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Finish Line Interviews from the Bielsko-Biala DH World Cup 2024

May 19, 2024
by Nick Bentley  

With Round 2 coming to a close at Bielsko-Biala, I caught up with the winners in the finish area to get their reaction to a wild weekend on a brand-new track.


Heather Wilson

Second round. Win number two. How was that one?

So loose! I saw all the girls times and I was like this is going to be really close. I might manage to scrape a third, and then just coming down I was like that run was okay. I made a few mistakes in places, my foot came off the pedal at one point, and I could have pedalled on more, but I was like, I'm too dead. I'm just gonna try and cross over. Oh my goodness, what's just happened?!

I don't know whether you realize it, but the only female quicker than you is Vali from a time yesterday. Do you think there's much more on that track? It's pretty wet now, right?

I'm not sure. Every corner I came to was just a hole and it's so loose. It's been raining now, so I'm not sure if it's better or worse, but we'll see how it goes.

I hear from the team, you've got a bit of a tradition you started. Where did you go for food last night?

McDonald's. Every night before a final, I go to McDonald's and just eat whatever I want because I can't eat during the day because I get so nervous that I just can't eat. I just go to McDonald's. I can eat so much after and it's just a tradition now. It's so good. I love the tradition.

Do you think you can do the same in Leogang?

We'll see. I've never ridden the track. It's all going to be new to me, and I'm just trying to get the idea of the racing and just have fun, ride my best, and it works.

We have a British National back home in Fort William next weekend. Are you skipping that and having a rest?

Uh no way. I'm racing that. Come back home Monday, then probably leaving like Friday. Do some runs at Fort William and we'll see how that one goes. Hopefully, that'll be fun on the home track again.


Asa Vermette

Two from two. Did you believe that could happen?

Honestly no. I've just been trying to do my best every run.

It was a pretty wild run. We were looking at a time that would have put you in the top 20 of the elite men in semis, and the weather was awful. How did the weather affect your run?

In the open sections I was just sliding, hoping I wasn't gonna hit the ground. In the woods section it wasn't terrible. I was letting her slide. I almost let her go in the last one.

Yeah, it looked real loose. Do you think the tracks changed tons?

From when we were practicing this morning there were a couple of different sections, like ruts and different places, but not much.

A tough couple of weeks for you guys. Has it affected you all with the bikes going missing?

Neko dealt with it pretty quickly and easily, so it didn't really affect me and Angel much.

Are you ready to add another one to it in Leogang?

I'm definitely gonna give her a go.


Marine Cabirou

Back to winning ways. How does it feel?

Yeah, it's actually pretty amazing, especially here in Poland with a new track. The track changed a lot and it was really difficult to judge, and I tried to push and do my best.

How did you find that track? The juniors were saying it was getting really rough, really hard to ride.

The track was really good, but yeah, it's become really destroyed after one round of training. It was really hard to push. I do my best and finally that all clicked together. I'm really happy with that.

A fresh winner for the elite women. It's great to see. It's really tight though isn't it in the top? Were you expecting it when you were sat on the podium?

We never know. But, of course, the women's race is always super tight this year, and I think all the season it will be really crazy. I'm sad for Vali to crash, but it's part of the game, so I'm happy to take the win.

The crowd here. I mean, you were just signing autographs. How's it been with this crowd?

The crowd is really amazing, especially with the weather. We had rain at the beginning of the afternoon and the crowd stayed here, so it's really amazing. I hope we will come back here.

Back to something more familiar next though at Leogang. How do you feel about there? Do you think you can do it again?

I don't know, I've had some good races in Leogang so maybe it will be easier. We never know. But I'm in a good mindset actually, so I hope it will stay like this.


Ronan Dunne

How does it feel, man?

Oh, man, I cannot f*cking believe it. I'm so, so buzzing. No words. I don't remember much of the run. I was just at the headspace to win and . . . Oh my god.

After coming so close last year did you think it was going to happen?

I put in the work this winter and I was training for it to happen, but I didn't think it was going to happen. To do it this early on in the season. I can't believe it. Buzzing I can't believe it.

How about the track? You look like you were enjoying it all weekend.

Insane track. I loved it so much. It was just amazing.

The track's evolved over the weekend, right?

Yeah, it's changed completely from the track on the first day of practice, it was completely different. It's turned into a proper racetrack. The loam has gone and so many roots came out, and it was just hard dirt that you could really push into.

Yesterday the crowd was crazy. But today, a different level?

Insane crowd I loved it. The Polish crowd was insane. It reminds me of Ireland, to be honest. They're fond of the drink and they're loud, so it's pretty sick. They were just the whole way down there, I loved it.

Not just a new team for you, a new team completely and their first win. How big a party are you expecting when you get back to that pit?

I don't know. We'll see, we didn't really expect it. I've been dreaming of a full factory team. I've loved Mondraker as a brand, and they were one of the best bike brands there was a few years back and to get them back on a win is a dream come true. I can't believe it. I'm sure it's not the last win for the team. Everyone on the team and the factory works so hard. Dream come true.

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Member since Nov 28, 2019
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  • 9 0
 Great coverage this year.
  • 9 0
 Heather would have been 4th place elite, not bad for a first year junior!
  • 16 0
 It's hard to judge track conditions, but it even looked to be drying out a bit for elite, vs. actually raining when the top juniors came down; the commentator mentioned Marine had switched to dry condition tires. Conditions aside, here's the top 10 women, juniors and elites intermixed:

1. Marine Cabirou
2. Camille Balanche
3. Nina Hoffmann
4. Heather Wilson *
5. Erice Van Leuven *
6. Jess Blewitt
7. Tahnee Seagrave
8. Sacha Earnest *
9. Eliana Hulsebosch *
10. Valentina Holl (crashed)

So 4/10 juniors. There's going to be a big shakeup in Women's elite over the next few year.
  • 5 0
 I think it’s time we can abstain from the “*” with various pieces of colorful language. Haha.
  • 4 1
 This is a family website ya duck
  • 2 0
 @Jvhowube: So... it's ok to call people names?
  • 1 0
 Heather is a real gem. Brought to you by the SDA (Scottish downhill association) and will be back home this weekend to race Fort Bill SDA.
What a girl. The pride of Scotland right now. All of us at the races have seen her potential, last year and into this year. Legend.

She is gonna beat us old boys again though, it's ok now though as she is a double world cup winner.
  • 1 0

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