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Rest In Peace: Matt Klee

Jun 3, 2014
by Mike Estes  
It's with great sadness that I announce the passing of Hood River Area Trail Stewards (HRATS) President Matt Klee who died while riding the Whistler Bike Park on May 30th 2014. He was a passionate, avid Mountain Biker who had amazing organizing skills. He leaves behind several loved ones, his beautiful wife Jen will miss him most and all his four legged critters. Matt was the most level headed, most genuine human being I've ever met. His passion for biking lead him to myself while Sam Pinner and I installed 'Bad Motor Scooter' and I will always remember his cool, calculated demeanour. I can't imagine the pain the Hood River community is currently going through as he was truly a staple. He will be dearly missed.

We all lost a good homie RIP to President of the Hood River Area Trail Stewards Matt Klee.

I received the news via social media and still can't believe it. But he passed doing what he loved to do. Rest In Peace Matt Klee, I will never forget you or your contributions to Post Canyon. Family Man should be named in your honor.

Details of Matt's passing can be found HERE.

62 Volunteers helped us connect a section of trail long forgotten. www.hrats.org

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Matt Klee’s memorial service will be held at the Gorge Room at the Hood River Inn on Saturday, June 7th, at 5pm.

In honor of Matt, I ask you to bookmark, donate or volunteer your valuable time to the Hood River Area Trail Stewards HERE.

-Mike Estes

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northwestdhdad avatar

Member since Apr 23, 2007
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  • 21 0
 Always so tragic to get news like this. The feeling of being invincible is so resounding when on the bike which makes things like this hit that much harder. Rest in Peace Matt, you will be missed.
  • 3 0
 So true.
  • 9 0
 Sounds like it happened during his ride? Didn't know him but I feel for his family. Don't know what she is going through but I can only imagine. Damn shame. But it sounds like he left behind a real legacy. My prayers are with the family.
  • 13 0
 Yes, Whistler Bike Park confirmed it for me over Twitter DM. At least he was doing something he was passionate about........
  • 12 8
 My condolences to his family and loved ones, and the folks who were first on the scene. Matt sounds like a great guy and community leader.

(Somehow the quip about "went out doing something he loved" always falls flat for me. I mean, is it better to pass away while doing something you don't like? Or pass away while reading the paper? Is having a fatal accident while riding Whistler less bad than being hit by a random drunk driver on the highway? Maybe to say this, brings consolation to the family, but I'm sure they would rather have him around, so trying to find a somewhat bright spot just feels...forced. People all deal with loss and grief in different ways.)
  • 9 4
 I watched my own father pass away slowly over the course of a couple years. So in comparison to that outlook is my reference. Passing away by reading a paper is a cynical way of saying my tribute to him was a joke. Thanks for your criticism.
  • 4 0
 I think mentioning his circumstance is a simple way that emphasizes the family, he & his community & that we all belong to here on pb during a really sad time
  • 8 1
 @northwestdhdad no criticism meant or implied
  • 5 0
 This is such amazingly sad news. I don't know him personally either, but it's downright sobering every time something like this happens, whether it's mountain biking, motorcycles, cars, whatever... My heart goes out family, friends, and everyone on the scene that had to experience it first hand. RIP Matt!
  • 4 1
 Sorry to hear. Condolences go out to family and friends. I'll be 53 this year and things like this cross my mind all the time at this age.... I love riding ...especially DH but do question myself about still pushing DH. Sure, one can pass away doing the simplest things....but we all know DH comes with its own heightened risks. The mind continues to say YES, keep on, keeping on...but the body may not be willing to come. Peace and ride safe.
  • 3 0
 I could not agree more! I will be 48 in a few months and have ridden bigger features in the past few years than ever before. Reading about Matt really has me re-thinking my own progression, especially since we are heading to Whistler in a few weeks. It's time to ask myself, is the risk always worth the reward? Condolences to the Klee family and all of his fellow HRATS.
  • 6 0
 @cgjeff: I'm 47 and have been to Whistler twice in the last two years (Crankworx). It's as dangerous as you make it. If you don't feel comfortable doing something, DON'T DO IT!

