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NOT IN DURANGO....  it's somewhere south of Durango.  Hazard sends his line in Area 52.  One of many undiscovered lines that have never been ridden.  Go find some...
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NOT IN DURANGO.... it's somewhere south of Durango. Hazard sends his line in Area 52. One of many undiscovered lines that have never been ridden. Go find some...
  • 38 4
 Pretty stunning shot!
  • 19 3
  • 16 3
 those are some big rocks
  • 8 3
 wow sick location!
  • 34 4
 Seriously, Derek? I thought we were passed that.
  • 7 2
 Pretty bad ass looking photo
  • 17 4
 it looks like its on mars
  • 22 4
 nah i think its on earth ay but not 100% sure
  • 7 6
 all these epic PODs lately make me wanna ride the US....Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah look so dope for biking
  • 21 6
 Great shot...
One piece of critisim. Rotate the image slightly. The horizon is horribly out.
Other than that...not a bad effort at all Smile
  • 2 4
 Awesome shot, that background looks unreal... i just want to ride there
  • 2 2
 looks like a wild spot to ride !!
  • 6 2
 Re: Horizon... what? You mean the horizon doesn't lean like that in the UK? haha

You're right though, I completely missed that.... thanks!
  • 1 3
 Looks like what I see out my window everyday Razz Canada disc, if you come to the western slope of co, this is pretty much all you see.
  • 3 2
 Risk your life= POD!!!
  • 2 3
  • 1 2
 nice pic Smile
  • 1 2
 thats like drumheller in alberta
  • 1 1
 hahahahahahahaha Baldo
  • 3 2
 I'm glad you dig the pic... but let's keep the bro-mance to a minimumWink
  • 1 1
  • 2 4
 I actually thought JUSTDEREK's post was pretty funny but i just gave him a negative prop because i have never seen that many negatives on one post
  • 1 1
 baldo you just FAILED
  • 1 0
 yeah well now i know that its kurt sorge not mccaul they look the same tho
  • 1 2
 i think that it would be a better picture had it been taken from in front of the rider, so we can see what he's doing. Yes, the background is ace, but i'm not sure that alone merits POD.
  • 7 2
 that's what freeriding is all about
  • 6 2
 awsome pic, cool loookin rock pile at top left, i like..but im drunk
  • 2 1
 Why is this a POD? I think the photo is lacking around the area of the rider. The rock formations look breath taking, but the eroding land and the back of a rider kinda take away from what the photo could really be
  • 1 2
 after reading some of the comments above, i can agree that it captures the idea that the rider is pushing the limits of where you can ride and how where you ride can beautifully bond you the sport of biking but the photo is lacking POD solely on the fact that the picture is half great and half assed
  • 1 0
 i understand where your coming from but to me this is more inspiring than someone hucking it off some huge jump that i can never do, on some trail that i will never ride. to me this puts me in the moment, i would much rather look at pictures like this before i go for a ride and to me that is what POD is, what inspires the riders to go out and ride. some people like the DJ pod's for that reason as well, i just find riding down rocks more attainable than this
  • 5 3
 This is a killer shot, sort of mysterious how the rider is dropping off in to.... keen stuff
  • 2 2
 That rider is probably hitting massive drop. That guy shreds!
  • 3 1
 All it needs is 'wish you were here' and it would be the best god damn postcard ever!
  • 2 1
 i really like this pic it really unique with the lighting that u picked it looks really cool to how the black rock feels like its coming out of the pic great job
  • 2 1
  • 2 3
 ya ok ,it's a great sceanic shot, but i thought that these POD's were supposed to be focused on biking. What is he riding? Does he actually ride these rocks? If i wanted pictures of rocks i wouldnt be looking on PB
  • 2 3

There's what he's riding... and yes, he rides the crap out of the rocks Wink
  • 3 4
 that bike is SICK!

and for the record no-POD's are not supposed to be focused on biking, it is focused on the sport of biking, if it were on biking there would POD's of linkage systems, and trick pedals and stuff, not that i would have a problem with that, but it is about how the riders and there bikes push the limits, and or where riding can take you, the scenes you see while biking the obstacles that a simple concept has grown to be able to drop 25' or ride down rock faces, like the POD YESTERDAY it was just a rider going down a rock face with some trees, but it is still an amazing picture and totally deserved pod, as does this one.

I like how the background is just a little blurry but the rider is so crisp it makes it seems (a bit 3D and)like he is just about to go on a journey into a pit of unknown regions LIKE A MAN WOULD. sorry guys i'm a little blitzed.
  • 2 3
 Woooooooooooord.... nicely put.
  • 1 1
 yeh nicley said dude Smile

and wat a view, this makes me wont to live in the us and ride there.
  • 1 0
 Thanks! now if only people would stop negative propping us. i posted this again (after this one) toward the top a bit and it's at +6, just goes to show how pointless props are
  • 1 0
 Ok i looked at his bike, it's pretty nice and don't get me wrong i'm not doubting this guy's skills(can't do that from one pic) I'm just saying it would have been nice to be able to see more of the bike and rider in this pic, that's all. It's kinda fun to see biker's facial expressions and such
  • 2 1
 It's nice to see some more scenic PODs. PODs aren't all about the tricks and not always about the riding. It's a sick photo.
  • 3 2
 Way more adrenaline in area 51 nevada! they play snipers there, eh!
  • 2 3
 normally i don't comment but this is the most interesting photo in quite some time. stunning background. what's the rider using, nomad??
  • 2 2
 He's riding a Giant Faith... his username is jerryhazard and he has pics of the build... THANKS!!
  • 2 1
 Look's like the moon landing site . Smile
  • 2 1
 That rock in the top left looks like a giant penguin statue Razz
  • 1 1
 loving how many POD's are from colorado lately!!! Colorado Pride. Keep it up guys and those beautiful colorado women riders
  • 1 0
 watch out; the hills have eyes!!!!!!!!
  • 3 3
 wicked place to ride, sick!
  • 3 2
  • 6 5
 Holy Tits!
  • 2 2
 that's some intense rock!
  • 2 2
 them rocks are massive! great shot
  • 2 1
 haha it does
  • 1 1
 wtf sick id nevr try that....just trials fo me:P props greatSmile
  • 1 1
 Love the back ground butit needs to be rotated to left a little,
  • 1 1
 wow thAT must have been great
  • 2 2
 sick desert
  • 3 1
 red bull rampage 2011
  • 2 2
 pretty cool :]
  • 2 2
 sick spot...nice pod
  • 1 2
 thats so sick that would be so epic riding there.
  • 1 3
 that is an amazing shot but i would like to know how big the drop on the other side is caus you cant really see it
  • 1 2
 that is pretty dope! that is sick
  • 2 2
 sick pod!!!!
  • 2 2
 wow really sick
  • 2 2
 dropppppping Smile
  • 2 2
 nice shot
  • 1 3
 thats ballin dude keep goin:-]
  • 1 2
 dudes got BALLS!
  • 1 2
 i'd like to be there
  • 1 2
  • 1 2
  • 1 2
  • 5 8
 jeez i dont think i got the balls to ride that Blank Stare
  • 1 3
 like desert
  • 1 4
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