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  • 3 0
 what mi old hardrock, i ent bothered, im currently buying a new dh bike anyways, but it definatly wont b a demo.

and anyone can have an opinion m8, jus sum ppl like their own 2 b so far up their mothers ass they lose sight of what a f*ckin opinion is *cough* like you!
  • 1 5
flag vortexian (Jan 21, 2009 at 0:25) (Below Threshold)
 Bringing my mother into this. Thats a bit low son, shows lack of character.
Anyway, back to topic, I was referring to your shitty clubroost complete with 'johnny knoxville' discs (wtf!)
ha ha ha. yeah boy super trick. im gonna get me some of those suckers.
do they work better with the word 'johnny knoxville' etched into them?
I was thinkin of gettin some 'Keith Chegwin' stoppers myself, I hear they're very good.
PS you can't afford a Demo.
  • 2 0
 yeah man super trick, im cool enouugh that i might look into getting anodised blue parts to match my bright yellow rims! i heard off some nutcase it works much better because theyre blue... ps i can afford a demo, i just dont want one as you can get much more for the same money.
  • 0 1
 now your just being silly
  • 3 0
 what a poor guy 41 and cant grow up every rider i know is really nice but you are a true prick fair play grow up your 41 ive seen 10 years old on here with more dignity than you
  • 0 4
flag vortexian (Jan 23, 2009 at 0:34) (Below Threshold)
 none of your business son. and just so you know, 99.9% of my posts are relavant to DH and the related technology until some little prick turns up on my page trying to tell me how i should build my bike. and then nosey little c*nts like you decide its 'out of order' when i give them a bit of shit. like i've said to everyone else, work your opinion up your arse hole, im not interested.
  • 2 1
 oh please.. did you get annoyed just because I didn't say wow your bike is superb, but I said that black rims would suit more? or is it cause im from Poland? is that really what you dislike about my comment? I bet yes, I have nothing on mind that can be a reason for your aggression against me... oh now I get it, you didn't bother to say the same to the guy from Scotland talking about chrome deemaxes. f***in pathetic.
  • 4 0
 vortexian is pathetic isn't he
  • 4 1
 let's just get over it. I would maybe try to understand him if he was like 13, but he's an adult and still doesn't know how to behave so I have zero respect for him. zippo. he has lots of cash and nice bikes, but crappy attitude and no action photos so I guess he uses his 8 inch bikes for comfort riding. he's only showing off (bikes) and insulting people, and that makes him sooo miserable. cheers for all real mtb riders!
  • 3 0
 You are so pathetic, im ashamed your a mountainbiker, i mean who else tears into someone else who's bike isn't as gd as yours ???? 2 words...... GROW UP !!!
  • 0 4
flag vortexian (Jan 22, 2009 at 3:11) (Below Threshold)
 stop getting involved in someone elses arguement you tit
  • 1 0
 haha take your own advice az your the 1 who's on the dole !! BTW me and my m8's rly want to thank u for makin us nearly piss ourselves with ur stupid, immature and uneccesary comments, bout as funny as tryin to watch you ride, just never guna happen !!
  • 1 0
 Err no me and my mates wer in mine while a checked my e-mails before we went for a ride, not like u and your m8's though who'd gather round the monitor to look at gay porn !!! quick question btw = Do you ride that often ?? thought not, i mean wi being 41 and thinking your sum sort of hardman it must take it out of you !!! Hahahaha my bikes shit, if thats the case why has it had more then double the views yours has and y is it only 5 behind urs in the fave's then ???

Al give you a lil tip old man, dont try and play with the bigboys because you'l get hurt !!!
  • 0 1
 whatever norcoboy. lets see if you still hitting trails at 41. you'll be down the betting shop with a copy of the sun in your arse pocket you wankstain
  • 3 0
 well i dont no about that but im not the 1 who's pickin arguements with everyone, im more popular then u though i can promise that
  • 0 3
 right so i came over to your page leaving shitty comments did i? think it was the other way round kid.
  • 3 0
 he wasn't havin a digg at ur bike, he sed very nice bike but i dont think the wheels go with the frame, that was him expressing an opinion, like every1's entitled to
  • 1 0
 Thx fore some funny as reading. Votrexian you need a girlfriend or something that can pull you from the computer. and make you spend your money more wiesly BTW. Grow up !!!! . ooo.... you allredy did. 41 years old ,,, and still a Bigheaded wanker.
