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Cam McCaul Trek Ticket bike check

Bike check with Cam McCaul on his new Trek Ticket.


  • + 33
 yeah. trek rider park awesome!!
  • + 101
 i like how he is just talking the hole time while riding
  • + 32
 the gold stanchions look awesome on the 831
  • + 22
 Really sick but what ever happened to the Trek Jack?
  • + 7
 i loved it
  • + 14
 i think this frame looks close to the blue giant stp ss.
  • + 6
 That was amazing VOD talks and rides at the same time and while he's flipping and whipping and double barspining skills
  • + 41
 his prototype bike in the beginning looks sooo sick
  • + 3
 hell yea cam! haha funny funny
  • + 4
 yea that prototype looks stronger than any other bike, looks like a good size too.
  • + 2
 definately a VOD he is killing it!!!
  • + 5
 dont u think the saint is a little bit of overkill? it looks sick but he could have used xtr or something a little bit lighter
  • - 16
flag Colin994 (Nov 11, 2009 at 9:28) (Below Threshold)
 ik but it just seems like it would be more pratical for dirtjumping to use xtr
  • + 6
 vod for sure, and you know ur good when you can keep talking while you ride that amazingly
  • + 7
 If talking while you are rideing was a trick, you'd win EVERY comp!... not that you don't win enough...
  • + 4
 i like this bike check Beer
  • + 8
 where is this little gizmo he was talking about?
  • + 8
 is under his handlebars and takes up some spacers, its called a trixxer hydroulic gyro, it means he can spin his bars and tailwhip as much as he wants with out having to turn his bars back the other way
  • + 12
 They should make all reviews like this.
  • + 31
 ^^^ I agree. Imagine the review on a DH bike! There would be some guy just yelling his head off as he blasts past the camera, it would be hilarious!
  • + 33
 I wanted to see him jump the little girls bike Frown
  • + 8
 WOW he's talking sentences that make sense while like nohand backfliping, 360ing, superfliping... Cam is that man!!
  • + 2
 Yeah he needs to flip that pink and purple chit!
  • + 1
 bikebuster, go to trickstuff.de
  • + 2
 Yeah, great!
  • + 2
 i know this a bike check, but it was totally worthy of VOD status. mccaul is the man
  • + 12
  • - 4
flag Colin994 (Nov 20, 2009 at 20:17) (Below Threshold)
 ^wow. just wow.^
  • + 1
 did you hear it!?!?
  • + 0
 yes and god knows how you did
  • + 5
 does he fart at 2 13? Razz
  • - 3
  • + 2
 those 6.0s are fucking dope
  • + 1
 he doesn't fart it pretty much makes the same noise again on the next hip its cause he is doing no foot cans he didn't fart tho
  • + 3
 Cam McCaul has put some well above par r&d work in on this frame by the looks of it, He has genuinely helped,(along with team mate/mate Brandon Semenuk,no doubt.),produce an A lister, if ever there was one,it is as smart a jump/street frame i've ever seen,and the colourways and graphics on the model that Cam was shredding are killer.
Talking us viewers through the ins and outs of the Ticket, would have sufficed,had he just held the bar and pointed everything out like "Everyone,"has ever done since bike checks were born,haven't they. But no, not Cam,Cam had to use his local trails, which just happen to be some of the best trails in the world,you may have heard of them before,The post office trails in Aptos, California
What a way to review you're new weapon of choice,in this case the new Trek Ticket,styled up to the nines,Saint,Bontrager and a hydr-gyro up front for total cable tangle elimination.
Anyway 100% respect for Cams Trek Ticket test,keep shredding and can't wait for ya for the next scattered column in decline mag,so till then keep it pinned,and not binned.
  • + 6
 Thats the best bike check vid I have seen
  • + 1
 VOD! haha, what a great opener. and was he really doing his lines for the camera while throwing down all those moves in the dj park? insane! pretty respectable if you can concentrate on riding and saying lines at the same time and sounding good.
  • + 2
 Wow, he is way to good! talking while riding, while throwin tricks, and never missing the centre of the landings, wow! i wish they showed the bar spin mechanism, be cool to see what it really is!
  • + 4
 cam does literally rip just listen at 2.14
  • + 2
 HAHAAH , i know right !
  • + 2
 ahaha yeah that was sneaky. He almost went off the side of the jump just before that too on the corked flip. Sick lookin rig, gotta love Cam's style, just soo smooth on the super flips.
  • + 4
 i think he farted at 2:14 lol amazing video!!!
  • + 1
 i was thinkin the same Smile
  • + 1
 yer deffo dropped one
  • + 1
 I'm not gonna lie, that's a crazy bike. But was that the biggest ad ever?
They pretty much just said buy Trek,Bontrager,Fox,go to a bike shop, buy from trickstuff.de, and drink rockstar
  • + 5
 What a guy
  • + 0
 sweet bike, sweet skills, awesome style. This is way of topic but I think Trek is too Un-derated they got some sweet bikes like the new ticket for example.

