Iztaccíhuatl: Riding Down a Volcano

Jun 17, 2015 at 14:25
by Nicolas Switalski  

The name Iztaccíhuatl comes from the Aztec's native tongue, the Nahuatl, and it means Woman in White, due to its snow covered silhouette that resembles a sleeping woman. This inactive volcano is located between the state of Puebla and Mexico city, about 50km southeast of the country's capital. It is the third highest peak in Mexico with its summit at 5,286 meters.

Pictured above in the background is the Popocatepetl volcano, which is still very active, and according to the Aztec legend, got its name after Popoca, the brave warrior who fell in love with the beautiful princess Iztaccíhuatl. The legend says that Iztaccihuatl died of grief when she received the false news that her beloved Popoca had died in war. Popoca then took the late princess to the top of a mountain and placed her there on top of a flower bed and swore he would be forever guarding beside her with a lit torch. The princess' father, while looking for his daughter, found these two mountains and told his people that the gods had turned Iztaccíhuatl and Popocatepetl into volcanoes, so that they could be forever together.

A few months back, the Bike Logistics-Transition Bikes México team went on a journey to make the first ever, Iztaccíhuatl mountain bike ascent (and descent, of course), and the following pictures and words tell that story.

Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano
And so it begins, the long road winding up. Mau de Avila riding, or more accurately, Giddying Up his Transition Bikes Patrol to the top.
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Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano
The weather changes were drastic, from one moment to the other clear skies could change into zero visibility because of the fog and newborn clouds.
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The last glimpse of where we started. La Joya is the last place where cars can access, this is the place where all climbers gather, pay their entry fee and register to enter into the park.

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The air is thin and the terrain is not forgiving. Almost 90% of the way up was done mostly by pushing our bikes, there were very few, small sections that could be pedalled making the climb a real challenge. The fact that we were carrying almost 30 kilos of gear plus pushing our bikes and some of the steep parts were loose sand did not help either.

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Rock garden anyone?
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Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano

Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano
The climb to the summit is a real challenge for climbers, not to mention mountain bikers!
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Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano
Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano

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Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano
Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano

Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano
4,500+ metres above sea level, and we're not there yet!
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Struggling with over 30 kilos on our backs made this a bit more challenging.

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Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano
Stephan Sproll just catching his breath.

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Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano
Every step we took became harder and harder.
Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano

Our plan was to climb all the way up to the last shelter before the volcano's summit. This shelter is called "Refugio de los 100" or "The Shelter of the 100". We had never climbed this volcano before, and we didn't know what was beyond each corner, or how much energy should we spare for what had to come. Our guide, Manuel Neira; an experienced climber, mountain biker and good friend was the one we had to trust in terms of pace and energy consumption.

Along the way up we passed many climbers that looked at us in awe, and asked us if we really were planning on going all the way up with our bikes, and more so, come back down on them. I was surprised at how most of them cheered us on and you could see it in their adrenaline junky eyes and adventure souls that they knew it was going to be a real challenge, but most of all, a lot of fun.

Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano
At last! The shelter, what a welcomed sight! El refugio de los 100 sits at +/- 4,785 meters above sea level. One of the most emotional experiences upon our arrival was when a group of climbers that had passed us on the beginning of the climb saw us arriving and started taking pictures of us and congratulating us on having achieved this adventure.

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Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano

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A well deserved meal after the climb.
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No mountain is high enough to bring gourmet camping food.


We arrived just before nightfall, we had climbed for over 6 hours and had not eaten anything but energy bars. A well deserved meal was the first and only thing on our minds.

Everyone was so happy and emotional that we had achieved our goal and could not believe that this was just the start of the adventure as we had to get through the night and figure out what the trail on the way down had planned for us.

Immediately after our "gourmet" dinner we felt the fatigue of the day on our bodies and decided to call it bedtime. We went into the shelter and we were out quite fast. I imagine it must have been a few hours later, as people kept arriving at the shelter and it got real cramped inside, we started feeling uncomfortable and the strong headaches began. Everybody was in the same state. Altitude sickness? Even experienced climbers were suffering, only to realize later that the shelter had gotten so cramped that there wasn't enough oxygen inside and we were starting to breathe all the carbon monoxide we were producing. Thankfully we realized this fast enough and opened all the vents in the shelter. We immediately started feeling better, but by this time it was already about 4:00 in the morning and our precious rest for the next day was shortened.

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Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano
Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano

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Amecameca is the town we could see from the shelter
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Our shelter was illuminated by the almost full moon


The rays of sun coming through the shelter's vents woke us up and we had had a terrible night's sleep and getting up was really hard, but we knew we had an adventure to finish.

The plan was to go down a trail our guide had done on foot a few years before which led up to the trails of Amecameca which we knew by hand since they had been the stages of the last two Enduro races here. We just had to get there!

