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hop 3 attempts

close... any tips?


  • + 2
 Yeah man I got hop threes dialed. Your doing a couple things wrong. Its going to be basically the same motion as a hop 180 and your not doing that motion. Go as fast as you'd do a 180 and pick up the front end starting to hop get while you arc the way your going to spin at the same time. It will help you get a feel for it if you just try and do hop 180s and over rotate them. Then just turn your head, arc, hop, and then the last step is to pick up the back end, and spin around. Picking up the back end and nosing into it is important. It will give you like 20 more degrees of rotation if you cant quite get the momentum from the start yet.
  • + 1
 Cheers man. I just landed them today. Still tapping them a bit but im getting the rotation.
  • + 1
 Notice how your rear wheel stays on the ground almost the whole time when you're going for it? thats your problem. Lift the rear wheel up much earlier, it might feel like you aren't putting your full motion into the spin but if your whole bike is off the ground for longer, theres more time for the spin
  • + 1
 yeah ill try that next time. still, i started trying them on flat on the bmx last time i rode so im pretty stoked that i landed one that quick
  • + 1
 go faster and carve more as you are learning them. then as you get better carve less. Its scary at first to go faster but it makes it heaps easier
  • + 1
 go faster.

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