Go have fun!!!!!
  • 1 0
 Thanks BDKR! This will be our third trip to Whistler within a year, so fortunately I know what to expect. I have had my eye on Crabapple since last September when my son and his friend hit it a number of times. I am not the type to take big risks and only ride stuff that I have 100% confidence that I am good. We shall see in a few weeks how it all works out... or not Smile
  • 3 0
 Love to Matt's family and friends. Also, a special shout out to the WBP and their staff for doing everything they possibly could, I'm sure. This is the worst news to receive. Gutted.
  • 2 0
 Thanks man. Like posted earlier could happen to anyone at anytime and really puts things into perspective. Moment of silence I think is in order which I'm sure has already occurred
  • 1 0
 I saw the ambulance heading up the hill but didn't think anything of it... then rode that trail the following day for the first time. It's amazing - and terrifying - that the smallest error on any trail could break you, even for good. Didn't know Matt but his family and friends are in my thoughts. So, so sorry.
  • 4 0
 Rest in peace Matt. Thanks for everything you did for the Hood River area it wont be forgotten.
  • 1 0
 Apparently he was riding Lower Whistler DH and lost control on a rock face and crashed at the bottom of it. I haven't ridden the trail myself, does anyone know the feature the report is talking about? Was it particularly difficult or just maybe an out of the blue accident?
  • 2 1
 I am not a very good rider, and I've ridden the feature many times without a huge issue. It's not particularly easy, but it seems like this guy was a pretty good rider; at least, a lot better rider than me.

The Whistler bike park guys are claiming the feature doesn't seem to have anything about it that is any more dangerous than it usually has, so it looks like it was just a horrible and unfortunate fluke.
  • 2 0
 It's not the gnarliest of trails out there but it's certainly black diamond tech by anyone's measure. The thing I've been struggling to wrap my head around is just how/where he suffered such trauma. You can't actually go that fast on the section they're talking about even if you tried. Must have been an incredibly unfortunate accident.
  • 4 0
 Miff, I know the trail as well and while I ride those rock faces moderately fast, but I've ridden them with folks that jump into them with a ton of speed. A good buddy had a weird pedal grab and broke his back on one of them several years ago (total fluke), so we can't really speculate on what happened here.

RIP, Matt. Hood River is a better place because of you. My sincere condolences to your wife, family and friends.
  • 4 0
 R.I.P Matt. Pacific Northwest riding wouldn't be the same without your leadership
  • 1 0
 Sad to hear. Event like this always puts a reality check on myself and couple of buddies of mine. Riding is fun but we really have to put the risk that we take into a different perspective. Perhaps the perspective of those we would leave behind if we were to get involved in such tragic accident.
  • 1 0
 rip and did care for all of us !!! I had lost a friend last year on bike and it's horrible for the familly. I'm join of all the riders of France for giving all our love for her familly and friends.
  • 2 0
 Matt was The Man. He was welcoming, smiling, stoked, constructive, positive. This is a huge loss for the Hood River community.
  • 2 0
 truly sorry for his family, friends, loved ones and community's loss. peace & endless trails to you, sir.
  • 3 0
 Thanks for the write-up, Mike.
  • 4 1
 Did the link to details have to end in an ad for park passes. Really.
  • 4 0
 Yepp they did..
  • 1 0
 A grim reminder that anything can happen, even to the most experienced rider. Condolences to his family and friends. To every body else, stay safe...
  • 2 0
 To the family and friends, my condolences to you. May he rest in peace.
  • 2 0
 Rest in peace my condolences goes out to his family and friends.
  • 2 0
 Huge bummer - never fun to lose a member of the community.
  • 2 0
 May well be the best way to go doing something you love.
  • 1 0
 inspires me to continue my passion to ride! May I be so lucky to find fate at the end of my ride when it comes. Thanks Matt.
  • 2 0
 May he rest in peace...
  • 2 0
 Rest in Peace.
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 So sad. I send my prayers to his famility to Ecuador.
  • 1 2
 so sad. Did he break his neck? internal bleeding? brain bleeding?

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