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Transitions All-Nighter

Cody and I took a trip down to Transitions Ramp Park for their all night ride. This is a little something of what we managed to get at 5am. Tweet it!


  • + 1
 Nice work Chase and Cody! I love the riding. Personally, I think you guys should work more on the editting now. I don't know what editting program you use but the background noise really ruins it for me and should be cut out for the most part (unless you want to add in parts where you wanna hear the bike). But in this video you hear everything and doesnt do the video justice. Steady hands for the camera and cutting out the small unecessary parts like the hand infront of the video.

Drop by in London soon man!
  • + 1
 Thanks man, the hand thing is all Cody and I cant edit it out sometimes cause its so fast after the clip. As for the background noise, its hard at indoor parks because of all the music they play there too. I use Pinnacle Studio 12 to do my editing tho.
  • + 1
 Havn't used that program but can't you make the timeline bigger? Most video editting programs have three bars" video, music and timeline. You probably can make the time line bigger, thus making the video clips longer so you can drag it easier so you can cut out smaller sections.

As for background noise, usually in options, you can adjust the audio so it can make your audio file louder or video file louder. If its a good program, you can seperate the video's video and audio file and then delete the audio file.

Play around with it.
  • + 1
 I do make the timeline bigger, but what I meen with it being so quick, is sometimes I need that extra footy to go with the music and the hand just happens to be there so there is nothing I can do. I know how to run my editing program, I lowered the volume alot on the video but I still wanted to have a down to earth feel to it so I kept the audio in.
  • + 2
 i think it was a pretty good edit but you put your hand in front of the camera a little to much, but the fat guy at the end of the video was pretty funny
  • + 1
 Thats not my hand, I'm the one riding everytime the hand goes in front of the camera.
  • + 2
 very very bad song,but very very good riders
  • + 1
 wow at 2:48 you can really see his rim flex. :0 probably not close to the bending point though. good vid.
  • + 1
 dude thats so true
  • + 1
 ha ha the fat guy bounced

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