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Video & Photo Epic: Freeride Steps Forward at Hangtime in Bellingham

Aug 11, 2023
by Alicia Leggett  

The whispers around women's freeride hitting its heyday in Bellingham right now might be true.

The Hangtime jump jam is no joke. Now having just finished its third year, the event was started in 2021 by Hannah Bergemann, who lives in Bellingham and has been carving out her niche as a leader in the women's freeride space.

Hannah attended Red Bull Formation in 2019, the first of its kind - an invitational event where the top female freeriders spent a week digging and riding in the desert with the aim of raising the bar for the sport, redefining what each of them could do in order to lead the rest of mountain biking in that direction. Formation seems to have jump-started progression worldwide, with several events - including Hangtime - I think realizing there was space for them to exist. We're lucky to be watching it unfold.

There's a piece I haven't yet figured out how to include in discussions of Hangtime, and that is that it's the event where I sustained my severe traumatic brain injury. The injury has been very life-changing, so of course returning to the event included some extremely mixed emotions, but I'm choosing to set that aside for most of my discussion of the event. I think an injury like that warrants mentioning, and is a good reminder that we need to weigh the risks we're taking against our confidence that they're the right risks and whatever we're looking to gain from succeeding. But beyond that, I'd prefer to focus not on my vague ideas about myself, but on the riding that just happened right in front of me.

The event happened over two days, a Friday and a Saturday, with Sunday held on standby as a weather day. The first three sessions, Friday and Saturday morning, the event tried to minimize the pressure riders would face, keeping the event non-competitive and fun, without real pressure to hit anything at all. There's a new trick jump at the bottom of the course, a relatively small lip built next to the last jump that the riders used to warm up. They then towed each other through the jumps, some riders hitting the full line right away, others working through the jumps one by one, building from the filter step-down to the next two shark fins to the hip then the big floaty jumps.

By the time the final evening expo rolled around, several of the riders had made it farther in the line than they expected - through the whole thing, for many of them - and were ready to throw down in front of a crowd. The energy was infectious, the riders keeping each others' moods ready for the challenge.

From even before the first light, Blue Steel was waiting for the riders.

The riders based out of a large Red Bull tent at the top of the course, where they hung out, worked on their bikes, and rested.

The riders were already sending it on the first morning of the two-day event.

And, of course, hiking back up.

Even a straight air on the Blue Steel line, keeping it all as simple as possible, is no joke. Those jumps are big.

Hangtime had a way of bringing out the smiles. Hannah and her community have managed to create an atmosphere where progression really happens, where the riders feel supported, where the pressure is low and the joy is high.

Casey Brown riding with the calm, clean, bold style she's known for.

The women in freeride keep outdoing themselves. Since the first Formation in 2019, we've watched the ladies' skills skyrocket - and that makes sense, since they're just on a supercharged version of the growth we saw from men two decades ago.

Hangtime was moved from September back to July this year, and wildflower season is a nice side benefit.

Barbara Edwards threw her first flip to dirt, took home the riders' choice award, and managed to do it all while looking so fly.

A flip from Barb. You'd never know it was her first.

Avery Martinson was another leader with the tricks - I even watched her throw a no foot can flip.

It's windiest midday, so the early afternoons included chill time at the house - hang time, if you will.

Time to recharge.

There were lots of extracurriculars between riding sessions - watching World Champs, having a conversation about smart career moves, and much more. Still, the riding was still absolutely front and center.

Ready for action.

The riders seemed to consider Hangtime a hotbed for progression, a place they'd grown as riders more than usual. Even to an onlooker, that's no surprise.

The camaraderie is really something special. Although the bike world loves competitions, it's important that Hangtime be non-competitive. I think of it as creating an atmosphere of lifting each other up, genuinely wanting each other to succeed in order to move the whole sport forward.

Hannah Bergemann, HB, the lady we can thank for creating Hangtime.

Casey and Nelly.

Yours truly with a new friend.

Yours truly with a less new friend.

Down the mountain..

HB rides by in style.

Don't blink or you might miss it, and you'd probably really rather not miss any of this.

Kaia Jensen has really been growing into her own as a skilled rider and kind leader, and we love to see it.

This definitely isn't the first time we've seen Casey throw down, but we never stop being impressed.

Avery mentioned to me that she's a "stripes enthusiast." Now, that helps me recognize her as she's flying by. Thanks.

Hannah's bike has the same sunset color fading as the Hangtime graphics.

This Hangtime left lots of smiles on lots of faces.

The crowd and riders alike seemed to leave with a little more hope for what we can all do in the future.

And we won't be forgetting the positivity and camaraderie anytime soon.

Serious cheers to that combination of community support and progression. 'Til next time, take care.

Author Info:
alicialeggett avatar

Member since Jun 19, 2015
745 articles

  • 32 0
 The photos went from sober to psychedelic real quick, similar to real life.
  • 3 0
 I promise, they were just fruit snacks.
  • 20 0
 It is always a 'demon' to visit or live with, an area, that a traumatic event happened. Good on you for taking that step, Alicia.
  • 13 0
 Near the end of the video: throwing down a backflip on a big bike is commitment. Great to see women doing big tricks with big style!
  • 12 0
 Cool to see a different photo style than usual.
  • 3 0
 Really appreciate this, thank you!
  • 2 0
 @paulkalifatidi: Yeea man, good work. It reminds me of the photos on the North Shore back in the day where longer exposures were needed for the lower light resulting in the blur. Really cool.
  • 9 0
 So sick! And amazing words from Alicia!
  • 6 0
 Barb's flip photo is so cool! Almost looks like she's dropping into a lake or something with the blur.
  • 5 0
 I decided to flip the photo of the flip. Thanks for the love!
  • 5 0
 Great event, great article, and great photos
  • 2 0
 Thank you!
  • 3 1
 I recognize that house. Fantastic job, HB and ALL of the ladies who are inspiring the next gen of rippers! Nice writeup, Alicia!
  • 1 0
 This, Formation, Tour de Gnar and the like is true freeriding. As there's a set of rules dictating what you can and can not do, events like Rampage and Slopestyle are never "free".
  • 4 0
  • 3 0
 The rider in photos #3 and #8 in the article is Tori Dzenis - she's dope.
  • 1 0
 does anyone know why riding was cut short during the public event? was super fun watching the girls shred so it was sad when the riding stopped so early
  • 3 0
 F Ya.
  • 1 0
 I get the blur looks cool, but I can't even see what's going on in some photos
  • 1 0
 Great words, for me big jumps aren't worth it anymore but nice to see others having fun.
  • 3 2
 Nate hills was wondering if he can ride his eeb there..
  • 2 0
 Love these photos!
  • 1 0
 refreshing pictures, nice!

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