Cam Zink in the Offseason

Apr 12, 2011 at 14:49
by CONTOUR Cameras  

We thought we'd put a few questions to the video to help it all come together. We also decided that he needs to aim his camera a bit higher, so, sorry in advance for the low angles. Either way, it's pretty clear that Cam has a good time during the offseason!

What did you do to celebrate Rampage?
It started right away! My friend brought some bottles of Patron then we all got rowdy at the Bit n' Spur. Any Rampage patron knows that place well. After we got home my girlfriend threw me a surprise party with all my close friends. Always thought that would be amazing for someone to do for me. Loved it.

Did your offseason begin as soon as Rampage ended?
Pretty much. Just got to relax and do whatever I felt like for a while. A lot of riding but purely for fun and no pressure; a huge weight was lifted and I felt weightless for a while. Rode tons of moto and snowboarding, as well. I went to AT's Showdown but didn't really have any intentions of "competing." I just wanted to go and have fun riding with all my friends with no risk of getting hurt before the offseason. I flip-tabled the step down a bunch of times but then in my run I cased and squashed my balls so hard that I was laying on the side of the next landing for 20 minutes. Sooooo I just went over and helped announce the finals.

Do you ever really have an offseason?
There is some time away from the contests but no real off-season. There is always somewhere to film, an ad to shoot and someone trying to get you to go somewhere.

What is your favorite non-mtb activity and why?
Riding wheelies on my moto with a topless lady on there with me.

What sport is the best cross-training for the offseason?
Just riding DH is the best thing for any kind of riding. But for something that is considered cross training it would def be moto; freestyle and racing. After hitting freestyle ramps and other big jumps on tracks, jumping a bicycle just seams easier; plus you are using all the same muscles.

What was the most fun you had during the offseason?
Sitting on my couch watching tv.

In your offseason video you ride a lot of moto – what are your goals with moto?
I raced an arena cross race and made the main a few months ago. I guess just keep riding/racing and maybe one day I could qualify for a supercross night show, I don't know. Hopefully, but I guess I'll just have to keep riding. Not looking to make a living, but just riding in the pro class and flipping the 75 foot ramps. I really want to flip to dirt.

You’ve said you want to race more this year. Give some up and coming racers a couple tips on how to not suck on a DH track.
I don't know. I always feel fat and like I can compete with the best in the world but actually putting it in to one run is something I have never been that good at. This year I hope I can do it since there is really no pressure from any sponsor or anyone.

What have you raced so far since Rampage and how is it going?
Just raced the NV state championships at Bootleg. Got 8th with a basic run that I knew I wouldn't mess up because I really wanted to know where I was at with my DH skill. In the chainless race I went for it a little more, and I ended up 3rd. More importantly, I was only 3 seconds off or so, which stoked me out because Mikey Silvestry and Mitch Ropeloto are bad dudes.

What’s your favorite line to take at Ray’s?
I actually really like the basic loops; I feel like a little kid having fun on the most basic stuff.

We didn’t include some of your party footage that you gave us, but let’s talk Halloween since it’s technically in the offseason. What are the best Halloween costumes you’ve ever seen and what were you this past year?
The best was Strait, Taylor Sage, and our buddy Larose, were the 2 dudes from Weekend at Bernies and Bernie. So ridiculous. I was Kennie Powers and not a single person recognized me.

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Member since Oct 5, 2010
70 articles

  • 32 0
 I wish all the POV shots were not pointed straight down at the ground.
  • 16 0
 Yeh those angles were SHIT.
  • 6 0
 Aint that the truth!
  • 5 2
 I know! Sorry about that! I tried to give a little disclaimer up at the top about that.
  • 14 2
 it was crap because the contour doesnt have a fisheye lense, get a gopro!
  • 3 10
flag HMBA106 FL (Apr 13, 2011 at 15:04) (Below Threshold)
 the angles might have been bad but it was still better than a chest mount, man i hate that angle
  • 4 0
 doesent contour have that thing where you can see the angle from an app on your phone and there still such a shit angle
  • 1 0
 don't contours have laser pointers to tell where the camera is pointed?
  • 5 0
 So glad I got a GoPro, Contour vids always look like old camcorder footage or something, feel really distant from the action and the footage doesn't seem to flow, looks stuttery. Seems ok when it static. Sorry Contour, but GoPro all the way for me. Shame, Cam Zink is awesome but trying to watch the action recorded using a Contour ends up with me watching something else. Frown
  • 9 4
 contour videos are bad
  • 4 1
 no way i love mine!
  • 3 0
 Contours arent shit if you know how to use them,Ive never used one but I have seen some good vids from them.But most vids ive seen from GoPro are all better
  • 1 0
 the angles were pretty bad in this one, but im really happy with mine. its really easy to use and if you get the angle right it looks great.
  • 1 0
 i think contour is godd for filming a race run cause the cam are so light, but gopro videos have the better quality for sure
  • 7 3
 go pro is 10 times better Wink
  • 2 1
 it seems like a pretty bad way to try and advertise on the part of contour as the videos never work, so why should we trust anything they make ?
  • 2 1
 Chuckmanbob- I checked the video across 3 different browsers to make sure it worked. What are you using?
  • 1 0
 He might be missing a plug in for his browser.
  • 1 0
 opera, i have all the plugins, i refreshed a few times and it worked.
  • 3 0
 NIce to see someone back on Evil
  • 4 1
 sorry but GOPRO is way better !!
  • 2 0
 Awesome! Can't wait to see Zink killing it this year!
  • 1 0
 DAN WHITEHEAD will rise again
  • 1 0
 who is that? and why do you keep saying that everywhere?
  • 1 0
 His riding is obviously way better than his filming...
  • 1 0
 It's too bad the video looks like it was filmed with a cell phone.
  • 1 0
 Cam zink is Bi-Winning! Such a rad dude...
  • 1 0
 Patron = a very good tequila, and expensive =P,
  • 1 0
 Kennie Powers!!! ATL!
  • 2 1
 wow, that is really bad!

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