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  • 16 2
 I think she represents perfectly! Would even buy a spring for my hardtail.
  • 5 3
 Great stuff! #RideTi
  • 1 0
 @beneli First of all, I'm a customer, ain't I? And in the role of a customer I have the great possibility to take my money else were. But since I actually like tisprings I thought that it could be worth the chance and tell them that I (as their customer) don't like their advertisment. I dislike it so much that I feel that I shouldn't keep buying their stuff. So now I have two possible ways. 1 I just stop buying, and they never know why I stopped. 2. I tell them that I don't like their way of advertising and hope that they'll change. We live in a market economy, and this is how it works. The responsible thing to do is to tell tisprings that I dislike what they do and hope that they stop... So that I can keep buying their stuff.

And about the woman in the add. I now know several women how have reacted against this add because they feel that they have been made an object by our sport and by tisprings. In my humble view that's enough by far... And again if they don't like the way this sport view women they'll find another sport, since I don't like that option I think that someone should raise their voice..
  • 1 0
 Oh yes! Men and women are indeed very different! I've never said anything else, that is my and have been my opinion for as long as I can remember. And sure men and women have different preferences, this is also true. I have never said anything about changing this fact. What I have said is that I do think that we can have a sport were we treat each other like equals. And this can be done even though men and women have different ways of looking at things. One way would be to stop this kind of ads... Because this thing does not help in any way when it comes to the equality of men and women. What crankworx did when they decided to give the same price money to men and women, that is helping, and to do something genuinely good for our sport in the long term... you know half of the people on this strange place we call earth are women, half of them! Maybe it's time to start recognizing this and give women the place they deserve?

of course does she not have a problem with taking part in this ad... Only a mad person would claim this... And I've never said anything about her view on the matter. Or any of the girls who take this kind of pictures of themself and post on the internetz. But I do promise you that for every girl that takes part in this sort of thing you'll find at the very least two girls who object against it since they'll have their role as an object fixed by others...

I might be fighting against something usual... But there are some other companies in this sport you might have heard about Sram, Shimano, Rockshox, Fox shocks, Hope, Raceface, Specialized, Öhlins, CRC, just to name a few, so far I've not seen an ad from any of these with a woman as their main attraction.. So apparently it can be done without a girl with very little clothing Smile In fact most of these companys use their athlets or products as advertisment...
  • 1 0
 Finally... The conservative in this debate is you my friend, not me. You are the one standing for the oppression of women, like you said:
"Whats wrong on being feminist? Maybe that they are fighting in extreme way for only their more equitable rights at the expense of men group."
I only think that equality is something worth fighting for, yes we're different and we have different skills but we have the exact same right to respect and possibilities to do what we want... And neither men or women should use each others bodies to make money...
What would we lose if women became our exact equal? I can't see that we would lose a single thing... except the right to this sort of ads, what a shame... And women gaining does not mean that us men will be losing.. Only a conservative and pitiful man would believe in something like that... Is that what you are?
And again I'm sorry but our way of life is gaining ground not losing ground.
To quote the European union:
"Equality between women and men is one of the fundamental principles of Community law. The European Union�s (EU) objectives on gender equality are to ensure equal opportunities and equal treatment for men and women and to combat any form of discrimination on the grounds of gender. The EU has adopted a two-pronged approach to this issue, combining specific measures with gender mainstreaming. The issue also has a strong international dimension with regard to the fight against poverty, access to education and health services, taking part in the economy and in the decision-making process, women's rights and human rights."
This can also be found in the UN...
  • 7 7
 I think your pointing your advert far to much towards men... Actually more like teenage boys. There's woman, children , and mature married men who ride bikes to ya know.
  • 11 4
 The vast majority of our customers are male. I don't think Rosi modelling one of our t-shirts with a couple of springs in her hands is really very gender specific though? #RideTi
  • 6 4
 that would be true hade she worn pants...
  • 5 7
 Sadly Tisprings, its not so much how you've used a woman in a sexually intriguing way to sell you product, its the influence it provides others who are not mature enough to respect a girl from a modeling point of view. Have a quick look through some of the comments posted on this page that you have triggered..... its pretty upsetting and disrespectful and it could have been prevented if you were to choose a more original marketing technique. Say maybe a mountain bike?
  • 10 2
 @Ti springs I thing you doing a great job with you advertising makes me want one (a spring)
  • 5 2
 Good stuff! #RideTi
  • 2 9
flag mankebab (Feb 2, 2015 at 2:18) (Below Threshold)
 Well... you lost a few customers. Most of them mature people with actual money. And you you gained a fan base consisting of 14-year olds... lucky you. I for one won't spend a cent on your products even if I like most your products. And I will tell as many as possible shopping for a new spring to give their money to another company.
  • 4 1
 Well, Marzocchi must be then true evil for you with their mostly men targeted advertising. So they should make another few ads for other groups of people like senior men or womens with childs to get no one discriminated even if they are few percents of the main targeted customers?
  • 1 4
 No I'm not a huge fan of their advertising in the past. I'm not saying that they should target another group of people. It's quite fascinating that you managed to come to that conclusion by reading my previous post. But you can advertise without a half naked girl, as have been proven over and over again. You can also do it without upsetting customers and excluding a specific group of people. I've been working in the bike industry for several years and the biggest group of customers by far is men above 25... in other words grown ups. And so far most of them have been fairly mature and since they are working they have money. And about the 14 year olds they have to ask their parents to buy it for them. I don't know, but I have a feeling that most parents wouldn't want to support this sort of thing.
  • 6 6
 This is amazing id give her my spring if ya know what I mean
  • 1 3
 Not sure what you mean?
  • 7 7
 Looks like she likes about 8 in the rear, no?
  • 1 0
  • 5 5
 Is the girl forsale
  • 6 2
 We're afraid not! #RideTi
  • 3 5
 Maybe use your brain before you comment. Buying a human being is a PATHETIC QUESTION!
  • 6 1
 It's a joke man jesh calm down
  • 2 1
 That guy is lost... left him live his different world.
  • 3 2
 are you for sale? the gimp needs a new slave...
  • 1 2
 Obviously this won't end until they yank the rediculous picture of a minor!
  • 1 2
 Proving You see women as objects to sell crappy bike products! You are Such An Idiot! Facepalm
  • 2 1
 and your point are? that picture is as bad as this one. You have succeeded in proving nothing so far
  • 1 1
 I don't have to proof anything lol, you're fighting against nonsense like a true avowed feminist.
  • 3 2
 @beneli will you please explain to me the nonsense in this. And if you don't have to prove anything why are you answering?

