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GT Dual Speed & Style

Created by Last Light Cinema, Ryys and Geebeebee Media.


  • + 8
 This contest was wack, it's called speed and style but all you have to do is an ugly backflip next to a someones perfectly styled whip, finish behind slower and get the time bump for your sketchy flips...lets get some real judging on the style and less on going upside down next time.
  • + 1
 I still think it's crazy, a good crazy btw, that Zink and Kerr, both really different riders, can be on the same podium for the same race, such a fun and cool race S&S is, we just need Ratboy to enter some speed and style races, would be well good!
  • + 4
 Zink is a renaissance man.
  • + 1
  • + 3
 looks like so much fun!
  • + 1
 Hell yeah, what a course.
  • + 1
 Someone tell Nicolai Rogatkin to put a peak on his helmet. He looks like a total douche.
  • + 17
 and he got at least 3 times your skills, i' d better ride like him and look like a douche than having as much style as you man... i'm sorry, i can' t write correctly in english, but guys like you makes me sad... riding a bike isnt about that, and a lot of people beeing pretentions like you will make us look like little fashion minded cunts... it seems to be the new trend
  • - 8
flag shoefanu (Jul 7, 2014 at 5:47) (Below Threshold)
 Calling me a "fashion minded c*nt" is a bit daft. All i said was he looked stupid. And why not look cool while riding anyways?
  • - 1
 i kind of agree with shufanu itt looks stupid but he can also do a frontflip tbog
  • + 12
 as i said i can' t write correctly in english... not hating on you directly man, but this type of comment is just bugging me... not really unnecessary, and not really funny, so why so many everywhere ? i thought mtbers were more open minded...
  • - 1
 Full Face were ment to have visors no visor it looks f-ing retarded... yeah dude in video is 100x better then me whatever he looks like a clown.
  • + 2
 It isn't written anywhere that a rider must have a peak on his helmet, the main reason of peak is to block the son light, with peak or without it doesn't make a f*#kin different so stop unnecessary comments
  • + 6
 what difference does it make, he kills it. obviously his helmet did the job on that frontflip crash
  • + 5
 what ever ray goerge says goes
  • + 2
 Who decides what is cool? Or did you mean 'he doesn't look like all the other droids'? Sometimes coming out slingin the cannonball, when people least expect it, is cool.
  • + 1
 Nicolai rocks it and he obviously doesnt give a shit, hes in it because he loves it not because he wants to look cool and make money pretty soon that helmet is gonna have redbull all over i think
  • - 4
flag shoefanu (Jul 7, 2014 at 15:41) (Below Threshold)
 Regardless of whether he "gives a shit" or not, it still looks like shit.
  • - 4
flag Levi7772 (Jul 7, 2014 at 17:34) (Below Threshold)
 Calm down guys. Yes he looks retarded but the. Is or could be getting replaced last minute and didn't have time to put it back on. And besides, he doesn't need it because it isn't even sunny out. Most of your comments are worthless so calm down it's not going to change anything
  • + 1
 the jeans dont help...
  • + 3
 Oh god would I like to see some of you self appointed fashion-police lined up, looking like you're about to ride into a 7-up commercial. So I can understand what cool is. Or maybe you can recommend your fashion bible?

N.b. people need to get a grip on what it looks like to make a stupid comment that contains a dig about someone else being/looking 'retarded'. The joke is on you. If that wasnt clear to 'retards'.. it's retarded to suggest someone looks 'retarded' for not completing the uniform that you think they should adhere to, in your retarded brain. Trained monkeys leaping about because of an absent moulded piece of plastic. Go out on your bike, forget what you're wearing and think about this. Why aren't zebras insecure? Because they don't have tv's and mirrors. Or egos.
  • + 2
 I guess we are not entitled to express our opinions on this website... I will stick to youtube comment banter if tobiusmax secret police are going to be regulating my self expression...
  • + 2
 I kinda agree with shoefanu on this one, but Nicolai is an incredible rider, and so far isn't a known giver of fucks.
  • + 1
 Mtb fashion contest should be in Crankworxs lol


but full faces look funny without the visor its an opinion.
  • + 0
 VPS.. Wasn't really aimed at you bud, clearly you regulated your own self expression. As you put it.
  • + 0
 I pretty good at that. I could really care less what somebody wears if they can shred like that I suppose.
  • + 2
 CHVRCHES - The Mother We Share (Moon Boots Remix)
  • + 2
 terrible remix of a good song i reckon.
  • + 1
 Such a good song for that video! Fits perfectly

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