Trailer: The Line

Oct 29, 2015 at 16:51
by Vanessa Avery  
Views: 11,725    Faves: 28    Comments: 0

THE LINE is a short documentary film series about the determination and courage of high-performance female athletes, who excel in adventure sports while shaping these sports for future generations of female athletes.

The line is where the athlete begins, turns and wants to go. She chooses. She controls the line, navigates it, negotiates obstacles and pushes her performance to progress to the next level of her sport.

Each episode is a monument to her dedication, progression, adventure and the human spirit. Her creativity is only bounded by her imagination and THE LINE. / @thelineseries

McKenna Merten amp Inga Beck filming THE LINE Series documentary LINE SERIES McKenna Merten ingabeck Ernest Rodriguez Photography

Kat Sweet McKenna Merten and Inga Beck filming THE LINE Series documentary LINE SERIES SweetlinesMTB mckenna merten ingabeck Ernest Rodriguez Photography

Inga Beck filming THE LINE Series documentary LINE SERIES ingabeck Ernest Rodriguez Photography

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thelineseries avatar

Member since Sep 29, 2015
2 articles

  • 64 3
 This will get downvoted to hell by reactionary kids who really haven't thought it though but whatever.

All this "I love seeing more women getting into the sport" attitude and pretentious shite like this video are dated and embarrassing.

It's 2015. Loads of women ride, many of them ride better than men. We're all just people who ride bikes. Any kind of distinction between gender is negative and screams insecurity.

Want to watch a good video on women riders? Watch the Cascadia Enduro video from earlier in the week. Three girls having fun racing bikes but it could just as easily be about three guys.
  • 8 0
 Can't upvote your comment enough. As somebody who see us as just riders, not male an female.(hell, I'm even carefull to say things like MTFU or grow some balls) I felt a bit embarrassed watching this
  • 7 2
 Yea, totally agree. Everytime I read such stuff I am having a flashback of Conjoined Fetus lady episode from South Park. Also everytime I hear "we must make our sport grow", I have a vision of a group of 300lbs Wallmart customers with their 200lbs 10 year olds riding budget fatbikes with electric motors on fireroad behind the store. Free bucket of fried chicken per lap! Bikes getting slacker with every minute until they collapse under the... burden. Or even worse: som ex-Teenage-internet badass couch activist starting a foundation, taking kids with Down syndrome on a trip to Whistler: you ride along A-line and poor fkrs lying dead or injured along the track.
  • 6 2
 Was just pretty boring too eh?
  • 1 0
 so where do I get my Pink Bike "Ride like a Girl" shirt signed by some of the top women in the sport? Love seeing how insanely good women and the younger kids are now. I've been riding for years pointing my bike up and down hills the likes of Whistler since the early 90's and I don't remember seeing any women on the trails back then, a rare sighting at best. Now they're inspiring a whole generation. It's great to see a groups of women on the trails out for a girls ride, so anything that attracts more women to the sport is awesome, but message in this video feels dated and ... yes boring. More women ride vids and don't sell it, just ride it!
  • 1 1
 As a man, you may not be able to perceive some of the negative things that women in action sports do.
  • 4 6
 The only reason anyone is filming them or cares at all is because they are women. They are all very average riders. Equality doesn't mean special treatment for one gender.
  • 44 0
 These videos really irk me. Why can't you just make a video of women shredding, and I mean really shredding (like plenty of women are capable of), and not ever draw attention to the fact that "OH HEY WE'RE WOMEN". If the end goal is to be on equal footing as men in this sport (which trust me, I desperately want, being a chick and all), then why don't we stop drawing attention to the fact that we're the minority.

Ya wanna know what would be really empowering and inspiring to me as a chick? A video with women absolutely ripping up the trail, but without mentioning that it's about chicks. To me, all this girl-power crap is a catch-22; by constantly acknowledging that we're the minority, we're separating ourselves even more. It's patronizing and honestly proving the opposite point. You don't see men prefacing their videos with "As a mtb'er and a male".

Of course a lot of chick riders have courage, confidence, and push boundaries. It should be a given; of course we're f*cking rad and have courage and confidence..why the f*ck do we alway have to talk about it and how about we just prove it with our riding.

New campaign if anyone's interested. A movie with chicks absolutely shredding (I mean like sending big jumps, riding gnarly stuff, stuff that's on par with what you see in other mtb movies), no excessive slow-mo, no soft music, just sick, flat out, shredding. No mention of "finding courage, confidence, etc", just awesome riding that proves that fact.
  • 2 0

A video made of some women shredding, no dorky commentary, just a bunch of girls having fun. This is a few years back, and I can say with confidence that every girl I know in this video has done nothing but get faster on a bike since it was shot (my wife and daughter are in here).

