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2013 Bearclaw Invitational - Finals

1. Semenuk 2. Pilgrim 3. Granieri.


  • + 27
 Tippie is getting more tolerable than years past but the other guy is simply soooo stupid with his catch phrases that I just have to watch without sound and otherwise miss some good music. Watching the boys boost in silence.......
  • - 87
flag riotpride (Aug 26, 2013 at 9:47) (Below Threshold)
 You guys are loosers probably faggy DHers who dont know anything about slope style or dirt jumping thats why they are commentating
  • + 49
 that made very little sense.
  • + 18
 @riotpride, get off pinkbike you illiterate c*nt.
  • + 4
 Go home riotpride.... youre drunk
  • + 10
 Unless ur at home......
  • + 1
 No respect riotpride, dh is sick and deffinitely had a huge influence in slopestyle so ur makin g no sense.
  • + 11
 Tippie does say some dumb stuff but you gotta love his energy and passion for the sport
  • - 27
flag riotpride (Aug 26, 2013 at 18:29) (Below Threshold)
 DH fag
  • - 31
flag riotpride (Aug 26, 2013 at 18:29) (Below Threshold)
 Go shoot up a school ya dirty yanky
  • + 4
 Im actualy a great shooter, however im not retarded.
  • + 6
 @riotpride u are a disgrace to call yourself Canadian
  • + 8
 I really enjoyed giving riotpride negative props, almost as much as that edit.
  • - 15
flag riotpride (Aug 27, 2013 at 12:08) (Below Threshold)
 Why cuz all you little pussys do is bitch about everything grow the fuck up and just watch the edit if you all think your so fucking good why aren't you the ones out there winning so stop all your bitching and crying over semenuk doin oppo tricks and richie and brad commentating fuck your all girls and if you knew anything about the sport you would no richie and brad have been around alot longer then any of you but hurt loosers
  • + 8
 No one said anything about Semenuk, in fact the ability to do just about anything oppo is a huge indicator of skill in any sport. As for you, learn to spell and get your GED. If you graduated from high school it was by some miracle, or Canada's educational system is as f*cked as our own. At this point I don't care about the commenting, it is actually sort of funny. What matters here, however, is that you seem to have reached up your ass and found a problem with anyone who doesn't do exactly what you do, and in addition to that you seem to have ordained yourself a veritable slopestyle judge. Well great news kid, you have not only made it abundantly clear that you are a complete know-it-all and a snob, but you are also a nominee for the prestigious "biggest a*shole on Pinkbike award". Pinkbike is a big, fun party of all disciplines of mountain biking, and right now you are the drunk, belligerent degenerate who is making everyone else just a bit uncomfortable. You give Canadians a bad name.
  • - 13
flag riotpride (Aug 27, 2013 at 14:58) (Below Threshold)
 Why cuz im sick of reading your guys bull shit bitching about everything all the time? Your a goof bud write another essay on how gay you are! I dont think your boyfriend knows how much you love him yet! I think your the one who need a wet wipe for your loose and hurt but hole that keeps dripping.....
  • + 8
 I bet your parents are super proud of you
  • + 4
 Now say something mildly intelligent. Wear a helmet dude, the crashes are starting to show.
  • + 1
 right now YOU are the one who is bithing around riotpride ... also I made the experience that the guys who call other guys gay and home are mostly the guys who are afraid of beeing gay themselves
  • + 17
 This video was so sick until the commentary came on and just ruined it.
  • + 10
 The audio quality made it sound like they were two dudes sitting in a living room watching a live stream
  • + 5
 thats what brad ewen should be doing. but this is a sick edit
  • + 2
 HOLY MOTHER TRUCKER!!!!............... Am I ever sick of this Stupid stupid catch phrase that sounds scripted and is just annoying.
  • + 2
 maybe that dude is from the US and afraid to say f*ck

*edtit: really? you cant type f*ck here without it getting censored? what the f*ck is wrong with you north american people that you are afraid of word
I think I gonna start and use f*ck in each and every comment I post on pb
  • + 6
 So epic who knew Brandon could decade! ?!
  • + 2
 Who knew Jordie could back 3.
  • + 2
 only everyone
  • - 1
 It's a corked 720 not a 3back
  • + 5
 Was that a gopro plummeting to its death at 0:45?
  • + 2
 Gopros don't die but looks like it, poor lil dude
  • + 3
 Go pros without cases die :,(
  • + 1
 Lost one to the water or gravel?
  • + 1
 who decided that super close-ups of riders while doing slopestyle was a good idea? saw it at world cup, saw it all over crankworks, and in this edit it was almost intolerable.
I dunno about you guys but i like to see context aaand this video made me feel like i had horse blinders on.
  • + 2
 He had a winning run cuz he oppo 3ed first drop oppo t whip right after oppo truck up the drop and truck down pilgram dose no oppo what so ever so thats why Brandon's run is the winning run bud
  • + 1
 So if the commentators were there, and they got some sick footage, why didn't they broadcast the event?
Truly one of the sickest contests of the year. Even if not live they could have a full length replay. BOO ON REDBULL!
  • + 3
 The commentator sucks. I heard his "catch phrases" a thousand times during crankworx recap and they are so annoying
  • + 2
 Sick edit, Congrats to Sam on taking the FMB world tour overall this year VOD!
  • + 3
 I love videos with music thats not gay. Good work.
  • + 2
 I really like the part where that dude hit that big jump
  • + 1
 I believe that was a 360 downside whip not a decade. This is slope not flatland
  • + 2
 dude was that brandon semenuk
  • + 3
 Aggy for president
  • + 2
 Yay semenuk mde.of pure awesomeness and stile. !!!!!!!""""""
  • + 1
 i faved it once i heard the song
  • + 1
 sam should have won no contest
  • + 1
 gully's rocky looks so sick when did the 360 at 3:06
  • + 1
 when bearclaws tire popped it sounded like a bomb, i was there!
  • + 1
 "Oh my god, can somebody get me a wet wipe"
  • + 1
 absolutely nice vid Smile
  • + 1
 Rock on! \m/
  • + 1
 ^ what braden said
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