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A Day At The Shop

A typical day at the bike shop.


  • + 31
 This pretty much describes every customer we have, except for about 1% of them. I shall show this to my co-workers and my boss tomorrow and they will enjoy it.
  • + 12
 if I worked at a bike store. id possibly shoot myself watching this i cried of laughter.
  • + 2
 hahaha. One of the funniest videos that describe what I think when I'm listening to custimers in a bike shop.
  • + 1
 Its been an option at times. Its unbelievable how stupid some people are!!
  • + 0
 Ya those "custimers" pay an illiterate dickhead's wage, bless 'em
  • + 1
 i know dude like seriously, i saw a guy walk into the shop when i was looking for grips one day, he had an Iphone 4S, and both of his sons had iphones also. he asked the clerk "whats most affordable in the shop for casual riding?" (while staring at his screen and talking to the salesman at the same time) when there was a 24" road hybrid on sale for 300 bucks right in front of him! (afterwards he complained about bad service becuase "no one was listening to him") he even asked for the manager. SHEESH!
  • + 1
 The President of The United States approves of this message!
  • + 13
 Omfg. That is legendary, I don't care what anyone says, this has to be VOD or atleast be featured on movies for your Monday's
  • + 14
 I approve of thistup .
  • + 13
 I think everyone does.
  • + 1
 i work at a shop and theres always this kind of person. not to this extent but its painful.
  • + 9
 VOD nuff said
  • + 3
 But then again, some people just don't care to have a "nice" bike. Why spend $400 on something you'll only ride once a month and not give two shits about when you could get it for $100 at Walmart? Sometimes people think that because they are into something, someone else is equally as interested.
  • + 5
 YES....you did it!!!! faved! lol
  • + 1
 no matter how many times i watch this i still lol
  • + 5
 yep thats exactly how its goes,people and walmart bikes lol
  • + 3
 You didnt say anything about the people that ask you to size them and then go and buy online..
  • + 4
 is it because hes brown?jk this is a awesome video
  • + 1
 pretty much describes every customer that comes to the shop and asks for fukkin cyclocross bikes because "their friend has one" and "they say they really like it"........idiots!
  • + 5
 What makes them better?
  • + 3
 Your kneecaps will be blown when you wake up in the morning.
  • + 5
 You know how women are.
  • + 11
 I hope you spontaneously combust.
  • + 2
 did you heat that? the inside of my head just bursted into flames
  • + 3
 pretty much every day at the shop i work at
  • + 1
 hahahaha this is awesome i dont work at a shop but i hear idoits like this in there all the time when im in there cant imagine how you guys feel!
  • + 2
 haha this is exacly what goes on at the shop but without the rudeness and swearing haha!
  • + 1
 lol i see this ALL the time, ppl show up in there decked out lincon trucks but wont pay 350 for a bmx, lol goofs
  • + 1
 Are You Serious?? Haha

42% Of LBS Customers Are Like That.

Gotta Love The Dump People Haha
  • + 1
 There is nothing worse than parents pulling up in a f*cking Cadillac or BMW but wont dish out $400 for there kid.
  • + 1
 i dont even work at a bike shop and just from being there soooo often this is def true
  • + 1
 First time ive cried in laughter in a long time!
  • + 1
 this is awesome the guy at my shop is a pilgrim alsoSmile
  • + 1
 That's was the funniest shit i've seen all day! Rofl.
  • + 1
The iPhone comment made this PERFECT! lol lol
  • + 2
 haha. VOD.
  • + 1
 I havent laughed so hard in a while.
  • + 1
 This made My day. Thank you!!!
  • + 2
  • + 1
  • + 1
  • + 1
 lol Big Grin no comments
  • + 1
 GIP sy.
  • + 1
  • + 1
  • + 1
  • + 1
 this is awesome! lol
  • + 1
 This wins at life
  • + 1
 This is funny stuff.
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