scar on my forehead is a near perfect '91'
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scar on my forehead is a near perfect '91'
  • 0 0
 Awesome scar.. (Are you sure this is not from some new method by the government to number everyone...)LOL

I have lost track of all of my scars.. I counted a few years ago and got up to about 55 or so (accident prone farm kid) lol.. (this is counting all small ones though)... I do have a couple real nice ones, one about 4.5 inches long and 1/4 inch wide..
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 Haha, I don't even want to count mine... The number would be rather large.
Biggest one I have would be where I got stitches in my shin(right on the bone), it's about 3"x1"... Sorta shaped like a squished j. I took a large chunk out on a wooden desk in grade 7.

I also got a nice one on the back of my head when I got tackled by a 6'7" rugby player into a concrete planter(keep in mind I'm 5'10"), needless to say I was bleeding rather heavily from that injury haha... The paramedics gave me some nice pure oxygen...
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 After getting squished like that you probably needed the Oxygen..

Stitches on the shin bone would suck major time.. I almost never go to the doctor for cuts anymore. Stitches do not work well on me. I was told that I was too active causing them to tear loose.. If it is too bad I use superglue.. I have two scars about the same size, one had stiches the other I just glued. The one that I glued healed up twice as fast and never split back open like the one with stitches did.... Cheaper that way too.. (for me anyways)..
  • 1 0
 haha wasn't so much squished as 'flew into' iuno superglue never seemed like a good idea for me... I just use medical tape, and if there's blood then some gauze. haha, gotta love free canadian healthcare.
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 I do kinda know what you are talking about. I have a buddy that is 6'5" and about 225 lb He has certainly knocked me flying a couple times....( I am 5'10" and 145)....
Superglue has always worked well for me, I have used it several times. I am also kinda allergic to adhesives used on some of the medical tapes....Depends on the brand...
  • 0 0
 haha, you're almost exactly the same size as me. 150lbs after a bunch of time in the gym. Ah ok, that would suck. I'm not allergic to anything aside from some antibiotics they don't use anymore.
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 Ya, allergies suck big time.. I am not allergic to very much, that just happens to be one of the things I am allergic to.. It sure gives out a good rash though.. Glad it was just on my arm.. I cannot stand the gym. I have to be doing actual work and then I enjoy it.. Often I will go work around the farm doing improvements or splitting firewood.. Or my favorite, working on my trail.... Swinging a pick is good exercise....
  • 0 1
 Well I had to return to high school in order to graduate(family illness made it impossible to attend last year and actually grad), and they told me I had to take a PE 12 course to get enough credits. SO every weekday morning I get 1 hour and 15 min in a weight room. It's not that bad really, I get to crank my tunes and show off to all the kids haha.
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 I guess that aint so bad. I had to do pe courses in high school also. I never really liked them that much though..
It was kinda fun showing off sometimes.. The sled that sits at a 45 degree angle for leg presses (I cannot remember the actual name). I was trying to find my maxes on it. I used nearly every 45 plate in the weight room and could still do several reps.. (this is proper use of it Legs at 90* etc...) the teacher could not believe that I could lift 920 pounds with my legs let alone rep it.. It is currently listed as a school record, and I had run out of weights to put on it... LOL
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 LOL ok you win.. Pretty much all I have done is biking, working on the farm, and a bit of soccer.. Done a little bit of snowboarding but not much... I never have been into most sports that much.. I hike, fish, hunt, and paintball. I have not paintballed in a long time though...
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 haha I have my parents to thank for getting me into all that stuff at an early age... I actually recently found out that they rode whistler! way back in the day before a-line, before groomed runs, before bikes were ever considered mountain ready... they rode it on some old kuwahara full rigids, v-brakes, road tires, the whole kit. It seems insanity runs in the family. awe man paintball, I was just getting into tactical when this garbage happened and I have to sell the gun. bah.
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 Damn man that sucks.... I have a Pmi Piranha g2 bottomline, and a Pmi Piranha ext Pro Eforce electronic gun... fires 13 rounds per second.... with a halo belt drive hopper that feeds 21 rounds per second... I have been thinking about selling it though.... uses ammo too fast.. I got the nickname Rambo when paintballing.. Me and one other guy went up against a team of 7 people and won... That was awesome.... That is funny that your parents rode whistler.. on those bikes.. OLD School..
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 haha I just got the tippmann 98 custom pro, car stock, carry handle, running off of air instead of CO2... not sure if you saw the pic in my buy/sell haha
It's semi auto, but if I were to get an e-trigger and upgraded hopper I could ramp it up to 18/second(or so I was told).
I've never even used it for anything more than shooting street signs haha, so it's gotta get sold.

