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Going Places: New Zealand With Anka Martin - Video

May 10, 2016 at 5:29
by Pinkbike Staff  

New Zealand With Anka Martin

New Zealand With Anka Martin

New Zealand With Anka Martin

New Zealand With Anka Martin

New Zealand With Anka Martin

Photos: Duncan Philpott


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  • 50 5
 What i get from Sven and his wife, is that we are all very capable to create the life we want to live, you just have put the effort and passion into your vision... Anyone can do it, stop bitching about your shitty jobs and make the changes you want to see in your life! Nuff said...
  • 24 33
flag WAKIdesigns (May 10, 2016 at 9:33) (Below Threshold)
 Yes not having kids is a booster Big Grin unfortunately I doubt you'd take sacrifices they took to be where they are so stop putting it on others. Because if you were up to live up to your MTB expectations, where's your edit on any page. Chill out, forgive yourself and appreciate what you have. If you are typing that then You are living your dream.
  • 24 7
 @WAKIdesigns: Dude, i am 25 and my daughter is almost a year old now. Everyone has a different passion, who the F*^& are you to draw such conclusions about me? I am happy with my life, iv done a lot to get where i am now, and i am where i want to be, i am a designer. I enjoy going into work everyday. Go back under your bridge man... Im not done yet
  • 14 27
flag WAKIdesigns (May 10, 2016 at 9:58) (Below Threshold)
 @zion-i: i meant Martins not having kids. And if you want to live their life you have to leave your family because nobody gets everything. Most importantly very few are such paired couples, marriage is a god damn tricky stuff and once you get kids you are hooked. You are 25 and you just haven't learned yet that our lives are a set of unique circumstances and you can't measure everyone with how much photographed fun they are having. Tou just haven't figured out thatletting go is the way to freedom. You may burn as much as you want, spring hormones are here, but there's just that much air in your room. And if you are a designer I feel sorry for your family, just like I am for mine. Chill out.
  • 20 4
 @WAKIdesigns: No need to make this personal, i wish your family the best man. But you haven't even met me, and your going to tell me what i haven't learned in my life? That's ripe! The truth is, you can have everything you need, just not everything you want..
  • 22 2
 @WAKIdesigns: quite arrogant
  • 5 25
flag WAKIdesigns (May 10, 2016 at 14:54) (Below Threshold)
 @zion-i I thought it was you who said stop bitchin about shtty jobs and make changes you want to see in your life, which sounded to me like Martins are living their life to the fullest and office rats should get a grip. Well I think all unemployed people should ask themselves one important question: "what would you like to do with your life if money were no object?". Then I think alcoholics should get their sht together and stop drinking. Finally fat people should stop coming up with excuses and stop shoving cake down their throats and start exercising, It's not a rocket science isn't it?! Travel around the world with your bike: best job ever. Everyone should do it. I will tell our office cleaner To start riding MTB, she's missing out. Garbage guys, must send them links to Tony Robbins and TED Talks about motivation.

  • 4 8
flag guataisi (May 10, 2016 at 15:00) (Below Threshold)
It's spring, my body is full of hormones too, I haven't learned yet that my live is a set of unique circumstances and on top of that God doesn't give me everything I want. Hell, who cares, let's get to it.

My marriage is a mess, I'm sick of making love in the same position when what I really like is f#ing like a beast, so I need to satisfy my most primal physical needs by watching dirty stuff.
what am I to do? what am I to do? any advice?
  • 9 0
 Everybody just needs to CALM DOWN
  • 4 12
flag WAKIdesigns (May 10, 2016 at 15:07) (Below Threshold)
 @guataisi - open a beer, light up a joint and say fk that sht, I love that sht. God doesn't give a slightest damn.
  • 7 0
 @WAKIdesigns: Not sorry for trying to be some what positive Smile
  • 14 0
 @WAKIdesigns: I come here for the comments ~ especially yours haha

