Josh Bender going big on a Ellsworth dare/888
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Josh Bender going big on a Ellsworth dare/888
  • 15 3
 who the hell cares if he chooses landings that are as flat as some girls chest it doesnt god damn matter its just like what berrecloth had to say about bender if it wasnt for him nobody would have no god damn balls or even realize it was possible to huck anything nearly as big as he has so for that i give him respect as many people should alot of people over look bender and they shouldn't
  • 1 0
 how can you overlook something like this, check the f*cking size of this, flat or not you need to be quite sure of yur speed,
he aint doerfling in skill level but his balls are equally, d even the icon sender is praised by bender, HUGE respect for the guy, ive hucked 20 ft plus on sand... this is 40 i knoz it took me a lot toget over the fear

anyway there Always people that will be jealous and disliking so be it

and anyway again to be doing big drops with steep landings you either need a very big hill thats steep or a small one in both zays you need to be sure of your speed in case 1 if you o a tiny little to fast on a40 ftr youl go 50 or even 60

in second case you just be f[king king of the hill and know exactly where your gonna landm its called sniper
  • 1 0
 @ ridincove, well spoken!
  • 6 2
 Bender is gnar, not only were the drops and gaps he did huge, he never smoothed out the landing or made a proper transition. He just swept off the loose stuff and hit what was already formed.
  • 2 1
 the landing here looks pretty smoothed out, and so does the transition
  • 3 0
 The landing looks like he's just 'swept off the loose stuff'. Maybe a few bumps have been removed. But ultimately he hasn't got a digger in to make a perfectly curved transition to make his landings effortless. He's hucking balls of a cliff to a landing that isn't all that smooth.
  • 2 1
 I find i cool that hes back doing this... New bke, not so much new style who knows, he may go after his nemesis again.. the jah drop.
  • 3 0
 gonna kill himself one day
  • 2 0
 he tends to chose drops with relatively flat landings...
  • 4 2
 oh is it bender?
  • 5 8
 ...aaaaaand breaks his back
  • 7 15
flag dirteveryday (Nov 22, 2009 at 16:59) (Below Threshold)
 Wait...forgot to add: Jumps off his bike 10' from landing a perfectly good(for Bender) drop because he was probably out of his most likely baked to a crisp mind...aaaaand breaks his back.
  • 2 0
 and how big is that drop?
  • 2 1
  • 7 2
 B-free, shut up..

He was a complete muppet for doing the drop, having been shown the drop (by bender) the landing is smaller and flatter than even this photo shows. So wasnt the best idea.. But the guy is sound and has done more for the sport than 99% of the pro's.
  • 3 20
flag dirteveryday (Nov 23, 2009 at 21:17) (Below Threshold)
  • 9 19
flag dirteveryday (Nov 23, 2009 at 21:47) (Below Threshold)
 The problem with him is that he showed the world a new thing. The rest of the world grabbed it and ran, taking it instantly to new levels, Josh remained where he was, still crashing on stuff that he didn't need to crash on. He didn't evolve. The proof is in the majority of the replies to this picture: everyone thinks it was cool of him to just run out and chuck himself off cliffs with minimal preparation. That is not evolution. That's not even intelligent! There's still this meatheaded following that ignorantly assumes that's how it can or should be done. There's just no reasoning behind it!
I should also know by now that anyone who even thinks the stuff he tries is smart can't be reasoned with either, so I don't know why I bother, but I keep trying.
And for the record...YES, he smokes more weed than a ditch fire. And if you have to be that baked to do something...perhaps it shouldn't be done! That's my feelings and i'm fully intitled to them, so eat me if you don't like it!
  • 6 1
 Well i didnt say he was clever to do it? I said he was an idiot for doing that drop as i mean, well, look at the landing!

Yes he lacks a few brain cells, most of them.. but if he hadn't been jumping off that shit then, well how do you think the latest rampage would have been?
  • 3 14
flag dirteveryday (Nov 24, 2009 at 4:26) (Below Threshold)
 I'll have to agree with that, like I said before, he showed te world something new and inspiring.
I've just always wondered how he, and many others as well so not just picking on him, never seemed to discover that the steeper the landing is, the less likely he is to get hurt? Like dropping in to a big halfpipe, slide right in!