  • 0 0
 your not exactly a kid yourself are you. and your bike sucks...lmao..wooo ha ha ha...
  • 1 0
 if only you had something black maybe instead of your deemaxes... yellow kinda kills the effect of blue anodised parts on gunmetal grey frame. but it's only my opinion, you know.
  • 1 7
flag vortexian (Jan 3, 2009 at 8:43) (Below Threshold)
 yeah well you opinion sucks.
  • 5 2
 wow I must admit great attitude you got there. have I dissed you? have I said your bike sucks? only said what I think would look great. 41 y.o. and still acting like a kid, who would've thought... I would expect that experienced rider to set example for other people, but doesn't matter, I suck.
  • 1 7
flag vortexian (Jan 6, 2009 at 11:44) (Below Threshold)
 fine. you buy a demo 8 and put some black rims on it. ha ha ha...
  • 2 0
 nice bike, shit attitude! deemaxes r cool , bt yh if youve spent that much time pimpin your ride i would agree that the deemax's dont quite fit with the flow.
  • 0 4
flag vortexian (Jan 19, 2009 at 0:33) (Below Threshold)
 yeah but i dont go round tellin people how to build their bikes or spend their money so kindly work your opinion up your arsehole.
  • 0 5
flag vortexian (Jan 19, 2009 at 1:34) (Below Threshold)
 oh yeah just had a look at your bike, i seriously wouldnt be advising people on how to build/pimp bikes. piece of shi*t your riding. halfords special. ha ha ha.
  • 1 0
 stil makes me laugh when you call my norco shit, i mean when the demo and the team come out there was only a £100 price difference in the demo to the norco, cant b that shit can it, overbuilt for abuse !!!
  • 0 2
 to be honest ive never ridden a norco so i couldnt comment. but then ive invested £4500 on a demo 8 because im committed to the product and believe it to be one of the most radical rides on the market. i starved to buy it and i'll starve again before i sell it. you can call me an arsehole all day long it doesnt change the fact im a 100% commited shredder.
  • 2 1
 raced 3 times and won 2 of them so i no that this bike is up there with ur demo, dont get me wrong very nice bike but whats with pickin on other people who's bikes arnet as gd as yours ??
  • 0 1
 yeah racing the local kids to the chippy and back. woo ha ha ha...
  • 1 0
 haha no thats you playing with the local kids !!!
  • 2 0
 Vortexian, Me and u in scotland, iv'e had enough of your outrageous comments !!! Young vs old, Norco vs Specialised, what do you say ??
  • 0 1
 anytime,anywhere you'll be eatin dust
  • 0 0
 haha u sound so confident, well let me just tell you i started riding DH when i was 12 with 3 blokes, Rick, Steve and Martin, who are in my opinion sum of the best oldies iv'e saw ride, u wont be nothing to them, Weil see on the track tho, next sat sound gd enough ???
  • 0 0
 look, your just assuming i cant ride like your new polish mate (by the way it gives me a nice warm feeling inside, knowing i've hooked you two guys up and you've got so much in common, what with him into xc on a 10 bob ride and you into dh but sadly soon to have no bike)
just on another note, i hear theres a new site called pinkshoes which is dedicated to 'extreme freewalking' maybe you should check it out. as for having a race with you i tend not to travel from one end of the country to the other at great expense to just to prove a point to you (naturally, i'll be saving that money for more blue anodized components for my bike) however, if you make it to Cwmcarn or forest of dean we can get it on
  • 0 0
 o my dear christ! mate u seriously need to get a life, this whole thing is because I said that MY opinion on your bike is that the deemaxs dont quite go with the flow!

if u were grown up, or knew anything at all that this was called MY OPINION, therefore its just what I think, this doesnt mean i hate you or ur ride (although i do now).

also on a note of how good you are, when you actaully get ANY photos of you actually ON your bike, actually riding it, maybe even getting your front wheel AIRBOURNE, i might, might consider you as a mtber. ok...

f*cking hyprocrite
  • 0 0
 actually it started with 'prox's' comment on Jan 6th not yours. it had nothing to do with your comment your just another nobhead jumping on the gravy train. and just so you know, i dont spend a day riding trails stopping every 5 minutes taking fucking photos so i can look fly. i just ride trails mate. anyway you might see me down the forest of dean i ride there.