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The Popocatepetl volcano is still very active, and is constantly making small explosions. It has been this way for a while now, no telling when/if ever it will erupt.

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Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano

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Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano
Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano

Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano
Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano

And the fun begins...

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Diego was the first one to try this terrain out.

You could see the perfectly drawn "trail" (more like a goat path to be honest) we had to follow that led to a valley way down bellow. At first glance and from a distance the trail looked like a gravel singletrack that seemed fast and fun to ride down, but the first pedal stroke made us rethink our ideas and forced us to learn how to ride this terrain that we thought would have no technical difficulty, as it was way more loose than it seemed and there was no way of braking or reducing speed, we just skidded down with all the rocks rolling bellow our tires, just to enter huge, barely rideable rock gardens, one into another for about an hour. It took a few falls to get the hang of it, and it was definitely some of the gnarliest "trails" we had done, but eventually we got to the valley where the flowy singletrack started.

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Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano

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Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano

Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano

Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano
Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano

Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano
Mauricio de Avila riding into the fog.
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Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano
Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano
Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano
Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano
Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano
Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano

Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano
Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano

Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano

Finally, we were there! Familiar trails. We had gotten there in one piece and had a amazing adventure in doing so.

These kinds of experiences make us stronger, they fulfill this urge we have as mountain bikers to seek the unknown in search of the perfect trail. Needless to say, perfect trails are all around us, but it's true that the sense of the unknown, adventure, and good friends make a riding trip much more worth it.

I would like to thank all the crew that made this epic story happen and for giving me the opportunity to take part in this.

Image for the article - Iztacc huatl Riding down a volcano
The crew from left to right: Diego Sada, Stephan Sproll, Mauricio de Avila, Gerardo Flores, Manuel Neira, Octavio Rodriguez and Eduardo Baz

Music: Iguazú by Gustavo Santaolalla

MENTIONS: @nswitalski / @TransitionBikeCompany

Author Info:
nswitalski avatar

Member since Dec 15, 2010
23 articles

  • 11 0
 Increíble , muy buenas fotos y muy buena historia
  • 8 0
 Wow - que impression!

I've hiked this mountain in the past, and it's hard enough at that altitude just to keep walking - I can't fathom pushing a bike up and/or being coherent enough to ride down in control. Awesome adventure!!
  • 5 0
 Que fotos!!! Ya quiero estar ahí!!!
  • 8 0
 This brought me so many memories... El Izta. Like someone just made an old dream reality.
  • 7 2
 Diego, felicidades por otra gran aventura.
También hay bajadas increibles por el lado de la Cabeza desde el albergue has ta San Rafael y por lo que era el Glaciar de Ayoloco directo al Santo y de ahí hasta Ameca.
Conozco muy bien la zona porque el fundador del Grupo de los Cien (los que haciamos los albergues) fue mi Papá y yo era del grupo que llevaba y armaba los albergues a principios de los 80s. mi parte favorita de ir al volcán era bajar de la Joya hacia paso de Cortés y hasta la carretera en mi bici de BMX.

Saludos y que sigan sus aventuras en nuestro País
  • 5 0
 Me transportaron hasta allí con esas fotografías!
Definitivamente harán que muchos riders vengan a nuestro país por este tipo de aventuras.
Excelente trabajo!
Nico eres un mago con la cámara ca!
  • 3 0
 Muchas gracias! jaja
  • 6 1
 You all must have motors inside and drink gasoline to be able to do an epic feat like that.

No, really. You even said so in the article:
"...we were starting to breathe all the carbon monoxide we were producing"
  • 4 0
 I used to live in Amecameca when I was 20. It is a beautiful place. The volcano was always steaming. I had a cheap walmart bike when I lived there. I never went anywhere near as high up the volcano as these guys did but I rode around the base of the volcano. I have always wanted to go back with a real bike and explore.
  • 7 0
 simply beautiful photography.
  • 2 0
 Thanks you @OzMike ! Cheers!
  • 5 2
 Mexico is such a beautiful country where one can find so many varied terrains, from deserts to tropical forests while going from sea level to well over 4000 meters. It is a real fucking shame that the country is going through such a rough patch at the moment, which keeps me away from the time being...
  • 6 0
 The area in the article you'll be fine. It is an hour from Mexico city airport. Fly in from Frankfurt get a rental car take the highway to puebla right at the airport and that's it.
  • 2 3
 Wrong info. Iztaccihuatl means "sleeping woman"
  • 4 2
 Seria bueno que antes de publicar algo te informaras bien!! El significado: Iztac=blanco y cihuatl=mujer.
  • 3 1
 Perdón, asi es como nos lo enseñaron en la escuela y estaba seguro de ello pero chequé en el diccionario y tienes razón.
  • 2 1
 En otro diccionario de etimologias Nahuatl tambien dice que es mujer dormida por la posición aunque la traducción directa es la de mujer blanca, creo que no del todo erroneo lo que puse.