I agree 100% with your point.
  • 4 1
 I mostly agree. I think highlighting female participation in a male-dominated sport is good in that it might inspire more women to get out there and try it. However, I think that making "women specific" media is a double-edged sword. By painting it as a great act of courage for someone with a vagina to get on a bike, people make it sound like this sport is def crazy and for dudes, which it isn't.

Besides, most of us aren't looking to participate in the courageous, boundary-pushing sport of Women's Mountain Biking, we're here to participate in mountain biking. What if they just put female riders in the same edits as male riders? You'd think that was some kind of shocking social taboo, like unisex public bathrooms, going from the number of mixed-gender edits I've seen. The universe will not blow up if a male and a female rider are shown in the same frame, honest.

Somebody is gonna say that you can't find any female riders who will look good on video next to the guys, I can feel it. Well, Rachel Atherton's training time at Vallnord would have put her 72nd on the men's board this year, so there are 3.7billion-71 men on this planet who can make a woman rider look good. Give me a break.

Also, the next time someone tries to pitch me a women's product as "confidence inspiring", I might grab them and shake them. Especially if the product is pink.
  • 5 1
 @trailrider92 this reply is awesome
  • 4 0
 @trailrider92 totally with you on this. wearing the minority badge actually justifies differential treatment. could it be that we would get closer to equality if we stopped seeing, communicating and portraying ourselves as the subjugated sex?
  • 2 2
 @trailerider92 Sorry to have "irked" you. I was already riding mountain bikes in 1992 (is that when you were born?) and I remember what it's like to ride alone or way behind my male counterpart. There are also plenty of places in the US and around the world where it's still difficult to find other women to ride with. So yes, this is a film about 3 women riders hoping to inspire other women. If that's a negative message than so be it. Women supporting women are rad, just because you ride a bike doesn't make you rad. Building community is rad. Helping other women is rad. Putting down other women is not rad.
  • 1 2
 @trailrider92 Sorry to have "irked" you. I was already riding mountain bikes in 1992 (is that when you were born?) and I remember what it's like to ride alone or way behind my male counterpart. There are also plenty of places in the US and around the world where it's still difficult to find other women to ride with. So yes, this is a film about 3 women riders hoping to inspire other women. If that's a negative message than so be it. Women supporting women are rad, just because you ride a bike doesn't make you rad. Building community is rad. Helping other women is rad. Putting down other women is not rad.
  • 4 0
 @ingabeck , I understand that the intention behind this video is well-meaning, and I respect the work that went into it. But if you really think about it, doesn’t this “flying the minority flag” actually do more to separate us than to create equality? Answer: It does. The message that this video conveys is that women are more defined by their gender than what they do. That they are their gender first, any everything else second. This is the same mindset that leads to the sexism in the industry that everyone vehemently hates.

What is ironic about this, is that I see this message pushed more strongly by women than by men. It’s this weird paradoxal thing that I’ve seen happen over and over and have a hard time wrapping my head around. Like, if you’re going to advocate exclusively for a women’s mtb community, then you lose your right to fight any kind of sexism, because you just created it.

My other problem with focus on gender in this particular instance boils down to the fact that, well, it’s pretty irrelevant to mountain biking. This isn’t competitive penis-twirling, and although men may always have the upper hand on the extreme ends of the sport (damn you physiology!), it’s totally possible for 99% of women to shred just as well as 99% of men. This idea that women need to see other women to be inspired is bullcrap. Women can be inspired by men, and men can be inspired by women. What’s not going to inspire anyone is mediocre riding flavored with excessive gender talk.

In response to your comment “putting down women is not rad”; I’m not sure if that was directed at me, but nowhere in my comment did I put down women. Quite the opposite actually.
  • 1 1
 "it’s totally possible for 99% of women to shred just as well as 99% of men."

