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Video: Not Afraid to Fall - Brian Hall's Ride with Parkinson's

Aug 7, 2022
by Sarah Moore  

bigquotesBrian Hall is many things—a published author, public speaker, loving partner, friend, community caretaker, and a devoted cyclist. He has dedicated his life to sharing his story with the intention of removing stigmas, transforming being the “other,” and bringing people close for intimate conversations and connection.

Brian's symptoms of Parkinson's disease started at age 14. His high school basketball coach noticed his movement was being hampered by intermittent foot cramps, as he ran the length of the basketball court.

This was the beginning of a very long and frustrating medical journey. For years, the uncertainty of Brian’s condition left him with a great deal of fear and doubt about his physical future.

Then, in 2013 almost 20 years later he got a bicycle, and his entire world changed.

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  • 62 0
 This hits home for me. My father has had Parkinson's for 15 years. A few years ago I dared him to try riding my townie in the parking lot of the local high school on the weekend. I helped him get on the bike, and he literally took off like there was no tomorrow, and all I could do was smile and weep. To see the joy in my father's face on the bike still stands as a testament to the impact and special relationship that a bicycle can have with our bodies, hearts, and minds. I will never forget his smile, and seeing him as just a kid on a bike without a care in the world. Bikes are special, don't ever forget it; they're a safe space fo the kid in all of us to takeover the reigns and leave the world behind us.
  • 17 0
 Legend—on so many levels. Thanks so much for letting me glimpse greatness.
  • 13 0
 Some people are just so damn inspiring.
  • 8 0
 Inspiring work, Brian and all. Best wishes, keep pushing.

An old friend is a 20-yr PD patient and he also gets benefits from MTB. It’s kind of a magical thing. I’m grateful we still have this. My heart is out to everyone impacted by a degenerative nerve condition. Stay strong, keep inspiring.
  • 11 0
 Thanks, Brian.
  • 6 0
 A truly great and inspirational video for me as it hits close to home, I lost my father earlier this year to a heart attack who was also named Brian, had the same surgery and was still battling with Parkinson's. I'll be sure to share this video with my kids who also miss him and love mountain biking. Best of Luck in your Future endeavors Brian from down here in New Zealand
  • 8 0
 That was well worth the watch...a credit to all involved!
  • 8 0
 Inspirational story. Glad he found mountain biking.
  • 5 0
 Really impressive and admirable. Can't even imagine what he went through during his life... What a mentally strong human he is!
  • 3 0
 First off what a great watch! Second off this highlights the reasons I support e-bikes today. They provide everyone with the opportunity to get out and do something awesome that we all love.

/soapbox Before we judge someone for riding an e-bike or call it cheating lets all just celebrate the ability and opportunity to ride any kind of bike. It frustrates me to no end the e-bike hate, the e-bike stigma etc. a pedal assist e-bike (those exhibited and highlighted here on pinkbike) are no more damaging to the trails than a normal aka analog bike, in my opinion. I believe there is a study somewhere on this also.

Keep up the insiprational work PinkBike
  • 5 0
 Having my kids watch. This will be the gold standard for why you can instead of why you can't.
  • 2 0
 Many years ago I watched a documentary about a guy with Parkinsons who practiced his golf swing each morning so he could use a spoon to eat his breakfast cereal, and recently read about drumming being of benefit to people with autism. Something very special about movement with purpose and rhythm and employing muscle memory to control movement vs conscious control. I think its linked to all the chat about 'flow", when you can let the sub-conscious take over. Very inspiring and bikes are brilliant.
  • 5 0
 That was absolutely outstanding and inspiring.
  • 1 0
 My goal is to participate ....... Best god damn video on pinkbike As an ex bike shop gremlin, I have been in the same situation as the guy referenced to in this video - often too quick to judge even with our best intentions - this should highlight the first line of my comment to others working in the cycle retail industry
  • 2 0
 My friend had Parkinson's and was a avid racer. One day he fell on a dirt road and passed away. Thanks for the video, makes me rethink about this activity for those that suffer with this.
  • 5 0
 Thank you
  • 5 0
 What a legend
  • 1 0
 Wow we all take for granted something as simple as walking. Amazing to see the fluid movement he has on the bike . Talk about a pedal bike giving one freedom. Beautiful story . Thank you.
  • 4 0
 Thank you for sharing
  • 3 0
 Thank you for this very inspirational video. A truly epic life!
  • 3 0
 Such a great watch, what a true gent and inspiration to all
  • 1 0
 Great video. Showed it to kids as well. I'm curious about the black and white but inserted. When is that from. It looked fairly recent despite the black and white film.
  • 3 0
 Excellent Brian!!!!
  • 2 0
 Fantastic video and a great guy!
  • 1 0
 Hell yeah! One of the best videos Pink Bike has posted. Great job Brian you are an inspiration to all of us!
  • 3 1
 Can’t believe he cheated on an E-bike!
  • 2 0
 English humour (!) really inspiring video. Happy riding Brian!
  • 1 0
 No words. Thank you, Brian.
  • 1 0
 That was awesome. Every ride is a gift. Keep pedaling Brian.
  • 1 0
 Thank you for this.
  • 1 0

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