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Spring Riding/Billy's Crash

(I had to delete the original, so this is a re-upload) Went riding to enjoy the spring weather with Will. We met a guy named Billy who was hucking the "Nitro Gap" but I caught this when he hit it the last time:


  • + 1
 Oh tell me about it man, there's a trail system that used to be amazing near where i live that is in terrible condition right now because the country officials won't let us work on it.....because they need to build FOUR new lacrosse fields....even though there are already three at the park
  • + 1
 That's what's really frustrating. like we really need more soccer and baseball fields!? why do we have to fight for our sports?
  • + 2
 this looks sick, good song choice too haha i had to go and check to make sure that itunes wasnt playing over it because i have it too
  • + 1
 Thanks man, I always have trouble finding songs haha
  • + 1
 tell me about it haha
  • + 4
 helmets necessary while driving:P
  • + 2
 Sweet CT trails are really startin to look good
  • + 3
 Poor poor Billy
  • + 1
 I wanna move there...where i live theres only 1 park with freeride trails
  • + 1
 Build man!
  • + 1
 yeah but whenever i do it gets torn down, me and a couple friends had a nice spot goin last summer that got totally destroyed once people found out about it
  • + 1
 That's so frustrating, I'm sorry man. I don't ever have trouble with my local spot, as long as I respect the occasional horseback rider. I started riding my mountain bike because I can't ride my dirt bike wherever I want. It's weird because dirt biking is dwindling with legal areas to ride, and people really don't respect dirt bikers as a community. It upsets me to see that people are losing their mountain bike spots, too.
  • - 1
 I'm glad your buddy is alright... I've seen some nasty crashes off that gap and all over Trumbull. I'd love to ride with you guys if we're ever there at the same time.
  • + 2
 Yeah I'll let you know if I ever go again. Unfortunately my bike is very broken after I had my own crash a week ago. I've just been super busy with work and dirt bike racing. Any suggestions for a new derailleur/shifter combo on an older big hit? I also need to ditch the ancient 8 speed set-up most likely.
  • + 1
 I'm sure you can pick up an inexpensive derailer online... or look at the buy/sell section on this site and see if you can make a deal. Where are you dirt bike racing?
  • + 1
 I race all over new england in the NETRA Hare Scrambles series. this weekend, however, I'm racing an AMA National Hare Scramble in upstate new york! I'm super pumped about this one I've never done this track before and I've heard it's a great course! I also just dropped off the Big Hit to get fixed, so i'll be back free riding in two weeks or so!
  • + 1
 Nice! Good luck and I'm sure I'll see you out on the trails soon.

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