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Video: Official Highlights from the Bielsko-Biala DH World Cup 2024

May 19, 2024
by Ed Spratt  
If you missed the live coverage from the second round of the 2024 DH World Cup series you can catch up on all the racing below.

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  • 21 0
 Ronan deserved this win, great riding from the Irishman!
  • 2 0
 that run was Eek Beer
  • 15 0
 Ronan Dunne - "I had myself in the mindset I was either going for a helicopter trip or I was coming down in first. So we didn't take the helicopter trip but we took the win so ya"
  • 15 0
 "he's so precise and"......aarrrhhgggg.
The pace is crazy high this year, tougher than ever.
  • 9 1
 This was excellent and produced very quickly. Kudos where kudos are due.
  • 6 0
 Helicopter or 1st, eh! No 2nd place for Ronan.
  • 3 0
  • 3 0
 408m drop over 1.95km is not 4.9% avg gradient. How can Rick even say that without realising and correcting himself? 4.9% is way too flat.
  • 2 0
 thats more than 20% steep on average.... crazy shit!!!!
  • 5 5
 Around the minute mark, there is a graphic saying average gradient 4.9% and max 14.6%. And Ric even saying it. Amateur hour. I don't even need a calculator to know these numbers must be completely wrong. That's more like a blue XC descent, not a WC downhill track.
  • 1 0
 Now I'm really curious who tf downvoted you and why.
408m vertical on a 1950m run is 21% average gradient.
  • 1 0
 Watching coverage on Eurosport (in Sweden) today (28th), and they have a lot of the track covered - so for F)&@s sake why not show it on the Live Feed?
  • 1 0
 What's happened to Fox's DIALED series this year? Can't find it so assume they're not doing it?? Shame, it was great!
  • 4 4
 rich needs to stop interrupting everyone
  • 15 2
 Devil's advocate here, if Gwin and Greg are talking about a riders bike or something that isn't live/current relatable to what's happening on the track then if something big happens I'd expect any one of those commentators to interrupt the others to raise it's importance on the run.

If you re watch all those years of freecaster and redbull, they interrupted each other all the time and we didn't moan about it until......we had to pay.

Stop moaning about it,
  • 3 1
I would agree in principle. But unfortunately, Ric doesn't often have much of worth to say.

A commentator should provide information, insight, or colour. The closest Ric generally comes is information, that mostly consists of the split times that we already saw on screen, about 10 secs before he announced them.
  • 2 1
 @highland-hippie: Insight and colour are provided by, wait for it, colour commentators, which Ric isn't. Ric has been hired for the info part of the commentating - which tends to involve interrupting the colour commnentators.

Rob was in effect often doing both, which is why his colour commentators were a changing cast of characters that never stuck.
  • 1 4
 Great race! Ronans run was incredible! Would have loved to watch the entire race like we all used to. Id be fine suffering through adds, but Im not going to pay to subscribe for the entire season

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