  • 5 0
 Me gusta las mujeres.
  • 3 0
 @santoman, wow, it's been almost 4 years since last time I went across the volcanoes, things are getting shittier that's for sure. Thanks for sharing, even though it's really bad news.
Don't let this discourage you though, being in peril is part of the Mexico experience, Wink
  • 3 1
 @Narro2 been there, done that! (and it is f*cked-up news indeed)
  • 2 0
 Not that f*cked up. It is robery not murder in this particular case. Arent you trying to be a bit theatrical?
  • 2 0
 @Narro2 you're right, I might have gotten carried away. The news brought back bad memories but there was no need to pester the PB community.
  • 4 1
 Increible articulo!!! Caldo de pollo para el alma bicicletera. Gracias a todos los que lo hicieron posible. God, this makes me homesick. I never rode in that area, only around the classic spots around DF and did the Popobike once. Mexico has just so much to offer! Thanks Pinkbike!
  • 4 0
 Yep, that's badass. I live in Puebla now and the most beautiful trails I've ridden surround that entire volcanic area, and been in ColoRADo and SoCal
  • 3 1
 Buenisimas fotos se conjugan con una interesante narrción.

Pero el erro que encuentro al principio del texto me inquieta: El término "mexica" deriva del autónimo usados realmente por el pueblo al que se refiere, mientras que el término azteca deriva del mito de Aztlán en gran parte legendario, y no era un término usado usualmente por los antiguos pobladores de México para referirse a sí mismos.

Lástima que la palabra azteca sea mas conocida para defeinir historicamente a los origenes del pueblo mexicano.
No dejes que continúe transmitiendose, y peor aun, de manera internacional.

Por lo demás, excelente trabajo...
  • 5 0
 STUNNING pics. Seriously awe inspiring.
  • 3 0
 I would call them EPIC!
  • 2 0
 Thank you very much, glad you liked them!!! Cheers!
  • 3 0
 Felicidades a Bike Logistics.... gran artículo, increíbles fotos y ponen a México muy en alto en el mapa del Mountain Bike!
  • 3 0
 to make the first ever, Iztaccíhuatl mountain bike ascent (and descent, of course), and the following pictures and words tell that story.

creo que no, estoy verificando ...
  • 3 0
 Y bien, ya verificaste?
  • 1 1
 si, verificado, el alpinista Jorge Hermosillo quien conquisto el Everest con una expedición Mexicana, tiene un certificado de haber sido el primero en MTB en subir hasta la cumbre del Izta, aqui la url con la foto: www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10203256086442701&set=p.10203256086442701&type=1&theater
  • 4 0
 first picture does it again.
  • 4 0
 Really nice pics and adventure, congrats.
  • 1 0
  • 1 1
 "Altitude sickness?" Definitely, especially during a one day push up to 5200m. More likely than what you thought, no way a human produces carbon monoxide unless you were burning your stoves in the shelter, we breathe out carbon dioxide. Looks like great fun! Still curious what the 30 kg packs were for...
  • 1 0
 This type of articles are outstanding. It gives you a real sense of freedom. Maybe in future I will enjoy as much as people of this kind of articles. Congrats for this great feat.
  • 2 0
 Muchas gracias @JL-oky que bueno que te gusto, nos da gusto que les llega a la gente! Saludos!
  • 4 0
 i love a good adventure
  • 2 0
 It's been said many times, but this picture format is absolutely astonishing!
  • 3 0
 what happend to the big bags left behind?
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 Jajaja, gracias Addy, no lo habias visto? Este ya es viejo, jejeje
  • 3 0
 Love this!
  • 3 1
 no 30kg packs on the way down I see Razz great story though
  • 2 0
 I was wondering where it all went as well. They didn't leave it up top did they?
  • 4 0
 We had some climber friends help us getting down all that stuff on foot, as we rode down a totally different and raw "trail". They are the ones at the end of the post, last 2 pictures.
  • 2 0
 Awesome... and splendid guitar work!
  • 2 0
 Beautiful adventure, kudos to the bike-hikers!
  • 1 0
 Excelente, debe haber sido todo un reto subir ahi. Yo solo llegue al paso de cortes...
  • 3 1
 yeah !!! eso es todo !!
  • 2 0
 Adventure city!
  • 2 0
 Music is a nice touch!
  • 1 1
 Oh, he has the infamous, uncertified Bell helmet, his chin guard didn't explode, neither the volcano - impossibruuu
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 Uno de tantos hermosos lugares de México !!
  • 1 0
 30kg onthe back and uphill 4700m ? X_X
  • 1 0
 Super chingon, muchas felicidades por el excelente trabajo
  • 2 0
 next ride orizaba?
  • 2 0
 Jaja! No, we have something completely different already cooking! Wait for it! ;-)
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 So.. where did they poop?
  • 1 0
 como sufren!

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