Lets just sum it up. I have reacted against this picture because it provides a strange view on women. And it makes it hard for women to take part in this sport on equal terms as men. I have also protested against using a pretty girl to sell a product she have no relation to.

For some reason you reacted on this and argued with me, why? You have referred to Marzocchi and their way of selling things, what was the point? I have never denied that others do the exact same thing as tisprings... I'm well aware that it happens over and over again. And that is why I think it's a good idea to work against. why should we accept it? In what way is this picture (or any like it) a good thing? I would like to know how your thoughts on the matter...
And finally what is wrong with beeing a feminist?
  • 1 1
 Give this some real thought beneli before you answer....maybe show your girlfriend this pic and all the comments and see what goes down? REAL WOMEN DONE APPRECIATE THIS! And btw Zokes, as we used to call them, have had failure after failure because of the lack of quality in their product. I personally would never buy another fork from them after spending over $1600 on a fork to have it Creek and fail less than a year later. They lost my business....and a lot of REAL riders don't don't trust their made in Taiwan crap.
  • 1 1
 I reacted because I am allergic to it when someone would like to dictate someone how to do things correctly. Its even more ridiculous that you have problem with advertising of a product for mostly men customers. Are you a woman that you know the best they are that affected by showing women in ads?

Equal terms as man? Are they women and men the same? When you re fighting that hard for the equality of women in this sport, then you should know women has different preferences then men. How do you want to solve this? To give them equal chance? Grow them pair of balls? Or what? Advertising with half naked rider machos only?. How do you know this women has no relation to this sport? She does not look like she has problem with being a model for selling good products.

Why is this bad idea? As I said this sport is mainly men based so targeting on men is quite good idea huh ( its called marketing)? Do you think single photo of a spring would attract so many people? They are not selling sports cars just piece of metal. More sales more money = more products. Why is Avon brand so much targeted on woman while they have also few men customers? You're fighting against something absolutely usual.

How on earth could such pic discourage other women from being part in this sport? When If someones is that affectible then its not problem of the advertisement.
  • 1 1
 What strange view? I've seen tons of photos where girls shot themselves in such situations voluntarily because of they want to be the object of the interest. And I don't see anything bad about this. Of course there's always few ultra conservative people hating something and fighting against bad like you. Glorification of women actually helps them to more easily join this sport because women on mountain bikes has always so much more respect just because of that they are women in such rough sport no matter of skills. Is this respect based on experience?

