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Misty Lines in the Dark Forest

Not letting the constant rain get us down we headed to a deep forest full of slow steep lines riding into the mist! RideOn


  • + 1
 I too enjoy a good misty ride!

I also have had my front wheel wash out this week..... but it was not on a wet root tho. I was testing put a new trail that some local guys had build in the next valley and my maxxis holly rollers tires decided they didn't like the dusty loose stone chippings that were on top of the tight non-bermed corner before a 4meter high 40deg roll in. So down i went! Hahaha Smile
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 Ohhhh mate! Loose stone is not good, its can either feel nice or just wash you out! hhahahahah Things happen I hope you are all good! This section where my buddy went down was steep and because it was rainy and very wet. He is from California like me and is not use to riding in dark forest where you can't see, ahhahah But, he did really good! RideOn buddy!
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 I agree he did do good, its hard to get used to different terrain. Me and the guys are so used to the soft soil and rocks that make up most of the riding in our valley that when we go to the pump/bmx tracks in Cardiff, its concrete berms with hardpack and gravel rollers, table tops etc. Our riding becomes rubbish because were all not use to the surface, it feels alien and skitish! Hahahaha We enjoy it though, its all good fun!

(Cardiff is the capitol city in Wales. Its also our nearest city to get too, but when i say near i mean 30 miles ish Hahaha)
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 Yes, Im the same way! I ride this wet muddy leafy terrain all year round. So, when I went to a ski resort for the first time it shocked me! The bike park trails in a sense are too easy, but the speeeeeed is insane with a proper berm in every corner. So, they are not too easy, its hard riding that but for most people the wet loose steep stuff we ride is more difficult. Kind of funny! Riding these kind of trails Im not so good at the high speed open wide trails.hahahahh
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 Neither am i Hahahaha. Your right its ironic to think most people are used to the other surfaces...... that sad its the same when people ride a disapline their not used to. A friend of mine is a dirt jumper and thats all he does, he asked me to help him broaden his skills one day, and said he would like to try somthing else. So i took him to out for a few hours to do some short DH runs on my Mythic.

At the top of the track he looked down and said "Oh dear, we have come all this was to find that the track is broken..... look you can see the exposed rock and roots and someone has removed all the berms!"

Wonderfull quote Smile
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 hahhahahahahhahahhah Oh my thats a beautiful story! The track is broken, ahahahhh All the berm are gone, ahhahhahhahahhah Brilliant!
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 such a cool and beautiful place, happily would take a plane to there! and such cool people there! love the misty ridding, have months trying to dial a ride where there is mist but it just don't happen
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 Thank you bro! Getting out in the rain can be fun, but you have lots of cleaning to do, hahahahhahah RideOn!
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 The coolest dude on two wheels is at it again. Bro you are one great bike rider. Great video amigo
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 Thank you mate! Lots of good fun in the hills! RideOn Amigo!
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 Nice edit!! Those are some crazy high rise bars you're running there Nick!
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 Yes, super 50mm buddy! ahhahah But they really feel nice with this bike which has a very low standover.
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 You lend out your soda? I'm coming for a visit!
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 Yes, of course bro! This was my buddy who lives in Cali. His wife is from the town we live in and they are back for 2 weeks. So, we had to squeeze in a day for riding! I always have 2-3 bikes up and running so of course, come on over! Now you are in the NS family as well so, the soda should feel nice! hhahahhah RideOn!
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 Might be a possibility next year! I'll be in touch
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 Got those classic Niko vibes! If all goes to plan I will be there Dec 27th- Jan 15th.. Could you squeeze me in for a couple days Niko?.. Come on Jan, lets make it a 3some!
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 From the 27 and 15, Oh Yessssss! I will have about 2 weeks off of work around that time. Its cold but we can ride like little frozen monkeys! hahhahahahh Yes, Jan we boys always like a 3 some! That would be wicked if we could all 3 ride together! I know one of you will in Shikoku and the other in Nagoya so, the commute to me is just a little difficult. But, if you do venture this way I will have rooms for you stay at and good food to much on while we thrash our bodies riding some fun trails! RideOn!
  • + 1
 Let me check with the boss / planning bureau. That would be epic! I feel like I should be packing a bike this time! A man-3some. wow. haha!
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 Wait, all I said was we like 3 some's but never did I mention a man 3some! hahahhaahhaha It would be good fun!
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 haha, ohhh back-pedaling! But seriously, if we can make this happen, imagine the bike video opportunities!
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 I'm keen. Looks 99% for me going..Niko let us know which dates suit in the period.Conv3rt, let us know if you can swing it!
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 Well, beings everyone is coming this way, Im game! I will be ready to deliver! Josh, I will off work from the 22nd to the 3rd. Then the 9th and 10 saturday and sunday I will be free too. Then the 11th I don't have work until 2pm so that weekend could be good! I just know coming down this way is what makes things tough. However we have plenty of time to get a schedule rolling! Very Exciting!
  • + 1
 Japan is never boring for biking,great vid Beer
  • + 1
 Thank you buddy! We live in a cool area, we can bike all the time, hhahhah However you just need to be careful and pay attention to natures goodness! RideOn!
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 you guys are sick! sponsors will be hitting you up soon!
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 Thank you bud! But no need for anymore sponsors we just want to ride for fun and enjoy the natural laughter as we shred new lines! RideOn mate!
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 I thought whether niko ride two!
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 Yes, lets get out and about buddy! Misty fun in the hills!
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 Dreamy and mystical Smile Thanks for sharing!
  • + 1
 Thank you bro!

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