yea haha, it's funny how my dad lectures me about doing dangerous stuff yet he did all the same things when he was my age.
  • 0 0
 LOL I get the same sometimes... I did see the 98 custom in your pics.. If I were still paintballing I would probably get it, they are a nice gun.. I actually prefer the semi auto though.. it is more acccurate and uses less paint... I currently have 6 cases sitting around though.. I bought in bulk and got a good deal....
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 haha nice, I usually buy 500 rounds at a time and go through it in an hour XD

if you decide to get a tippmann, go for the a-5. it's a better, stronger, more powerful, more customizable gun. a bit more money but not much, just overall its better.
it's like hiking that extra hour to get to the trails that are just that much better. =P
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 I probably will not end up getting one because I am not into paintballing as much as I used to be. I am thinking about selling mine to pay for more bike parts lol... I am currently addicted to biking... even more so than I used to be...
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 haha good man, biking is where it's at!
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 Got to agree with you there... I am getting into it more and more.. Especially with my new bike.. I really have to work on stunts though; Pretty much all I can do are wheelies, manuals, and endos... I never have really ridden street (the nearest town is 8 miles) just trails.... I can go uphill or downhill fast though.....
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 I'm not much of a street fan myself... I usually end up seeking out the skinnies, drops, hucks, and gaps whenever I go ride street.

Go get no footers down, they are rather easy.
Took my a single afternoon to learn them!

Start off by riding slowly on flat ground, jump up and down with your legs not moving outwards. Helps you find where the pedals are and come back to them.
Then, jump up and spread em. Teaches the motion of actually doing the trick
Once you got that down, jump up and slam your butt into the saddle(keeps legs extended). It's EXTREMELY good to know that even if you screw up you can still land suicide and continue riding!
Once you got it down on flat, go find a jump and do it. =)

I'm currently on the flat ground part of learning supermans and no foot cans(might try to learn heelclickers as well). Needless to say they are a "bit" trickier.
I'm really looking forward to whistler next weekend and hitting up the foam pit at the airdome!
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 You lucky bastard.. Whistler is not that close for me.. and I do not have a passport....Need to get one... Ya I need to begin working on more tricks such as those.. I was trying crank spins here a while back and now have a very sore shin.... Need more practice.... and maybe shin guards....
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 haha yea, I don't have one either... should probably get on that.
Whistler is all of 3 hours away, I'm extremely pleased with living where I do. =D

shin/knee pads are a must!
preferably ones that cover the back of the leg
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 I have been realizing that due to the pain in my shin... 3 hours is not that bad at all. I know I am 19hrs from Moab Utah... I have ridden there 4 times (once a year).. I do want to go to whistler this year if I can get time off to do such....
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 nice, moab looks pretty cool. If you manage to come up to whistler lemme know! I'll take you on a tour of the northshore if you want haha.
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 Hell yeah!!! Ill let you know if I am able to come up that way this summer.. It would be awesome to have a guide that knew the best trails in the area..... The offer is certainly extended back to you also.. If you ever make it down into the states I know a few good trails in the area and I also know many of the trails in the Moab area; even if it is a long trip, the riding is worth it...

I have been doing work on my Ranchero Gt in between comments so I may have it finished up by then... If so that will be my roadtrip rig of choice.... I hate body fender work.....
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 haha yea I hear you, I have to do some fender work on my 92 dakota. I'll probably just say screw it and replace the entire bedside with some decent ones I have sitting around.

but yea, I gotta go jump on my bike and take off to go shred the northsore. talk to you laters. Salute
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 Have fun on the NS. keep the rubber side down... LOL Less painful that way... Body fender work sucks but it will be worth it when finished..... Have a good one
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 May not be fair but damn it is fun eh... Biking does give you an advantage on that machine doesn't it...LOL
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 haha, and the little tiny insignificant fact I may have been snowboarding for the past oh... 15 years or so. XD Oh and being a soccer keeper for 8ish years SURELY helped... not to mention wakeboarding, skimboarding, surfing, long distance running, etc etc etc Let's just say I'm a rather athletic person haha
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 I never could bench press worth shit though....
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 Haha I did the exact same thing on the same machine last week, think I did 10 reps 30 second break 10 reps. Then went for the total show off move with one leg, could only manage something like 5 reps of 480ish though. Although I gotta admit, it isn't exactly FAIR. I'm 1-2 years older than everyone in my class.
  • 0 1
 dont you just look perdylol
  • 0 1
 the scar on my forehead is a 91 =)
and yes, I'm damn perdy.

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