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Autographed Canadian Chainsaw Flag Fundraiser for Stevie Smith

Aug 22, 2016 at 18:24
by cky78  
As we all know we lost a great person, rider and ambassador earlier this year: Stevie Smith. Even though I didn't have the opportunity to meet Steve in person, the news had a personal impact on me, like many other people. A large number of people have already contributed to his legacy fund, and I too wanted to help out and assist the cause. I got the idea for an autographed flag when I saw the rad "Canadian Chainsaw" flag someone had made and brought to Ft. William. I thought; I too will use that design (Thanks to the good people over at Good Fortune Collective for coming up with the design!), have a flag made, bring it to MSA to have it signed by as many riders as I could. I will then take that flag and auction it off and donate ALL the funds collected during the fundraising will go to Stevie's Legacy Fund.

Flag design credit to Good Fortune Collective

The following riders have signed the flag:

Rachel Atherton, Tahnee Seagrave, Tracey Hannah and Miranda Miller.

Autographed Canadian Chainsaw Flag Fundraiser for Stevie Smith

Autographed Canadian Chainsaw Flag Fundraiser for Stevie Smith

Danny Hart, Aaron Gwin, Loic Bruni, Mark Wallace, Gabe Fox, Gee Atherton, Taylor Vernon, Troy Brosnan, Rat Boy Josh Bryceland, Greg Minnaar, Taylor Vaughn, Loris Vergier, Luca Shaw, Brook Macdonald, Marcelo Gutierrez Villegas.

Autographed Canadian Chainsaw Flag Fundraiser for Stevie Smith

Autographed Canadian Chainsaw Flag Fundraiser for Stevie Smith

Autographed Canadian Chainsaw Flag Fundraiser for Stevie Smith

Autographed Canadian Chainsaw Flag Fundraiser for Stevie Smith
Autographed Canadian Chainsaw Flag Fundraiser for Stevie Smith
Autographed Canadian Chainsaw Flag Fundraiser for Stevie Smith

Autographed Canadian Chainsaw Flag Fundraiser for Stevie Smith

Autographed Canadian Chainsaw Flag Fundraiser for Stevie Smith

There are almost 50 signatures on the flag! We managed to get nearly everyone and to their credit, I can say it was a heart warming experience. Each rider wanted to help and was glad to offer up a signature and quite a few "Longlivechainsaw"s to boot!

A big thank you goes out to each and every person that signed our flag. Additional thanks go out to Good Fortune Collective for the chainsaw design and to Flags Unlimited for making the flag quickly! Thanks everyone!

The largest single donation at the end of the 60 day period will get the flag to keep, so donate now!


Picture credit to Sven Martin. Flag design credit to Good Fortune Collective

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cky78 avatar

Member since Apr 9, 2013
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  • 16 0
 This is an amazing concept, but TBH, I'd rather see it as a raffle with a $10 entry or whatever and equal chance for anyone to win, I'll probably donate regardless, but I wont be winning that flag, and that's unfortunate.
  • 3 0
 Seems like a lot of these fundraisers are going this route instead of a raffle, it's a shame. I'm guessing that it might be because a raffle could be considered gambling and then they'd have to deal with all the laws that come with. Just a guess though, I don't know how that actually works
  • 4 0
 @src248: For sure, I just think a lot of people, unfortunate as it may be, will just choose not to donate at all because they know that a bid that is more than they are able to afford will actually win it. And ultimately a lot of people will actually be trying to get that flag, it's a sweet prize.
  • 4 0
 I think its more about raising funds for the legacy fund rather than equal opportunity. Like most charity bidding/ auctions, the biggest bids will come at the end by those who really want the flag. It would be an awesome piece to have but at the end of the day whatever the funds contribute back to the riding community (like the park being built in his name in Nanimo) will be the real benefit and long term legacy in Stevie's memory.
  • 2 0
 @VPS13: For sure, anyone smart who wants the flag will wait until the last second, and if the highest bid at the time is still only $20, as it is now, then the winning bid might be $50, and a few hundred would get raised in total, whereas if there was a $10 entry fee, I bet a lot more would get raised, ultimately making the donation to the charity larger.
  • 5 0
 Seems like most are more concerned with getting the flag rather than remembering a fallen brother and raising money for a good cause. Bids or raffle who cares, LONGLIVECHAINSAW
  • 4 1
 Yes It needs to be a raffle , I really hope whom ever gets this donates it a place where it can be scene and admired by all . Like above a bar or some other public place So Stevie can continue to inspire rider after rider Longlivechainsaw
  • 5 0
 Sram had this flying high during Crankworx. Classy move. So many ways he was being remembered up there.

  • 6 1
 What a great idea
  • 4 1
 I saw you at MSA getting signatures! Very cool to see that it's for a good cause.
  • 2 0
 Hey! I'm a bit nervous that it's gone live tbh. I see some people are calling for a raffle. That would have been a good idea too!
  • 2 1
 @cky78: Don't be nervous. Raising money for a good cause is what matters, and as long as there are contributions, you will have made an impact!
  • 3 1
 I was the first to donate but hope I'm not the last!
  • 1 0
 Raffle and im in

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