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DarkFEST: The Build Has Begun - Video

Jan 27, 2017
by Pure Darkness  
Views: 20,172    Faves: 64    Comments: 5

The boys from Pure Darkness are back at The Garden Route Trail Park, but this time the plans are a bit different. Sam Reynolds has brought two master builders with him, Clemens Kaudela and Nico Vink to make the massive jumps even more crazy for DarkFEST!

DarkFEST The Build Has Begun - Video

dig till dark It s always dark here

bigquotesI brought Clemens and Nico to help me make the jumps bigger and darker than ever! These guys really know what they're doing and this year will have massive plans - Sam

Judging the size of things on video is often very misleading and both the newcomers were very surprised at the size of these jumps, but they dove right into the diggers and got to work. Adding new lines, tweaking a few things to make it more friendly for DH bikes and smoothing the eroded lips and landings was first on the cards.

DarkFEST The Build Has Begun - Video

bigquotesWhen I first got here and saw the step up and the site my thoughts were, go big or go home...man, maybe I should have stayed at home. - Clemens

serious discussion

The infamous giant step up now has two hipped landings on either side and the right line leads into a left hip on the last jump of the line, which looks absolutely insane. They are also busy with the new 80ft jump over the run into the step up, which will make for some spectacular shots with guys jumping over each other going Mach 1!

bigquotesWhen Sam showed me the jumps, I was blown away by the sheer size of these things. Pretty nervous to ride them to be honest - Nico

the happiest digger driver

Having two diggers here now means that the speed of progress has doubled. You can literally watch the jumps grow. Nico is loving it too much and spending all day in them getting things dialed in.

A bit of rain came through on Wednesday, which slowed down the building but made the dirt tacky and perfect to work with, so it's guns blazing again and can't wait to see the rest of the ideas come to life.

Lots more plans to unfold, keep an eye out for the week 2 update before all the FEST boys come down to shred the goodness!

DarkFEST The Build Has Begun - Video

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Member since May 6, 2015
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  • 175 1
 In Belgium, we could call that landing a bikepark on it's own.
  • 220 0
 In the netherlands we'd call it a mountain.
  • 18 62
flag Husker2112 (Jan 27, 2017 at 8:55) (Below Threshold)
 In New Mexico we call it a lump of dirt.
  • 13 2
 In Afrikaans this is called Donker Mag! \m/
  • 10 0
 @endlessblockades: Oh wow here we go
  • 1 0
 @Protato: Where are we going? I'm just regurgitating the title of that SA ZEF band's album......

Edit - I see what you mean - I hadn't seen the other teaser post!

  • 12 5
 In Soviet Russia they call that an anthill
  • 1 0
 @endlessblockades: im guessing that means f*cking big. Looks like I'm fluent in Afrikaans
  • 1 0
 @mikeyspaff: HAHA actually it's more like Dark Power or Dark Force
  • 55 3
 In California they call that illegal,..unless you got epa-blm-fishngame-city, county, state approved for turtles and moss clearance after a 10year observation period. And if there's a stream or puddle nearby forget about it.
  • 9 0
 In Australia we'd call that a barragillamalloo.
  • 5 0
 @jrocksdh: Haha! I would up vote you 1000 times if I could!!!!
  • 5 0
 @jrocksdh: this is exactly why I do not live in California anymore
  • 1 1
 @jrocksdh: BAHAHAHAHA!
  • 1 0
 in utah we call this the bottom of rampage
  • 98 0
 If I just rolled down the ramp I'd think I'd had an amazing weekend
  • 23 1
 If I put my mind into it I am sure I could rapel it
  • 45 0
 They would probably need the fire dept. To get me down this ramp.
  • 46 1
 You know it's serious when fu**ing NICO VINK is "blown away by the size of things and pretty nervous to ride them"...
  • 40 5
 These dudes have some huge balls
  • 25 1
 And some huge machines, and some huge jumps, and, wait .. Everything's huge..
  • 20 21
 @fitjoani: That's what she said.
  • 10 0
 ... and incredible skills, and, we have to admit, a bit of craziness (or is it fearlessness?)
  • 13 11
 Equal rides for all let's see some ladies hit this. I see dudes hitting it all the time.
  • 19 1
 Having said that, I had a friend whose left ball swelled to the size of a grapefruit. I'm fairly convinced this ailment wouldn't have meant he could hit any of those jumps.
  • 2 0
 @WaterBear: i like it when they tell u these white lies to make u feel good-she's a keeper!
  • 2 1
 How do they even get in the cab of the machine with those balls?
  • 2 0
 @jrocksdh: Oh no, my girl definitely does not leave me with delusions.