  • 0 0
 hi mate. the deemaxs have been sweet mate. i know they've made changes to them year on year, these are last years model. yeah might be right about the brakes. im using the vented rotors as well. my mates running Moto V2's as well but his are quiet. he's not running vented rotors tho. the pads may be contaminated tho. i wont really know till i change em..
  • 1 2
 haha dont confuse me with u !! my god u are immature, not even gonna stoop to your sad, pathetic and immature level calling peoples familys, all i am gunna say though is u definately got molested when you was younger !! u fuckin bumberclaart !!! btw am a fuckin mancunian, am a fuckin mancunian, MANCHESTER !!!!
  • 0 1
 they got computers down the restart course mate. you and yer mates takin turns to check yer emails and that. and your norco's shit im not suprised yer sellin it. you should buy a grifter mate. you'd look good on that. yer could go round knockin out 5 bags and that
  • 2 0
 99.9 of my post's are relative to dh........ boring !!!!!

Hardly anyone on the forum likes u..... i wonder y ????
  • 0 3
 i do all me emails at work..so technically i'm being paid to argue with you. i really don't have a problem with that..and what, im supposed to give a shit if you like me..dream on sucker
  • 0 0
 basically because you dont want to travel there 2 get beat of a lad half your age, just face it ur old, rusty and couldn't keep up with me, otherwise you would meet me there n settle it
  • 0 0
 yes, meanwhile back in the real world.
  • 0 0
 nice ride, do u have any problems with the deemax? my mate had some and his spokes kept pooping out off the hub. your brakes make a noise brakes they are to efficient at keeping cold.
  • 1 0
 ooooo harsh words there, you really are immature, start acting your age and not your shoe size !!!!
  • 1 0
 now do every1 a favour and sell ur bike, i mean ur never guna ride it properly !!
  • 1 0
 do u think your american ??? coz ur not, i dont like u and as far as i can see nobody else does, DREAM ON SUCKER !!!!
  • 2 0
 and the lad before me spend £5000 on mine so......
  • 0 1
 yeah and then a 12 year old kid left a message on your profile and offered you 300 quid for it.ha ha ha. fuck me that must of hurt...
  • 1 0
 and obviously i told him NO, i mean if it wz your bike you would of took it to pay for all the Herion you use, crackhead !!!
  • 0 1
 cracks made from cocaine mate
  • 1 0
 ye fought you would no as you do use it !!
  • 0 0
 you appear to be speaking another language..
  • 0 0
 yeah but if your selling your bike im sure you cant afford to gallavanting off to scotland. anyway you'll have to save that money for the 2 for 1 deals in iceland..
  • 0 0
 haha u like trying to wind me up dont ya, my brothers got a van and he has already said he will gladly me up there 2 kick your arse, so dont try and get smart you smartarse, i wil delay the sale if it means i get the chance to kick your arse !!!
  • 1 0
 I love this bike! Personally, I like the yellow with the blue, looks pretty cool. How does it ride?
  • 0 1
 Cheers mate. It rides like a dream. Certainly a step up from the 06' Demo. Next move is to get TF Tuned to do a Push upgrade on the Fox DHX 5. From what people say, its one of the most significant upgrades you can do for race tuning.
  • 0 0
 ive got an 06 demo.and had the shock pushed and tuned.so much sweeter and felt the diffrence immediatly..bloody exspensive though.but well worth it.
  • 0 0
 that fukin smart. them hope v2 brakes. any good? i still got my demo 9. i love it
  • 2 0
 cheers mate. it rides like a dream. The V2's are a bit noisy so gonna have them looked at otherwise they work really well.
  • 0 0
qualitity and quality Smile
  • 0 3
 you a typical northener arnt you mate, poking your nose in someone elses business. i guess you,ve got nothing better to do part from signing on and watching jeremy kyle, in fact you've probably been on it with yer tackle habit, preggers bird and ugly mother in law meh heh heh...etc ect..
  • 1 0
 shit it you stupid old bastard and grow up !!!
  • 1 2
 i dont make a habit of slagging peoples rides off. but if they turn up on my page and start diggin me out then they can only expect a comeback. simple tings man.
