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K.O.'d Nov 2010


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 Hey, BP, glad to hear you're coming out of that ok. Don't mess with concussions! Give it time to heal, more than you would for another body part, don't try to just gaman suru through it. The brain is a delicate instrument. Hang in there! Evan
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 Damn straight reverend. Scared myself enough to take it easy for the next month. But have got a thing for this trail now so have the desire to get back out there building day by day. Cheers man.
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 Holy Moly!!
Dude are you all there? I thought you were joking in the video! A very funny scene! 2 bad crashes and on knocking you out! Heal up soon mate!
Those jumps in the opening scene were knarly, would love to see more! It looks like you have some wonderful trails all around! RideOn!
Did you hit your face because your eye looked swollen too?
I agree with Evan take it easy until you brain recovers it lost and busted brain cells!
RideOn mate!
Loved the art at the end, superb!
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 Lol ! Thanks niko. Yeah was out cold bro. Was out riding by myself too which was probably not a good thing as when I woke up had to piece everything together by myself. The jumps at the beginning are half way btw our house and my folks. The crash there not so bad.. so yeah funny ! But the crash on the trail.. not cool ! The trail has gaps that get progressively larger. The one I ate dirt and slept on was only about a 3-4 meter but backside of landing pad is right-angle bike eater gnarly so did not want to come up short ! Overshot-faceplant-lightsout.. pretty much how it went.. Still very sore and sorry with a nice shiner and friction burn from helmet strap to boot. Full face territory down here bro !
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 Good story mate! sounds like a killer trail! big gaps and jumps flowing together, wicked!! I know how you feel about underjumping a jump! but overshooting too is full of pain!! A full face in order for sure! I loved all the fresh angles! Im planing of doing some more angles as well but when out with friends the helmet,.chest and tako are killer! its easy and fast! But for a solo ride when I have time to switch between angles I want to give leelau's angles the use they deserve!! Heal up and Ride hard mate!! RideOn!!
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 man... no gloves, no pads, xc helmet... pads aren't comfy but... saved my leg 3 days ago in a bad bad crash on the street...
I was uncoscious twice in xc helmet after minor chrashes. Minor in comparison to what I did wearing the fullface helmet when luckily I saw only stars a couple of times but remained consciousSmile
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 You are right bro. Next purchases are protection investments ! Coming from the nice gentle trails of Japan am still adjusting to the rough and tumble trails here in Cairns.
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 be carefoul aussi - a had like easy crash on my shoulder and now i am 3 week off work and home resting - but what can we do this is part of mtb-iking . my local friend is overshot big roadgap 2 weeks back in bp and he broke front rim and right wrist - and buying some extra protection is not bad idea .... get well soon and ride on ..........
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 Thanks grgos. You are right this is part of what we do. Also good to meet your limits every now and then. Hope you recover well and get back out there soon. Ride on bro.
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 Unconscious!? That's scary! (I've never been unconscious so far, knockin' on wood...)
Glad you're OK now(?), though... (any scans needed?) Take care / take it easy for a while. Wink
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 Yeah man. Take easy is the plan for a month anyway. Had a CT skan and was all good. Will be getting a full face before I head back to this trail again !
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 hahaha a full face is wicked mate! RideOn!
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 Looks like a hardcore face plant to me !,glad ur ok mate! I recommend evo knee and elbow pads (they are well comfy). Get the best helmet that you can ,everyone falls if they push it.Give it loads my friend!
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 Thanks fishboy. Shall do ! Slipped my wishlist to Santa in with the kids !
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 cool angles, sorry about your loss of consciousness, those are always strange periods. On a side, note, I enjoyed all the graf.
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 Thanks man. Yeah the graf is amazing !
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are you ok right?

i am worry!

yesterday , i was ride with niko! i was mild ride. because,7day Nov, I fall down too, my back a little hurts!

worry ride on!
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 Daijyoubu desu. Sorry to hear about your injury too. Mild rides are good for the soul ! Take it easy man.. goyukuri !
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 bro...WTF.you ok????
dont take me there when i come up next year hahaha....great clip Josh.
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 Hahaha ! Better places to take you bro.. dont worry.
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 awesome!!!!!!!! heard that santa is getting me a go-pro so i will bring it up mate. im pretty excited to get there.really looking forward to meeting your Family and you.
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 Likewise. A go-pro for xmas.. great news. Our revolution will be televised !
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 yes cant wait.depending on when we actually get there i hope to have a new frame too.
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 well I'm glad your ok, sweet to catch it on video. armor rules but total protection is impossible.
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 Wow brother...bummer...you're ok now, right? Btw wich camera are you using?
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 Yeah, I'm alright man. Just a little sore and sorry. Will be taking it easy for a while ! Is a Gopro HD.
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 hey, hope all is well i know how that feels!! do you think a full face helmet would of help't? so i see your traying to out stunt me huuuuuuu! he! he! well the video is nice.. every time i crash i dont have my gopro make me mad if im going to crash i want it on vid! rest up boy ...stunt on
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 Thanks man. A full face is definitely on my list to Santa. I think it would have made a big difference. The trails here are pretty full-on ! Betta start heading out more prepared.
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 Glad you did not brake anything...must be weird nor remembering where you live.
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 Thanks kd. Was weird alright but lessons learnt. Better for next time ! Ride on !
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 The Wolfmother soundtrack underlines your bizarre experience, I'm glad you're ok.
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 Thanks slackliner. Yeah the music fit the mood for me on this one. Hope it wasnt to disturbing to watch !
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 Well, I remembered when I landed on my head at Geisskopf / Bischofsmais in Germany. It was a double I miscalculated (too much speed). I wasn't unconscious then but I didn't want to go on riding that day.
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 damn - that is not cool - head injuries suck
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 They sure do, On a side note.. Cool review of the new Gopro. Thanks for the mounting tips !
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 hey take care bro! hope you are not hurt badly
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 Am allright man. Just feel like the cat that fell off the wall. The trails here are brutal merciless.. Will get some body armour and head back out in a month !
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 haha i understand. here everybody ride with a fullface helmet and body armor or neckbrace.
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 good vid of ur foot better luck next time
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 Hahaha ! Thanks man. Yeah, a lttle lower wouldve been good..Next time more trail and less foot.
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 You been bloody busy eh Bra!
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