I guess my finger is not as on-the-pulse of the Pinkbike sense of humour as I'd hoped.
  • 3 0
 Insane is not even close to describe it, imagine the G-out at the bottom of the ramp
  • 26 2
 Even moto riders would say F$%^ that.... Too big, Then the DH bikes step in...... Holy S.....!!!!!! Massive
  • 4 1
 No the MX guys wouldn't do that. They might start to respec MTB freesteezin' a bit more, but scared of it? Pfffft WTF you been watchin' that ain't MX that you think is MX? O.o
  • 13 0
 Whoa! That roll-in though... Cant wait to see the final edit. Positive vibes and be safe dudes!
  • 20 2
 bought it cheap off MacDuff...
  • 5 0
 @dtax: Hope they make good use of the Doom Loop.
  • 11 0
 I hope you're filling your tires with helium.
  • 6 0
 Sith Ifrica looks awesome, and them jumps and lines are crazy. They have "FEST" written all over them. Before long they'll be a Fest line on every continent. lol Here's hoping. All the best for 2017 men.
  • 25 0
 Penguin Fest on jumps cut into Antarctic glaciers would be so sick.
  • 9 0
 Hollowsquad representttttttttt
  • 1 0
 Haha, exactly what i was thinking!
  • 7 0
 Every time I click on an article about this event, I read it as "DANKfest" lol
  • 4 0
 Probably closer to the truth too!
  • 8 0
 If Nico is nervous...
  • 7 1
 If they had rode these on slopestyle bikes before, why switch to downhill bikes?
  • 6 0
 I had never ridden anything even close to this but I'd say that a DH bike is more appropriate to ride at the ridiculous speed they need to clear those jumps.
  • 3 0
 @t1000: There were hardtail DJ bikes last year.
  • 7 1
 holy fuck i couldnt be more excited
  • 5 1
 In the past these have been sent on slope bikes and hardtails. Can't wait to see the dh bike send em
  • 4 0
 You build big, we'll build bigger, when will this madness stop ?

Hopefully never ! lol
  • 5 0
 Are we gonna see a healthy Matt MacDuff on a big bike??
  • 6 0
 Yeah Xavier!!
  • 4 1
 Serious question - Sam Reynolds didn't ride rampage because of safety reasons, are insanely huge jumps safer than cliffs or is it more his riding preference?
  • 4 0
 Falling off a cliff = no control, lots of sharp hard things that can break your bones, and you're gonna die. Messing up a huge jump = groomed landing to catch you and more control of how you fall.
  • 7 3
 I ride a XC bike so no one will ever ask me to do a jump like that!
  • 19 2
 Whatever u wanna do, its all good...as long as ur not running a lefty.
  • 3 0
 Does anyone know who does the logo designs for the fest events? They are so on point
  • 3 0
 Most of them are done by www.badtasteco.com, a friend of Nico
  • 2 0
 Looking forward to darkfest Sam your pushing the boundaries of this sport can't wait to see what shit you pull off those monsters!
  • 2 1
 Limits are well and truly being pushed! I thought Hardline was nuts, maybe when someone gets killed people might think, " yeah we'll just go back to the Rampage!"
  • 2 0
 When you need an excavator that big to build your jumps you know they're going to be massive!
  • 2 0
 Shit 'bout to get real up in dis' m'fvcka, nucca. \m/

Wonder if Duffy gon' get a piece.
  • 1 0
 Im getting the feeling it will me similar scenario to when that dude hit the 50 foot loop, someones getting f'ed up. Cant wait to watch
  • 1 0
 Please someone give me a lift from Durban to Garden Route for DarkFEST!! Razz Looks insane
  • 2 0
 Songz were ill ya'll feel me
  • 1 0
 Normally in bikeparks they work with 2-3 tons mini-excavators. This CAT is 25 tons!!!
  • 1 0
 that's impressive alright
  • 2 0
 dude. bro.
  • 2 1
 ...CLICK CLICK BOOM !!! Smile
  • 2 0
 Xavier Wulf
  • 1 0
 xavier wulf
  • 1 0
 Holy shit.
  • 1 0
 Niko Vink nervous. Damn.
  • 5 5
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