  • 0 3
 yeah well thats between me and him, now everyones jumpin on the gravy train. if i make comments about peoples rides they're positive. not 'oh, if only you did this it would be fly' if im asking for advice on components that ive not used then fine, im all ears. saying the yellow rims didn't match the frame was a stupid comment and he just sounded like a fasion whore so i flamed him. anyway, how many people do you see buying yellow frames to go with yellow deemax's..none. its not designed to look good its designed to work as a race bike
  • 2 0
 well maybe now, when you said it yourself, you'll get the point? I commented on color, haven't said anything on if the bike's good or not. and am I a fashion whore? who of us two has every possible part anodized blue? don't be a f*ckin hypocrite.. and for your information, yellow does match with colors other than yellow, for example white or black. but I didn't even say color matching is a must.. just what would be better.... but I don't have to prove I'm right you're wrong... if four guys told me that I behave like shit, I would probably realize something is not OK... but not you.. you're far, far from accepting any opinion about you that isn't positive. complexes?
  • 0 3
 yeah you seem to be telling me how to send my money again...so what shall i do now? paint my bike white or black to keep you happy and content. this colour mismatch appears to be winding you up son. i think you've got the complex. furthermore, i dont know what bike you've got and don't really give a shit if your rims came from outerspace and your frame is a colour that hasn't been invented yet. oh yes and id hammer you down any f*ckin hill kid.
  • 2 0
 you're psycho. yes I'm telling you how to spend your money. no, not only this, that's an order! yes yes yes you should paint your bike white now, yes yes I will be happy then! of course I came here to tell you what to do, you have no other possibility now but obey my orders. have you f*ckin lost your mind? get life, provided you have any left. and stop calling me son, old man.
  • 0 2
 your the one with the problem here. as i said at first, im not going to take advice off someone who rides a bike that looks its come out of a lucky bag
(or an un-lucky bag in your case) oh yes i checked out your 'action pics' awesome man, your really pushing the envelope. you ever thought about lifting one of your wheels off the ground?
  • 1 0
 i have strenght and endurance you can only dream of. maybe you'd be faster dher but you would stand no chance going up a mtn first and then going down. and i don't mean English 'mountains', loads of laugh. and yes i can jump as far as all mtn is considered, i can manual if you want to hear about the front wheel only. i have a pedalling type of bike so why the hell you're trying to compare yours and mine? i got a great enduro ripper, but you're blind. but this type of terrain rly requires a demo, for sho. don't make me laugh. and watch for it not to break on a branch. or here... i got better built arms that your legs. you're a shredder, hands down. poor you. i'm sorry for your poor life and fact that you have to make yourself feel better by buing >5k demo for flat terrain. i'm really looking forward to see your super extreme shots. and don't forget to inform me if you had enough balls to duel with marshy and what the results were. i really really hope i won't ever meet such a hater as you on pinkbike. this case is closed as for me, i'm tired of your poor character.
  • 1 2
 oh yes marshy the guy you just met and dont even know (mr committed whos selling his bike anyway,so soon he'll be running down hills instead of riding) . your the hater my freind. you just cant stand to see someone with a nice bike and automatically assume they can't ride. what a nobhead. you let yourself down when you accused me of not liking Polish people. great assumption based on nothing. i ride regularly with 3 polish guys who work in a local butchers. also im very happy your a fantastic endurance rider. good for you mate. its all academic anyway given your just tippety typing into a web browser. oh yes and im sure the rides in poland are much tougher than in england. i wouldnt expect you to say anything else. lets face it, your into xc and im into downhill. stop comparing different disciplines. and remember..assumption is the mother of all f*ckups.
  • 0 0
 oh yes and stop propping your own comments
  • 1 0
 mate.that is one nice bike you got there..well done.
  • 0 1
 cheers bud
  • 0 0
 is you froks crown aftermarket or did you just ge tit anodised?
  • 0 0
 yeah mate the crowns are manufactured by Risse Racing in the states.
  • 0 1
 your gonna be late for the dole office. don't forget your on the restart course mate, you'll lose yer benefits son...
  • 0 0
 meet me in scotland then, i mean if your so confident you would !!!
  • 0 0
props man
  • 0 3
 yes i imagine everyone on here thinks your great.
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