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Opening Day with Brett Tippie

Just The Tip....from Brett Tippie, Opening Day of the Whistler Bike Park 2011. highres version here: http://www.pinkbike.com/video/198630/


  • + 18
 good to see they installed white cushions along the edges of all the runs Wink
  • + 5
 Safety first
  • - 12
flag norcobikerman (May 25, 2011 at 20:10) (Below Threshold)
 it's just snow
  • + 14
 someone get that kid a medal
  • + 5
 I don't suppose GoPro existed in 2001....
  • + 3
 Man whistler opening day 2001 looked pretty sweet
  • + 2
 Not only did I type 2001, instead of 2011, but I missed the extra "t" in Brett's name! Thanks for the show Tippie!
  • + 2
 As usual tippie is tipsy
  • + 4
 man, he's never gonna get old.
  • + 2
 ya he's fun to watch
  • + 2
 I wish have some places like that here in Southern California.cool video amigo.
  • - 1
 am i the only one questioning the quality of the go pro footage in this vide? it goes all pixely and distorted a lot and even when it isn't the quality isn't to fantastic? is that and editing problem or is the footage like that off the cam, thanks i wouldnt mind feedback from gopro owners as i look to make my decission between contour and gopro in the next week

not looking to argue, just to learn, thanks guys
  • + 2
 Its pinkbike, if you watch theyre youtbe videos in 1080p its great
  • + 1
 yeah, but most of this stuff is probably shot in 1280x720 so they can get 60fps. and pink allows you to upload 720p HD, (correct me if i am wrong) so is it not a compression issue?
  • + 5
 Left Coast is sorta correct. The pinkbike player is set up for high traffic, and more than likely, you were watching the video in Standard Def. There are an enormous amount of variables that make a video look good or mediocre when it is online. So many in fact, that I won't even go into it here....you should just sign up for a video class at your local college. This video was compressed at 5000kbps, 720p, 30fps. That is the lowest quality compression that you can call "HD" for web. It allows the video to play seamlessly off sub-standard internet connections. If you go to Vimeo for instance, our videos are uploaded there at much higher bit rates, but you need to have a big computer with a fabulous connection to play them......however, the videos are in FULL HD. This is not a Contour vs GoPro thing. Both cameras shoot 1080 HD video, and each camera has a set of features that offer the user a menu of shooting styles. Each camera has its merits, it is your job to educate yourself, and choose the product that works best for your mission.....be it GoPro, VioSport, Sony or Contour. Enjoy the ride!
  • + 2
 GoPro FTW Big Grin
  • + 2
 Thanks for putting me in at 1.30 Brett! hope to see you back soon!
  • + 1
 Sweet Tippie. See you at Kicking Horse this August for more of that action.
  • + 2
  • + 2
 snow haha
  • + 2
 Brett your the man
  • + 1
 so sick, soon as im done school ill be movin out there!
  • + 1
 So disappointed i didn't make it.
  • + 1
 What song is on at the end anyone know?
  • + 1
 4:28, guy with the best dredlocks ever

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