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PRO Downhill,ds,4x,on 2 wheels since 1976 to ?,.

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Martinezorlando Hobo1337's video
Feb 4, 2017 at 22:21
Feb 4, 2017
the dog guy is the problem he yell's bull shit try 2 start problem when all he has to do is shut up and get out of way,and his dog is wrong in his part,wow .its seems you stop and hes still yelling,he's a fake tree hugger.

Martinezorlando RichardCunningham's article
Nov 11, 2016 at 11:06
Nov 11, 2016
WTB Ranger 2.8-inch TCS Light High-Grip Tire - Review
i get high on life,i c y,but don't know y i can c y,o well gotta go to my ship i mean bike ride.happy trails to all who have seen the way.
Martinezorlando mikelevy's article
Nov 11, 2016 at 10:58
Nov 11, 2016
Pinkbike Poll: Why Do You Trail Build?
terra forma since 1976,when old guys where passing the rules to me,can not be done like that today,hay kid go park your bike at home and come back to ride the wheel barrow today throw dirt,will let you ride when the time is right till then here's a shovel.NOT in 2016,the rules have change,i'm down to my last spot,were trash from humans is my problem, not camel skid towers,kit photo shop no dirt work just show and go f,, to shovel lets ride no fix,change to easy.,but i guess i'm the old guy now,i still do trail no one hit wonders i do full albums,top to bottom no shuttles no easy shit ya i make turns right or left before that 45foot gap,sorry if i do not make 1mile strait at a 5foot speed bump,if its easy count me out.OOOO not to say the fake tree huger that think a bike is an atom bomb yat yat.o well happy trails from some stupid old guy.
Martinezorlando RichardCunningham's article
Nov 11, 2016 at 7:23
Nov 11, 2016
WTB Ranger 2.8-inch TCS Light High-Grip Tire - Review
@WAKIdesigns: you a funny guy,now are we looking at humans as a race or r we talkin about tires that keep u grounded to the terra forma or a label that was made up win humans needed something 2 make cense of y fire may burn u,that being said,is RC are god to show us the right label to by,yat yat,sorry waki, but i got a new site we can start,f,,,c,, the words, strait to video no hiding talking bs,humans need to be face to face,words with no face,bs,no bs after news report of new product or race win all video with face so you can face it.or walk.waste time like i'm doing now,your words make us think,i'm talking to all the foot mouth guys that can not ride a bike., but u c i'm falling into the wrong or right jury still out.
Martinezorlando therealtylerdurden's photo
Nov 10, 2016 at 0:24
Nov 10, 2016
wow there a face in that fire or I'm on shrugs

Added 1 photo to way-back
Nov 10, 2016 at 0:07
Nov 10, 2016
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Martinezorlando RichardCunningham's article
Nov 9, 2016 at 23:58
Nov 9, 2016
WTB Ranger 2.8-inch TCS Light High-Grip Tire - Review
@WAKIdesigns: just so u no WAKI i like your style,that being said,i came to the the land of the free win i was 4,1970,i was lucky or unlucky jury still out on that 1,i'm a product of my terra forma,i seen things come and go,the rise and fall of skateboardin,bmx,mtb,yat yat,learned from the streets and friends and just plain stupid luck,but i learn to study the things before i stick that dirty as foot in my mouth and it happen's 2 every one,no won is perfect,and nothing is free,there is a price tag on every move you make,so that being said o sorry i can not spell,and i'm yat yat,we need to look at the bigger picture RC IS TALKIN about WTB tires my boy from way back in the DH day #15 MARK the rc race from n.CALI,were the BLM take it away and put us on fire road no single track,so lets not get off track and stick 2gether like one,i do not no maybe u lucky sweden.,but jury still out on that 1.thank u 4 you time,DIRTY O out of his mind.
Martinezorlando rachellefrazer's article
Nov 4, 2016 at 12:47
Nov 4, 2016
Making Friends in Congress: Lobbying For Bikes in the USA
dude you mist the point,they are showing up to the BATTLE FEILD,were it can get real bad for us as a group [street $ dirt}is not the point,$$$$ talks here,and we got hot women fighting for us,whitehouse men see women,here women,i'm not being sex's,but its a fact,men are more lose around women,ok that being said,i play in the dirt since 1976,and seen the good,bad and not so good.once something good is gone it not cummin back with out a war.ok yat yat.rember biker are outlaw's a the pinker ten carpetbager's banker's 3 city states THE ROTHCHILD,13 family's can't see.,WE THE PEOPLE inn
Martinezorlando wilderness-trail-bikes's article
Nov 2, 2016 at 21:00
Nov 2, 2016
Lauren Gregg's Weekend Van/Race Routine - Video
vans are hot and so is she,livein the dream,we all forget y we work,so we can live are dreams,yes its hard,every thing in life is hard,there are no nets to catch you when you fall at rampaige,if life had a easy switch would you use it,but it does if you can find it,its a state of mind,just like ware a van can take you,yes we have to work,but if you do not have something that brings you to that state of A AW,,i'm sorry for my yat yat ,i just want humans 2 no,u do not have to b PRO 2 RIDE OR HAVE FUN,its all in your mind over matter,time fly's,but always go slow and smell those rose's,once again sorry me no good with word's.
Martinezorlando mtbmaniatv's article
Aug 12, 2016 at 20:57
Aug 12, 2016
Windham, NY Pro GRT Round 5 Practice - Video
UCI carpet baggers,they want F1 $$$$ so say a guy like you and me have the bad's track in the world and no $$$$$ it not going to happen.since day one UCI wanted to much $$$$$,most ski resort did it just to get us on there tracks,but they didn't make money after UCI take a big cut out of pie.
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