not watching this video can be an example of realness to future generations and whoever else is into bikes
  • 2 1
 it looks like an article from 1999, if that was the intention. kudos.
  • 3 0
 If you know, you know, I guess you dont know
  • 3 0
 lol, give the video a chance, a lot of effort was put in Smile hope you like it Wink
  • 9 2
 You guys are funny. You haven't been to a fest event in person and it shows. Of course it needs media output to make itself somewhat sustainable through sponsorships, but it's far from the main objective. You get there and it's such a chill and relaxed atmosphere among the riders. Very little to no pressure in terms of "oh i need to do this and that and risk it all for the next viral IG reel". f*ck that, its ruining it. Its not the right spirit.
Oh and if only u knew how much passion, effort and money Nico and the crew put into these events; show some respect.
  • 4 1
 Yess dude. And... no one at the event has been anti media coverage, it's just not the priority. The priority is to make sure the people (who are riding some of the biggest jumps in the world), are focused and that there is no outside pressure from sponsors for daily content or something like that. Because the consequences are massive. The guys ride when they feel good, and the conditions are prime. These events happen because of the passion everyone shares. It's difficult to understand that without witnessing it.
  • 8 0
 Videos like this remind me that cool trails can be built anywhere on earth, other than Ontario of course.
  • 2 0
 Oh man, I started riding in Ontario. All those O-cups, and Q-cups. I remember taking my hardtail to Blue mountain for an O-Cup DH race! Some great Canadian shield riding, its why Im decent on rocky tech trails.
  • 5 0
 The video is amazing, but seeing this live in action was something else. Thanks to all the riders and people helping out at the Fest Series!
  • 12 7
 Not cool pinkbike. Not core. Who bootlegged this? I thought the cool free riders made you put your phone in a bag like the comedy mothership
  • 1 2
 Ah another joey that doesn't dig.
  • 5 0
 If my name was william robert i would 100% go by Billy Bob.
  • 3 0
 those jumps look so smooth. the riders make it look too easy to send the massive gaps. really good building, well done!
  • 5 0
 Such a nice week
  • 4 6
 They’re breaking the first rule of Fest Series
  • 2 1
 Shut up you clown.

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