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"Simply the Best" trail

A very cool angle of this faboulous trail! RideOn!


  • + 2
 obrigado for such a awesome video, along with an awesome trail and quite a nice angle to watch it on, i particularly like it when the sun catches your bike just right and you see the carbon fibre weave, all in all beautiful. RIDE ON
  • + 1
 You're so very welcome amigo! Anf yes, the HD version catches every detail! RideOn!
  • + 2
 Bro we have a black out here at the moment (try having a shave and shower in the dark hahaha) and the battery is almost dead on the lap top so when i get home tonight from work i will watch this...cant wait...
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 Hahahahahahaha! Ok bro! No problem! I understand!
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 Já é complicado arranjar um trilho com esta qualidade quanto mais puder fazer um filme de mais de 6min no trilho.
Muito bom!!

A GT parece muito certinha a descer
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 A GT desce muito bem amigo...a unica coisa que estou a mudar e a suspensao da frente...vou montar uma Fox Van 36 RC2 (se o negocio da minha Talas se realizar durante esta semana) para que o angula da testa reduza 1º passando dos 69º para os 68º.
Em todo o caso que o negocio nao se realize, so te posso dizer que nao fico nada triste pois a Talas 32 R com 150 de curso (no maximo) e super suave e torna a descida super divertida!
A GT e uma All Mountain muito agil e divertida!
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 O quadro não permite por aquelas caixas de direcção que permitem variar o angulo, pois não?
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 Kits de ajuste de geometria? Penso que nao...mas nao precisas, acredita...basta habituares-te a geometria, que e espectacular nas subidas com os 110mm de curso frontal, e depois nas descidas, sobes para os 150mm e e so deixar correr!
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 Eu estava me a referir aquelas caixas de direcção que da para por + ou -1º, tipo isto:

Mas pensei nisto porque voce disse que queria trocar a suspensão para diminuir o angulo de direccao.
Mas acredito que a bike de origem seja muito boa tanto a descer como a subir.
É uma das que esta na lista de compras Smile gostava de experimentar por causa do sistema I-drive.
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 Amigo, penso que a minha maquina nao vem preparada para isso, mas ja ouvi falar sim...quando eu digo mudar o angulo da testa da bike, quero dizer que, ao aumentar o curso da suspensao em 1 cm vais, com certeza aumentar a altura da frente, reduzindo, deste modo o angulo de direccao.

Quanto ao comportamento da bike, se pedalas sentado (que e o meu caso) o I-Drive funciona super bem, e quase nem ves o bombear do amortecedor traseiro, se pedalas em pé: esquece, nao ha sistema que nao bombeie, tanto a minha Dune como GT bombeiam,a unica forma de evitar e colocares uma grande pressao de ar nas suspensoes de modo a que nem sequer mexam, lol

Tenho pouca pressao na GT (de ar) e pedalo sentado, posso te dizer que e uma das melhore bikes que ja tive para All Mountain: muito leve, boa regulacao de curso na Fox a frente, muito agil nas descidas e muito divertida (como viste no video)!
  • + 2
 I love the chesty bro! the trial is a little more visible and wow that was a killer trial mate! Steep with nice rocks! Looks like this fork suits you well brother! ridEOn!
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 The fork does suit this bike well Niko! Very smooth and agile! I just need my own time to adjust! RideOn!
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 Over all very cool trail! Looks like a rockin blast, ahhahhhhahahaha RidEOn buddy!
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 You would love it! It would a good trail to test the Durolux on full travel! RideOn!
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 Thank you! last sunday we did an all day trail build so no riding but one ride from top to bottom. I was on the Double and the Durolux even at 130 was super plush and absorbed all the bumps. At 160-180 it would be a killer trial fork, in all honestly it is just as smooth as the Fox 36. No need for testing its all ready awesome. This trial would be killer following my friend down in pure bliss! RidEOn Amigo!
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 I'm really impressed with your new fork Niko, really am...lets see if I can get enough money for you to buy it there in Japan, add your magic touch, and then, send it to me...boy that would be a dream came true brother...
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 ahhahahhhhaha I dont know about a dream come true be would be great! The fork should ride just as your float does! RidEOn brother!
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 RideOn Buddy!
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 The chest cam gives a splendid view of this superb trail. You were riding with ease and style! Ride on brother!
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 yeah the chest cam gives a great view.cool video amigo.
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 I agree, very, very cool Cool
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 Cheers brother! This new angle is growing on me!

Happy Trails & RideOn!
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 This one makes my top 5 places to ride in the world! It will happen some day soon!
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 Really bro? You mean it? 'cause whistler is number one on my list, hahahaha!
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 If you do hit Whister make a stop via Casa Moser and you are welcome to play in our back yard anytime.
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 Thank you my dear friend! When I get there I'll tell you for sure!
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 excelente trilho.. esta mesmo espetacular.... boas pedaladas
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 Epa obrigado amigo! E realmente um trilho fantastico!
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 Que trilho fantástico !!!!
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 E brutal! Tem de tudo!
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 Drool beautiful vid tup RideOn
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 RideOn buddy! Yes! It's a massive trail!
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 Yeah very loooooooooooooooooooooong trail Drool
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 nice vid mate this is a mostly xc track aye
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 Oh it's not buddy! This is a walking trail, that it's now closed and we ride it many times...it's too steep to be XC! It's more like a DH/FR/Enduro trail!
  • + 2
 the chesty really works well on that long trail...awesome
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 Thanks for watching mate! This trail has some broken parts but I think it is going to be fixed and the ride will be even faster!
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 you got right on the name! lol I had been there too and it's awesome!
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 Hahahaha! Obrigado amigo! Este ano levei a bike pa Santa Maria, mas pó ano quero ir à Terceira...depois andas comigo e mostras-me os trilho?
Tens aqui o link do meu blog, onde tenho muito mais videos e mais actuais!


  • + 1
 para o ano não sei se volto à Terceira,se bem que deixei uns trilhos por fazer, mas de qualquer maneira mando te os mapas e chegas lá fácil!

um Abraço e aki tb tens o link da minha pagina no facebook


We Are Nature
  • + 1
 Ah eu pensava que estavas a morar na Terceira mano!
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 good long trail!

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