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  • 3 0
 I've never had a gun pointed at my face, it must be a terrifying situation!
I think, I would go ballistic and pull some nasty Karate on the fool, hahahahhahah
But in all seriousness, when you are tackled by 2 police officers and helpless, is that the point to pull your gun and shoot the person? People with a gun posing an overwhelming power over others for no particular reason has to stop.
We don't have guns here in Japan but we get the same problems with knives. About 3-4 times a year I hear about a mass stabbing, some crazy dude spun out on meds jumps out stabbing 15-30 people, crazy stuff!
Using a gun for hunting is cool but do you actually need to pull it out in every situation? I have been in 2 fist fights in my life. Both were for no reason at all, some ass trying to be bad and starting problems. Both times I pleading saying why do you want to fight me or jump me, I don't want to fight!!! Both times I blew up pounding them to the ground and I still feel like shit today!! For something I didn't cause! Thats some f*cked up truth!
  • 1 1
 I agree with ya! All of my fist fights have been the same way, take punches and not fighting back, repeating "I don't wanna fight you bro, I don't wanna fight with you." That actually once ended up with a guy repeatedly trying to stab me in the gut in LA, and me repeatedly blocking the blade with my elbows. Eventually he got bored and just wandered away. Pretty sure that guy was twacked out on meth..

I agree, that I REALLY don't like hitting people in anger. A boxing match is one thing, but a stupid street fight for no reason? There's just no excuse.

Agreed too on the stabbings, there was a mass stabbing in China that killed 29 and wounded 130! Gun control has NOTHING to do with public safety, and EVERYTHING to do with power, with tyranny.

As far as the police brutality goes, an interesting fact is that police shoot more whites than blacks. Yet everyone gets up in arms over the thug getting shot. Where's the coverage on Napoleon Dynamite getting shot? Oh, you don't care because he's white? Who's the REAL racist here?

The second point is that I have met a lot of good cops. Really good guys and gals. I always treat them with respect, and they treat me with the same. There have been a few knuckleheads, but they remain the exception, not the rule. I don't know the circumstances regarding any of the circimstances regarding these cases except from what's reported, which is naturally a one sided view. What I can say is that, if I deal with a dickhead cop, I become his bitch. I just automatically go into pussy mode. It's emasculating, sure, but it gets me a lot farther than arguing. You watch videos of people who know their rights arguing with dickhead cops, and sometimes it works in their favor, sometimes it doesn't. Maybe I'm a pascifist in this regard, but I'd rather just not roll the dice in that situation.
  • 1 1
 Good words brother! That dude in LA sounds nasty, you are awesome for getting out of that! I too have pondered the racist thing over and over. I had many blacks at my high school and they always said things opposite than the truth and I always thought they are more racist that me, which I can care less, I see past a person and look into their eyes. They keep the struggle hard and want to fight everything, I never understood that and many time wanted to say you are causing your own trouble are creating a thought of racism that isn't there. Funny, truely funny! But, as a race their moral up bringing in society over the last 200 years was very different than that of a white man like me and that stays deep inside their culture. I think most cops are out to do good as thats what they believe in. But the dickheads are hard to deal with, I think I too just go into pussy mode. I once got pulled over and had a mini bong on me, I shoved in my pants and the pig patted me down. He found a roach in my left pocked and stopped searching me, didn't find the nugs in my right nor the bong, ahahhahhahahha But in pussy mode he let me go and I got blaze my worries away! hahahahahhahah
  • 2 1
 Thanks bro! Yeah, it's strange, racism against whites is just completely ignored. Total double standard. There are shitty people of all races and creeds, and many more good than bad. My guess as far as African Americans fighting against everything ia that, especially in the pj's, they were raised having to fight everything. They expect nothing less, nothing more, and it becomes their belief system. Sure is interesting.

Hahahaha! Mini bong in the pants, reminds me of the video of a cop patting down a black dude, and after hitting something, uh, hard, he asks what it is. Black guy: "that's my pebis, sir." lol lol lol

Going again to shitty people of all walks of life, the same applies to the bad egg cops. They get all the coverage. The thousands of good cops going far out of the way to help those they serve? Meh, nobody wants to hear that. The Tool song Vicarious touches on that. Killer song too! \,,/

I was born in LA, grew up in a small town in AZ, and moved back to LA on my own as an adult, with very little money to start with. Got off the Greyhound and walked through skid row to a gas station for a pack of smokes, but they were closed. A dude and his wife pulled up and offered me a ride to the 24-7 7-11, and I accepted. Got there, and started to grab my bag on the way out. He said naw man, just leave it, I'll give ya a ride to your hotel (motel LOL) after your grab your smokes. Like a dumbass, I did. Went in, got my Pall Malls, came out and he was gone. My insulin, blood sugar meter, clothes, laptop, everything but my knife and money werw in that f*cking bag.