  • 49 9
 Good to see a movie featuring women Mtbr riders. It just shows how much this sport has progressed.
  • 8 10
  • 6 42
flag TheBakBoys (Oct 31, 2015 at 13:54) (Below Threshold)
 @Cyclismo100 nou budy cars abot spellin hur un punkbike...
  • 4 42
flag TheBakBoys (Oct 31, 2015 at 13:56) (Below Threshold)
 ...unless they are 4th grade literature teacher
  • 7 16
flag jclnv (Oct 31, 2015 at 23:12) (Below Threshold)
 Yes go women! I'm so glad they have the right to vote now too.
  • 2 4
 sorry those comments came off kinda awkward and sketchy.
  • 31 3
 I have two young daughters and love the fact that this kind of film is being made. I want my girls to see that this sport is not just dudebros blasting berms and launching 60 ft gaps (although that is bad ass). I want my girls to ride and to see other female riders as role models. Thanks ladies!
  • 13 3
 You could just show them women's World Cup racing?
  • 15 1
 I have a daughter too and everytime I am on a DH competition I am having second thoughts if I would ever like her hanging out with most of those guys. I love to be among them myself because I am mentally impaired, broke, fk all, part time psychopath as well, but my gene passing instinct tells me to send her to Sunday Enduro rides... Less skills, less fun, but more intelligence and much higher account balance. As long as he's not a golfer...
  • 31 19
 What a patronising heap of crap. gals are pumping trails, just the same as men, they do not need this "pink nailed" nonsense setting them back 10 years......
  • 28 8
 You're missing the point. But thanks for the negative comment.
  • 25 8
 There is no point, we all just ride bikes............
  • 7 6
 I think the point here is that women don't get as much.... 'coverage' or... 'notice' (or whatever the bloody hell the word is i'm looking for) as men do, so they're spotlighting these women in order to get more girl bikers!! Rock on ladies!! Yeeeehaawww!!!
  • 5 4
 You are right @Jiimmm4 i love seeing women being featured and doing something badass! The more diversity in the sport the better. When I started racing, I raced with maybe 4-5 other women.. This last year we had atleast 8-10 and the pro grt courses had almost 20! That is amazing. I love riding with men and women, it is sometimes rough to be the only lady with 10 doods who you can't really relate to as well as maybe a fellow female rider. It makes things fun when you can get out and ride with a diverse group! Thank you @ingabeck for continually supporting cycling in our local community hopefully I will see you out on the trails sometime! Ride on!
  • 12 3
 A nauseating piece of gender specific claptrap for me. Just being honest
  • 7 2
 @kevinmallin is not missing the point at all, he's 100% right, all the women riders I know would say the same.
  • 1 2
 I think the point of majority of negative comments towards women is mens inability to understand them. We are incompatible at almost anything, please get it and get on with it, just treat it like a water going down the stream. Whatever elaborated thing you will try to say on subject of women in MTB will sound stupid even to men and most of women, will tell you that you are missing the point (as in most cases I dealt with in my short life: they will not tell you what the point is). Just don't comment, let women comment on women stuff. It is ok, your manhood as well as well eing of the whole humanity is safe if you say nothing
  • 4 1
 @Holstermx26 Thank you for the lovely comment, I really appreciate it - and would love to get together and ride someday!

This video is showcasing 3 entirely different female riders coming together for the first time to ride together. Those 4 days of filming were some of the best riding days I've had to date. I was challenged and fatigued but also beyond thrilled to be part of something that will help continue to build and grown our women's riding community. That's the MOST important message. I don't care if you think I am an average rider, it's about the sisterhood that most men will NEVER understand.

Take it how you will, but the reality is women make up a small percentage of the mountain bike community - and not all of us are inspired by huge gaps and drops. It's about the experience and connecting with others who share the same love. Don't be too quick to judge, you might actually enjoy the film.
  • 13 2
 Not sure where the negativity is coming from, but get over yourselves. Ride on ladies!
  • 2 0
 I've seen other videos of Kat Sweet (not familiar with other riders' in the vid) and she's a machine! It just didn't feature enough radness for a trailer meant to entice people. I do love the line "Our community is fierce and friendly". I do look out for female videos more,as a female rider looking for inspiration but this one is a miss for me. With the same level of production I've seen many other videos here on Pinkbike featuring or starring female MTBers with more exciting riding. Will still give the full film a look see, but the trailer is not for me. I just watched this gem
  • 4 1
 Paradoxically, almost every article featuring women's riding has been an article trying to promote women's riding.
  • 2 2
  • 3 1
 I don't know if it's the same young lady, but there was a McKenna at the Kamikaze games racing DS. She was focused and an inspiration to watch. I wonder if they are the same?
  • 2 1
 Def the same
  • 6 2
 Does anyone else think their bars are way too wide?
  • 1 0
 @stikmanglaspell - lol
  • 7 4
 Thanks for women's coverage!!
  • 8 4
 wtf is the line
  • 2 0
 I have seen McKenna at Snow Summit and can say that she rips!
  • 2 1
 As a dad, it's nice to have girl specific content to show my daughters, ages 9 & 11.
  • 4 4
 truly pioneers in women videography, but as @kevinmallin said, just ride you darn bike!
  • 3 2
 Yeah Kat...Should be a cool edit. Looking forward to seeing the full edit.
  • 3 2
 Because it's all about the braaaap the braaaap no drama!!
  • 1 0
 "Our community is fierce and friendly"

Spot on (y)
  • 2 1
 that one chick is like 10" tall
  • 4 2
 Video bored me to sleep.
  • 1 0
  • 9 10
 Sniff the line... American bullcrap to the max!!!
  • 2 3

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