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mattsavage sarahmoore's article
Feb 5, 2024 at 19:02
Feb 5, 2024
Gwin Racing Added to 2024 UCI Team List
It'll be a rebranded branded M1, like a Gwinning G1... Just part of intenses heritage...
mattsavage edspratt's article
Jun 26, 2023 at 11:03
Jun 26, 2023
Video: Kilian Bron Passes 100km/h in his Mountain Of Hell Winning Run
@neimbc: this is why the US went full enduro and all but eliminated Super D... To many XC guys with good descending skills were crushing the more dh oriented guys. I'll take the super d format any day over enduro.
mattsavage edspratt's article
Jun 26, 2023 at 11:01
Jun 26, 2023
Video: Kilian Bron Passes 100km/h in his Mountain Of Hell Winning Run
rider left, #135, totally caused that crash. he had a far better pov to avoid it, just bombed straight in to the other guy then kicked him.
mattsavage mattwragg's article
Jan 19, 2023 at 13:43
Jan 19, 2023
French Authorities Give Race Organizer 3-Months' Suspended Sentence & €65,000 Fine for Damaging Nature Reserve
I hope those aren't the only two photos used as evidence... This sounds like wealthy nimbyism at its finest.
mattsavage mikelevy's article
Jan 16, 2023 at 13:40
Jan 16, 2023
Interview: Rob Roskopp on Skateboarding, the Syndicate, & Leaving Santa Cruz
"And he went from “core” to full ebike evangelist very fast." Well, he also swore he'd never do 650b or a road bike again, but here we are... Its all money, less innovation.
mattsavage travisengel's article
Nov 23, 2022 at 12:53
Nov 23, 2022
mattsavage EmilC76's article
Nov 10, 2022 at 11:00
Nov 10, 2022
Video: Exploring Fear & Getting Older in 'Unrealistic'
After 40+ years of riding and racing, i've taken up fly fishing... I'm getting fat, my body hurts, but I'm enjoying standing in a cool river vs. slogging it up hill in the heat, lap after lap.
mattsavage henryquinney's article
Oct 28, 2022 at 14:15
Oct 28, 2022
mattsavage katecourtney's article
Oct 21, 2022 at 12:18
Oct 21, 2022
Leave it to Lea - Kate Courtney Reflects on Lea Davison’s Years-long Mentorship
Rob Warner will miss hearing Leah's mom at the races...
mattsavage katecourtney's article
Oct 21, 2022 at 12:15
Oct 21, 2022
Leave it to Lea - Kate Courtney Reflects on Lea Davison’s Years-long Mentorship
There's one pic of kate by herself. the rest are of her with leah or leah by herself, and a rando with pendrell. whats your point?
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