But then there's the other, uglier side of the Bender Saga.... we don't get to see EVERY jump/drop he's ever done...we usually only get to see his crashes. But I've ridden with him/around him at a few annual demos, and failed to be impressed even a tiny bit(kind of ridiculous, really), but I have buds who've ridden with him and claim he's fantastic. Who knows...
  • 6 0
 bender started the trend of getting people to think out of the box and go bigger. He did a lot for the sport. Also anyone who can backflip a 12 inch travel bike with super monsters has my respect.
  • 1 1
 @ fantaman
i'd say thats a good 25 to 30 feet. its not the jaw drop
  • 2 0
 What drugs is he taking?
  • 2 4
 smokes weed Razz
he does drugs so what so do loads of pros and ide like to see some1 else attempt the shit that he try's and not fall off because that shit is huge
  • 4 1
 WEED IS NOT A DRUG! it is a natural plant, Caffeine is a drug, Nictotine is a drug, codine, is a drug, Morphine is a drug. Tetrahydracannibinal (sp?) is not a drug. the only reason why it is illegal is because unlike all of the other drugs that have to be made. good ole mary jane cannot be made by anyone else other than mother nature so even the gov't can't get their fingers in the pot (so to speak).

edit: by drug i meant narcotic it is a drug in the sense-a. A substance used in the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of a disease or as a component of a medication.
  • 2 2
 yeah cannabis is a drug. which is probably why it i under the illegal drugs act haha. you might no think it is one fom your point of veiw but it is classed as one
  • 1 1
 it is a drug by classification but not by qualities. look at any study past 1960 of the effects of MJ.

Why do you think there is medical mj? like it is something different than what the crack pusher sells on the corner. only difference is it's better, it's not like it has some magic quirk and quark that gives it healing power. it is the same shit. they tell you not to use it cause it is bad, but if you need it than use it all you want cause it will heal you....explain that one...

and to keep this a little on track, bender is the man, he does what he does because he loves doing it, makes a living (not a big one but a living) and he opened the envelope for other riders to try. i don't care how sloppy he rides, he has bigger cahones than any of us on this site.
  • 2 0
 i get what you mean and it is a sweet painkiller haha
  • 1 3
 Alllright, wheres the proof that Bender even blazes??? I'm sure I could outbake him any day, and trust me when your that baked your just paranoid about this kind of waaay he was smokin buds
  • 1 4
 I believe weed is a drug, as all herbs we're given to renew the essence of youth, weed contains THC which affect the brain hormones and may age you, (not renewing the essence)
herbs we're given to use as food, by smoking it we're abusing it, which IS against the Law.
This is if you believe in god.

Also weed is a depressant, just like alcohol and can give memory loss ect ect...
In my opinion, Weed is a Drug.
  • 2 1
 Nicotine is from Tobacco Mazekwon, a natural plant just like bud. Caffeine can be found in Coffee and Tea. Your either confusing drug with Synthetic or your in denial. Just because you smoke the doja doesn't mean you need to lie to yourself.

Next your prolly gonna tell me Poutine is a new food group aeh?

Edit: Believing in God has nothing to do with the classification of a drug. Goodness gracious.
  • 1 1
 in reply to will-although smoking weed has been linked to short term memory loss etc. it has not been found that it is actually MJ that does it. it is the fact that people smoke it. if you smoked blade grass everyday it would have the same effect on the body as if you were smoking MJ.

to pbrider.- tabacco is a plant, but the tabacco that you smoke is not the same as if you plant a seed and let it grow like marijuana is, it has be grown with radiocative fertilizers which of course is gov't issued yada yada. so you could not make your own smokes with out some how contributing to the gov't. while hippies on the other hand, can clone and clone and clone to their hearts content. the way it's supposed to do. Caffiene is a drug as you get addicted to it, (your body goes through withdrawl, like with alcohol. MJ is habitual, not addictive, big difference) and if it is taken in too much it will kill you. more people die per year from caffiene than MJ. you haven't heard of some one smoking too much pot that they died, and if you have they were lying.

there is tonnes of new studies done on it. do some reading, open your eyes a bit, and look past the screen.

and i am from canada where poutine is it's own food group.

and if you were trying to be funny by throwing in some stereotypes it didn't work
  • 3 0
 Nah... I lived in Canada for a while and we ate poutine enough that I thought it was funny to say. Stereotypes is a bit harsh don't you think.