Whats wrong on being feminist? Maybe that they are fighting in extreme way for only their more equitable rights at the expense of men group. But i thought you're fighting for completely equivalent world. Save your feminist thoughts for future, when you Swedes, will become minority against all the medieval religious immigrants which will have more rights than you.

Let people do what they want and they will choose what they like.

My last post here, because I spent way too much time about this nonsense discussion.

@mtnbikemike No sense for humor together with taking things too seriously is way to hell.
  • 1 1
 Not even English!!! You need to get an education Son....I'm laughing and all my Women friends are laughing....With a Swedish accent. Ahahaaaaa aaaaisk
  • 1 0
 So your only argument is my bad english? At least you're having fun with your mom and granny.
  • 1 0
 I'm still Laughing at Your lack of understanding of the English language! lol
  • 1 1
 Look at the mirror, he holds some tasty chicken.
  • 2 0
 I was a little bit confused about you. But your jokes are brilliant. Big Grin
  • 1 0
 I mean no harm....only equality. Salute
  • 1 0
 but i see in the mirror...youre the Real Dildo...glad you think you are funny. but youll see who has the last laugh photo shop boy. lol
  • 1 0
 @beneli First of all, I'm a customer, ain't I? And in the role of a customer I have the great possibility to take my money else were. But since I actually like tisprings I thought that it could be worth the chance and tell them that I (as their customer) don't like their advertisment. I dislike it so much that I feel that I shouldn't keep buying their stuff. So now I have two possible ways. 1 I just stop buying, and they never know why I stopped. 2. I tell them that I don't like their way of advertising and hope that they'll change. We live in a market economy, and this is how it works. The responsible thing to do is to tell tisprings that I dislike what they do and hope that they stop... So that I can keep buying their stuff.

And about the woman in the add. I now know several women how have reacted against this add because they feel that they have been made an object by our sport and by tisprings. In my humble view that's enough by far... And again if they don't like the way this sport view women they'll find another sport, since I don't like that option I think that someone should raise their voice..
  • 1 0
 Oh yes! Men and women are indeed very different! I've never said anything else, that is my and have been my opinion for as long as I can remember. And sure men and women have different preferences, this is also true. I have never said anything about changing this fact. What I have said is that I do think that we can have a sport were we treat each other like equals. And this can be done even though men and women have different ways of looking at things. One way would be to stop this kind of ads... Because this thing does not help in any way when it comes to the equality of men and women. What crankworx did when they decided to give the same price money to men and women, that is helping, and to do something genuinely good for our sport in the long term... you know half of the people on this strange place we call earth are women, half of them! Maybe it's time to start recognizing this and give women the place they deserve?

of course does she not have a problem with taking part in this ad... Only a mad person would claim this... And I've never said anything about her view on the matter. Or any of the girls who take this kind of pictures of themself and post on the internetz. But I do promise you that for every girl that takes part in this sort of thing you'll find at the very least two girls who object against it since they'll have their role as an object fixed by others...

I might be fighting against something usual... But there are some other companies in this sport you might have heard about Sram, Shimano, Rockshox, Fox shocks, Hope, Raceface, Specialized, Öhlins, CRC, just to name a few, so far I've not seen an ad from any of these with a woman as their main attraction.. So apparently it can be done without a girl with very little clothing Smile In fact most of these companys use their athlets or products as advertisment...
  • 2 0
 Finally... The conservative in this debate is you my friend, not me. You are the one standing for the oppression of women, like you said:
"Whats wrong on being feminist? Maybe that they are fighting in extreme way for only their more equitable rights at the expense of men group."
I only think that equality is something worth fighting for, yes we're different and we have different skills but we have the exact same right to respect and possibilities to do what we want... And neither men or women should use each others bodies to make money...
What would we lose if women became our exact equal? I can't see that we would lose a single thing... except the right to this sort of ads, what a shame... And women gaining does not mean that us men will be losing.. Only a conservative and pitiful man would believe in something like that... Is that what you are?
And again I'm sorry but our way of life is gaining ground not losing ground.
To quote the European union:
"Equality between women and men is one of the fundamental principles of Community law. The European Union�s (EU) objectives on gender equality are to ensure equal opportunities and equal treatment for men and women and to combat any form of discrimination on the grounds of gender. The EU has adopted a two-pronged approach to this issue, combining specific measures with gender mainstreaming. The issue also has a strong international dimension with regard to the fight against poverty, access to education and health services, taking part in the economy and in the decision-making process, women's rights and human rights."
This can also be found in the UN...
  • 1 0
 Czechoslovakia is the last place you'll see this because of close minded punks who disrespect everyone....not Just Women!
  • 2 1
 Czechoslovakia hah Big Grin please stop being idiot please.
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