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Official Ghetto Parts Thread

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Official Ghetto Parts Thread
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Posted: Feb 4, 2013 at 19:32 Quote
Sounds rad. What colour ano?

Posted: Feb 4, 2013 at 22:43 Quote
3rd page already! noice! aha

Dingus that cog spacer was ridiculous. Although. I used a bearing once aha.

Steezy headset spacer made of an old bearing

Posted: Feb 4, 2013 at 23:16 Quote
Holy shit this is my thread Razz posting to sub for future reference, except some stories later!

Posted: Feb 4, 2013 at 23:18 Quote
mr-nozzer wrote:
For about 6 months I ran a grip flange as a crank spacer
This seat is some comfy shit.


Posted: Feb 5, 2013 at 0:53 Quote
I suppose it's kinda ghetto how i'll be running a zee 10spd mech with a sram 9spd shifter and cassette lol

Posted: Feb 5, 2013 at 1:02 Quote
so i ride a 36 talas that according to a fox mech isn't lower-able. since then i've taken the talas and rebound adjusters off because of clearance issues for more ghetto steeze points
Lowered Fox 36 Talas. YO. 65mm
  Lowered Fox 36 Talas. YO. 65mm

i had to essentially demolish my FSA bash to make it work with saints because i needed to use the longer chainring bolts, which in the end got swapped out for standard bolts/nuts i could find

waay too big a shock on my cowan, because awesome!

halfords rear wheel
Big shock silly rear wheel
  Big shock, silly rear wheel

old cowan with something like 5 re-welds
Cowan frame broke for the last time.
  Cowan frame, broke for the last time.

old BB
... there s your problem.
  ... there's your problem.

then there's more that i never bothered getting pictures of Big Grin used a bearing as a steerer spacer, used random bits of metal that fit as spacers too.

Posted: Feb 5, 2013 at 1:28 Quote
Does refurbishing parts count as ghetto'in? If so I do it every day! tup

Posted: Feb 5, 2013 at 1:28 Quote
tomcrowther wrote:
so i ride a 36 talas that according to a fox mech isn't lower-able. since then i've taken the talas and rebound adjusters off because of clearance issues for more ghetto steeze points
Lowered Fox 36 Talas. YO. 65mm
  Lowered Fox 36 Talas. YO. 65mm

i had to essentially demolish my FSA bash to make it work with saints because i needed to use the longer chainring bolts, which in the end got swapped out for standard bolts/nuts i could find

waay too big a shock on my cowan, because awesome!

halfords rear wheel
Big shock silly rear wheel
  Big shock, silly rear wheel

old cowan with something like 5 re-welds
Cowan frame broke for the last time.
  Cowan frame, broke for the last time.

old BB
... there s your problem.
  ... there's your problem.

then there's more that i never bothered getting pictures of Big Grin used a bearing as a steerer spacer, used random bits of metal that fit as spacers too.

WOW, that whole bike is just ghetto...lol... good stuff, ridden to the death...! Stay safe ma man... ; )

Great thread by the way, this will keep me amused...

Posted: Feb 5, 2013 at 1:42 Quote
A very boring winter resulted in me strapping a skateboard to my vmx and a piece of metal as a front skid....

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Posted: Feb 5, 2013 at 1:43 Quote
does pro bike stacking on little cars count? Razz

Unsecure image, only https images allowed: http://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/563127_3628920853854_474242916_n.jpg
and i fixed my shoes once too..

ahhhhh good as new

and we found this in spain so we brought it back because its so awesome haha

and a snowbike for good measure

Posted: Feb 5, 2013 at 3:07 Quote
Ha some of this stuff is hilarious, I'll admit i've done my fair share of bodging, like when somehow the bolts for my bash guard wore themselfs out and I held it on with cable ties.. but my mates dad, he is the bodging king, made a forge out of an old scrap of metal, some fire cement and a hairdryer as bellows to keep it hot, think he's making a knifes in it. i'll get some pics from him, plus his garage is like bodging central. seriously seen some dodgy things in there I dare to utter about lol

Posted: Feb 5, 2013 at 3:16 Quote
norwichmtb wrote:
Does refurbishing parts count as ghetto'in? If so I do it every day! tup

quite the opposite Razz If its broken and you've bodged it to get home/ do one more run and it looks fugly, then its ghetto! Wink

Posted: Feb 5, 2013 at 4:20 Quote
I built a whole bike from ghetto parts. I fixed it with a hammer, man I love. But yeah, lol chain ring bolts? More like a big f*ck off bolt and nut


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