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Syncros DS32 Wheelsets - It's not only just black and white.

May 14, 2009 at 10:17
by Tyler Maine  
Source: Mike Kinrade

There aren't too many times when a pro will come out and write a review on a product that he uses. For an obvious reason, people will think it's a pretty biased opinion, but I think you should know what someone like me thinks about the gear that he uses. I put a sh*t load of time on my gear and I know what works well for me. so take this review as you want but know that I'm doing this cause I believe in my equipment, or I wouldn't run it.

Syncros DS32 Wheelsets - Summary:

These gems are one of my faves on all my rides, and I'm really surprised I don't see more people rockin' em. The strength to weight to price ratio just can't be topped. Sorry, but it can't. I can remember a few seasons back, prior to riding for my current frame sponsor, I was on my 3rd frame of the season and the wheels were tensioned only once before I gave them up to some lucky shredder. You guys know what I do, you've seen me send it, eat it, and destroy bike parts. I even took my collar bone out and had straight wheels to ride when I was healed up.


High speed

If and when...

I can't say I've never put some flat spots in them over the years, time will always catch up eventually. Nothing can stop a wheel case off a 40ft step down. Well almost nothing. It will eventually happen. I like to gauge on how they fail; Do they explode and collapse? or do they still get you down the trail? On the big *SHITACKS* in my previous experience, I usually end up walking away with my bike over my shoulder. My experience with DS32 has had me riding away. That says a lot. Remember the step down in Gee's line at the Red Bull Rampage? I cased it hard on a big rock flake the first time. Pitched the bike, snapped a chain, and bent handle bars. I still finished my run. Although I didn't use the rim again, the only damage was a 2 inch flat spot.


The step down at Rampage


Go out and try them. Shop around, look at price, and weight in all comparable models. These rims are crazy strong and I've had amazing success, without weighing my ride down. They'll go head to head with any top model wheel without the need for a government bailout afterwards.


-Mike Kinrade

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