Each to there own

Im thankful to be a kiwi as I am chillasfuk
  • 10 17
flag WAKIdesigns (May 10, 2016 at 15:28) (Below Threshold)
 No guataisi - you should become an accountant. You can do it, you can set your mind to anything you want to. You only get one shot, do not miss the chance to blow, the opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo. Listen it won't be easy, I will tell you something. Once I met a guru and told him I want to ride mybike andvisit places and guru put my head under the water and kept me there, and I said WTF?! He did it again and held me until I almost blacked out. Then he told me: you ain't want to win World Cups, you kind of want it and that's not enough to get anywhere. I want to you to want to ride that bike like you wanted to breathe when I held you under the water! Are you crying now? Because IT AIN'T ABOUT HOW HARD YOU CAN GET HIT! It's about how hard you can get hit and keep going! You have to change your shoulda into musts! You have to higher your standards! You too can achieve greatness because greatness is not a thing, it is a state of mind, a way of life! You know what winners donafter they reach the crest after a climb? tHEY PEDAL HaRDER!!!!
  • 7 8
 @WAKIdesigns: haha, Waki drops some wisdom and gets shit on. That's Pinkbike.
Don't worry Waki, I appreciated it. You got 1.
  • 10 12

Honestly there is a part of me that looks ar Sven Marins website and screams "what a life". I am so amazed with their photos and way they travel around the world riding bikes. That part of me screams: go do it, this is the dream, you can adjust your family and work so that you too can achieve that! Stop this plant-like existence! But then there's part of me that likes my job, part that finds it very meaningful to draw houses for people to live in, offices to work in, hotels to shag in. Then there's my family, my genome hahaha Big Grin i just see all those things that put me where I am, I am master of nothing but I am excellent at a few things and I feel great about it. I serve the swarm, but why is it a bad thing? Why the hell do we hear peopke talking aboutbecoming, bikers, poets artists and we think: oh how great, that man/woman lives a passion, but then you hear about someone being a secretary or accountant and we feel: oh nooo. All this sht about dentists buying santa Cruz Bronsons with ENVE kits, what the fk is weong with dentists?! How stupid are you?! McGazza or Stevie Smith dies, oooh they died doing what they love, some roadie dies: "a fkng doper, probably deserved it".

This worship of top of the food chain of peer group is sad, it is just sad. the more we gravitate from admiration to blind worship the more we need to put ourselves down, it is an inevitable logical mechanism, and the only way to deal with it is putting blinds on, cross out everything you are and what you achieved, who you lived with and turn on some blind belief that one day I will do that what they do if I only work hard (and keep on putting skeletons into the closet as a result)

I don't know how is that a positive thinking. The epitome of that is "what if money were no object" lecture by Alan Watts that went viral on youtube three years ago. It was acut out from a 24 minute long lecture, where he explains everything further and it ain't that simple and cheesy afterwards. But someone whored it down by cutting it out, and adding inspirational footage and the worst bit with those is that we don't look at them as a tool to get a 20min kick of motivation, excellent during workout or when working at your job. Instead we look at it as a recipe for life. For life of everyone.
  • 4 1
 @scary1: Wisdom or deluded beliefs... Its hard to tell sometimes
  • 3 2
 @WAKIdesigns: Hey, what im saying, and what you think im saying.. two different things. Everyone needs to come to terms with their own nature, and with that their own level of needs. What one person see's as a dream job, others see as a prison. I think you need to re-read some of your self help books, and meditate on the principles of quantum physics, yea.. ride that wave, and when you arrive at a point, perhaps your over saturated mind can make some sense of our lives, and you can come back here and inform me. Good day sir....
  • 6 3
 @zion-i: sorry, I overreacted since the archetype of the hero is on my mind a lot lately. But... According to quantum physics you can be right and wrong at the same time, depending on who's watching Smile