Back on topic though, tobacco does not need fertilizer to produce Nicotine, and for years before whitey even stepped on this land it was used by other peoples specifically for the purpose of altering the standard operation of the human body. If you wanted to get into the nitty gritty, Mary Jane does not have even a fraction of potency unless the growing cycles are altered through human invention. IE cloning fluid, & hydro cloning tanks. Sun Lights, added nutrients and shock treatments. If you drop a seed in the ground and come back in a few months your going to get weak outdoor bud. But if you love it and put in tons of work / added help your going to get bomber dank.

As for addictive properties, your wrong. Any Substance that alters serotonin levels will have addictive properties depending on the individual, duration of use, and level. I can tell you for certain that I smoked cigarettes, quit went through withdrawls. Chewed Tobacco quit went through withdrawls. I even did methadone for a while and had withdrawls even though it is a non opiate. I smoked around 1/2 an z a week for 3 years and also ended up having comparable worse withdraw to anything. I don't do drugs now because I know I am the problem, but I would also caution you to recognize the definition of a drug.

"Any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function."

I am glad you have such strong beliefs because I think it is important in the world, but I would hope that you would spent time in real pursuit of truth before clinging to something that simply suited your current situation in life. None of that is meant to be attacking either I am just speaking from my personal past since this subject is so relevant to me. Sorry if that was too much spewing. Time to get back to the subject of Bikes I think!
  • 3 0
 good reply, Kudos.
  • 1 6
flag doms (Mar 14, 2010 at 11:55) (Below Threshold)
 idiots are taking over....
  • 1 0
 basicly, you smoke too much weed you fall asleep, and im guessing that the people bashing weed havent tryed it. look at how many people die a year from alcohol, the only reason thats still legal is the fact the gov's make a shitload of money from it. also alcohol does alot more damage to the body. and the bender case, he made freeriding basicly what it is today, you guy's would piss your pants just looking at the drops he hit. most people seem to forget that he landed alot of them.
  • 1 3
 Shut the fuck up mate, it screws your head over.
  • 1 0
 Holy crap know this is like...3 years old or something, right? Damn.

Funny, all my previous comments got deleted because I dont worship. Awesome!

In a nutshell, I don't really give a shit what people do or dont do on their own time. IN MY OPINION, if someone has to be brain-numb to try something..then he's not really doing it. And isn't there an old rule-of-thumb or some crap that says ya gotta do something 3 times in a row before it counts? Not a rule I'd prob be able to pull off often! Most people WOULD piss if they saw it, then they'd make the conscious decision to walk away. Bender did hit a lot of huge stuff. Bender did crash on a lot of huge stuff. While it's his business, I think a lot of people being accused of hating are just tired of seeing him killing himself for no reason. Most of the stuff he hit was just stupid. I also think he put too much behind his equipment than he did into his judgment and common sense. He started the go-big movement, but he never evolved WITH it. He just kept hucking himself off stuff, fingers crossed, hoping it went well. I can't be the only one that would say that's not quite the best approach. Applky that philosophy to any other "extreme" sport. Skydiving perhaps? Cliff diving? Big wall climbing? It all takes more tact and thought than just balls.

I've ridden home with drunks and I've ridden home with stoners. Stoners for the win, hands down. Took us 6 hours to make it 22 miles, but I didn't get puked on, never hit the ditch, and they smelled better. Personally, I take the all-natural route through life, occasionally enjoying a few beers, a few Redbulls, and a LOT of coffee.

I feel if I can't do something fully alert and aware, I SURE AS HELL shouldn't try it with any less focus! But I've got nothing to prove to anyone either.
  • 1 0
 'jezzah' as i said, alcohol is ALOT worse for you then cannibis, and it doesnt screw your head over. and yeah people might think he's silly, but his determination was to go even bigger everytime and whether he made it or not i kept doing it until the fucked himself over, he might not evolved with the sport, but its because of him thhat it even took place. But i must admit, theres ALOT of bender on this website, hes had a way bigger impact then most people think.
  • 1 0
 que buen salto ..ahi deben haber mas de 15 mts seguro
  • 2 0
 bong rips for everyone!
  • 1 0
 simply incredible josh bender our lord and savuer
  • 2 1
 man thats a cool drop
  • 1 1
 If I was woman I'd marry him.....huge drop....props!
  • 1 0
  • 1 1
 no more long comments!!!!!

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