Called the cops, and the badass LAPD officer let me ride in back as he tooled about, looking for the scumbag. Never found him, but that ride really struck me. Beforw that, I had been a dumbass 'f*ck tha police' kinda kid. Now I judge those books by what's in them.

Since then, LA has straight up given me a LOT of street smarts! Lol
  • 1 1
 Out of curiosity, where in the states were you from before emigrating for Japan? California, right?
  • 1 0
 @nikoniko: lol, good ending m8 !
  • 1 0
 @baggyferret: Thanks! Smile It sucked at the time! lol
  • 1 0
 Im from Orange just south of LA, but my wife and I lived in Korea town for a year, man I too soon learned the difference of people just an hour away, its a different world. Man that is a great story, it was really bad at the time for sure! We all make mistakes but living in LA you learn to only trust yourself! hahahahha Im losing all my street smarts living here in Japan as everyone is super chill, no fighting or arguing at all. I got lucky that day, he didn't feel my pebis area, ahahahahhahahhah I got to keep my mini toker! hhahah I think there should be more stories of just positive stuff, only the negative gets the news. Cops that stick their neck out and save people need to commend too! Good stuff, I like it!
  • 1 0
 Cool! I lived in Costa Mesa and Tustin for a bit. Been all over Norcal and Socal. Socal kicks Norcals ass though! lol

Haha! I wonder if they have boxing clubs to freshen up at?

Hell yes! There was a shooting in Dallas this evening. Snipers opened fire on police guarding a demonstration. 11 officers shot, four killed so far. I'm sure this will get coverage for one day. A black man gets shot by an officer? On the news for f*cking weeks. RIP, boys in blue.
  • 1 0
 @therealtylerdurden: the way the tv is now we never know if stuffs a false flag to bring in new laws or create tensions among people for political reasons, or take rights away...
  • 2 0
 @baggyferret: No kidding... Buncha scumbags.
  • 4 0
 So, 2.157 people can't aim for shit?
  • 2 0
 Those stats will flip-flop if they take guns away too! This stat needs to be known by all. Of course all we hear is the sensationalism crap. Good pic.
  • 1 1
 Too true! And it really does. The sensationalism of 'blacks being unjustly murded by dirty pigs' bullshit needs to stop too. None of these people 'protesting' (read: rioting) were there- they don't know how it went down.

Furthermore, and I've said this a dozen times on this site alone, but I will continue to do so until people stop being dumbshits, more white males are shot by police than black males. You don't hear that on the news, because no one wants to hear it. f*cking SJW just looking for injustices, accurate or not. Oh, you don't want to hear about Beavis getting shot? Because he's white? Who's the REAL racist here?

I'm glad to see that some people, such as yourself, allow logic to permeate their lives. There is no 'systemized racism conspiracy'. It's nothing but a bunch of whiny kida who want hand outs and to feel good about 'helping the underclass'. But, if they're no longer underclass.. Again, who's the real racist??

Cheers! Beer
  • 1 0
 Some great reading in this .
  • 1 0
 Hell yeah! Thanks man.
  • 1 0
 Very interesting Eek
  • 2 1
 What you eekin about? Murica! Wink

Haha really though, this country was built around guns, and for a reason. Yeah, it sucks that people die. But if people are so inclined to take anothers life or to hurt people, they WILL find a way, gun or no gun. The second amendment has nothing to do with public safety. More people die in car accidents than by a gun. Life is full of risk, even in this day and age. Giving up the right to defend ourselves from freedom, though, is not a risk that we are willing to concede on. It's ingrained in our blood, and it will remain that way for time indefinite. tup
  • 2 1
 I had a derp moment. Defend ourselves against tyranny, not freedom. Duh!
  • 3 1
 @therealtylerdurden: At the time of the American Revolution, guns were just about the biggest weapon you could possess besides a cannon.

Today, the biggest weapons are nuclear fusion devices. To be honest, there is no way in hell you would be able to stop our government with guns. The proliferation of guns in America leads only to more gun violence between our citizens, destroying communities and lives in the process. There are more situations in which a gun can be used against you than you against an attacker- it is an offensive weapon, not a shield.

Besides, anyone with a motor vehicle has a bigger weapon than your gun. The rest of it is just machismo.
  • 1 1
 I do agree about cars being bigger weapons though. Still love cars.
  • 1 1
 I noticed that its the same 5 idiots on this thread...
  • 1 0
 On what thread?
  • 1 0
 You know what, fuck it- piss off, troll.
  • 1 1
 Well said, Tyler.
  • 1 1
 Thanks bro.

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