  • 3 1
 @WAKIdesigns: perfectly said. Amazingly, you still got negged. Probably from those who cant derive meaning from a simple life.
Ive done and accomplished all the ancillary things ive wanted to in my life. I work at my own business for over 20 years and still love it,but nothing is quite like that twinge i get when i pull up to the house and get to see my family again,everyday. Everything else is pretty empty,at the end of the day,without them.
  • 1 0
 @zion-i: its okay,been reading his stuff for a while. Its always intriguing and never anything to get pissed off about. But, im old and curmudgeonly,so i appreciate someone who uses their brain for thinking and not just feeling everything.
  • 3 1
 @scary1: I only get pissed when yea take digs at my family! I respect what he's saying, he's a smart guy, and everyone benefits from a good argument, can always learn something from listening to one another's perspective.
We feel with our heart thought, our brains aren't the only organ that's capable of perception (thinking or feeling). Balance is key I suppose
  • 1 0
 @zion-i: sounds about right
  • 1 1
 @zion-i: I didn't take a dig at your family, Jesus Heist
  • 12 1
 Sorry daughter , Disney Land can wait
  • 5 0
 teach the kids from an early age disney is evil .and you will never have to go there
  • 2 0
 She won't remember Disney Land anyway. Teach her to ride while she's little, though, and she'll remember it and be fast AF for the rest of her life!
  • 8 0
 So she started in advertising and now lives inside an advert?
  • 3 0
 I just spent a month on the south island and it was amazing!! I am from northern Wyoming and our mountains are beautiful but New Zealand had me in AWWW every day!! There trail systems are second to none and I would highly recommend anyone making the trip!! Cool Video!!
  • 6 1
 This made me want to skip my final and go day trip to Pisgah. Awesome video!
  • 4 0
 Right there with you @Shredthenoob ...in fact, I'm heading out now!
  • 1 0
 I know, I hate this time of year the weather is getting nice but damn finals get in the way!
  • 5 0
 Waki: please reference Narcissistic Personality disorder treatments.

Sincerely, this mental heath professional
  • 5 0
 I did see various specialists and they say it's not that. It's a self inflicted permanent rectal disfunction, where sht comes out either through mouth or through fingers onto keyboard.Any subject can become a laxative. Diarrheis Verbalis Onlinnea.
  • 6 1
 This relationship is gold !!
  • 4 1
 Neat...i almost wish comments had to pass a filter so I we didn't have to scroll thru people bitching at each other over petty shit,life is too short
  • 2 0
 That was pretty awesome...amazing riding, amazing guides...going in a trip like this with other mountain bike nerds I mean adventurers ...can't see a better way to spend a vacation
  • 3 0
 the fucking top of this feed is so funny hahahaha yall are great
  • 3 1
 Great couple with a great product! Hope to visit NZ one day and go on a tour with them
  • 1 0
 Love NZ my grandad lives out there. Hard to get over again now I have kids but bloody glad I've had the chance to go. Very special place.
  • 2 1
 I am definitely going on a bike trip in NZ in the next 5 years!! Mark my words.
  • 2 0
 These guys are so cool, I´m lucky I once met Anka and Sven.
  • 2 1
 This brought a big smile to my face. Cheers!
  • 3 1
 Baie lekker!
  • 2 1
  • 1 0
 I need a holiday like that.
  • 1 0
 Loved this! headed to NZ in July and would love to meet you guys!
  • 2 1
 Thats life right there.
  • 5 4
 Nothing but promo
  • 9 0
 No shit bro, isn't that what 95% of pinkbike videos are? This was nothing but inspiring, who cares about the promo factor.
  • 9 0
 Maybe, but at least it's enjoyable and inspiring promo. Let go of that British cynicism. I moved to New Zealand a years ago and it's helping me let go of mine.... and I feel much better for it.
  • 2 1
 that pet eel was awesome
  • 1 0
 the dream!
  • 1 0
 The dream indeed...
  • 1 0
 Nice you guys.
  • 1 1
 Yes please!

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