I know a lot of kids that ride, they all think Transition, Kona, Specialized is all there is. this is just my opinion. All my point is is that the bike will help but it all determines your skill. Some people i meet believe cause someone is riding a Wal Mart bike they cant stop shit down. NOT REFFERING TO TREK. LIke some riders just cant afford there dream park/mountain bike due to the fact there paying for school and tryin to keep a roof over there heads,
  • + 2
 Who said Trek is underated? Its not underated nor overated, but their bikes are pretty damn expensive...its the only issue right now.
  • + 3
 that was awesome he has some siiicck skills on the bike favourite rider always has been always will be
  • + 3
 wow so dialed! just casually explaining his set up as he throws down so hard haha
  • + 2
 Haha Cams so funny! Sweet vid man! love how hes talking the whole time lol! VOD Smile
  • + 3
 yea, the remote wireless mic was genius.
  • - 1
 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII wwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnttttttttttttttttttttttt 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111oo
  • + 3
 Cam is one of a kind, he ripps and that bike is super sick!!!
  • + 1
 dude, so good. talking while riding?? thats sick. and yea, especially w/ the super flip and other.. flips and tailwhips haha. sickk
  • + 1
 gotta love how effortless he made that all look while he was just casually chatting away about his new whip, sick vid nice bike clearly VOD!!!
  • + 1
 how the hell dose he talk and ride at the same time all could do is say shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!Big Grin
  • + 1
 lol i like how he talks wene he was doing back flip no handers and it WAS vod worthy
  • + 0
 If the video is part of a story on the Front Page (Cam McCaul Bike Check), it shouldnt also be VOD on the same damn day. Makes Pinkbike look fat and Lazy.
  • + 0
 this guy does superflips and talks at the same time and i don't even can play guitar and sing at the same time. nice riddin' and pretty frame
  • + 1
 soooo siiick!!! he is a true legend in my book. (narrative track?, no its not.) lol
  • + 1
 haha "this isnt it, this is my other bike. I get them confused sometimes".
awesome video. Smile
  • + 2
 "It's gunna be WHUTS UUP!"
  • + 2
 whats the song at the end?
  • + 1
 that was a sick ass video, i would love to ride there, you could hear how sick and smooth them jumps were, fuckin awsome!
  • + 1
 VOD Cam McCaul is awesome and very funny. He is one of my favourite DJ rider
  • + 2
 that wouldve been tiering riding while talking
  • + 1
 haha, at 2:34 the DX pedals say "XC"

Fantastic vid, I love how he talks while pulling crazy tricks
  • + 2
 so sick... cam straight killing it while explaining his new bike haha
  • + 2
 vod! when will the bike be avaliable?
  • + 1
 it already is..
  • + 2
 thats a great looking bike. cam is sick
  • + 1
 His colors are sick but if you buy it off of trek's site the colors are awful..
  • + 2
 man, he dos thosejumps so smooth and there so sick , the jumps
  • + 1
 wow so dialed anyone that can talk and throw down hard at the same time is super dope!
  • + 2
  • + 1
 Love this vid. VOD VOD. Cameron deserves some sort of super bike guy award, just cause he IS THE SHIZZLE.
  • + 3
 Cam is freaking awsome!
  • + 1
 He's the man! Amazing, he is just talking about his bike while doing backflip-superman!
  • - 12
flag mitch133 (Nov 20, 2009 at 12:56) (Below Threshold)
 you guys do know that its called a narrative track you do the audio after you film it and lay it over
  • + 5
 Mitch133, No, its actually not a voice over. Its him talking, while riding those jumps. Seriously hahah!
  • - 7
flag mitch133 (Nov 20, 2009 at 13:03) (Below Threshold)
 hes talking and its matching up but its layed over theres no way it would be that clear unless hes just not going that fast which very well could be the case then thats a good mic i love carrying out conversations while seshing bowls with people on the deck
  • + 3
We have some VERY fancy wireless mic's. As you can see with the film when Cam lands his voice changes, when he takes off his voice changes, ect. Its exactly what your describing, him riding the jumps with a mic on, and me filming them Smile
  • - 6
flag mitch133 (Nov 20, 2009 at 13:09) (Below Threshold)
 damn then u def put some cash into mics considering u can really hear him props on that
  • + 3
 why hav you commented the same comment like 4 times on this video, its stupid..... especially when your wrong
  • + 3
  • + 1
 I know that was pretty good biking, but did he actually rip one at the end? Wow he shows my name good. CAM McCAUL Big Grin
  • + 1
 that is such as sick vid ill go for vod man!!!! mate that bike looks savage
  • + 1
 that thing that allows you to bar spin is so Kl
  • + 1
 wuts the bike shop he mentiond i did not catch it
  • + 1
 how much is the frame its sick i want it
  • + 1
 how mutch does it cost cuse its sick
  • + 1
 crazy.. from only is 990.. to build up his set up is around 1900? sick bike, insanely dumb price tag
  • + 1
 2:05 so close to not making the landing
  • + 1
 nutty bastard! just amazing!
  • + 1
 those were some sick ramps and a sick bike as well
  • + 1
 mitch, its sounding like its him on the bike, he's panting and everything
  • + 1
 If you still doubt it contact some other people who were at the Ham and Steeze event, i filmed this after the event.
  • + 2
 jordan is right...I was there while this happened, he's talking while riding, it was dialed!
  • + 1
 Cam McCaul is the raddest dude ever
  • + 1
 haha good vid look at 2:13 it sounds like he farted
  • + 1
 no it dont
  • + 1
 the final bike sucks the prototipe bike is better haha nice bikeSmile
  • + 1
 best product review i have ever witnessed Razz
  • + 1
 sick bike they need more djs with gyros
  • + 1
 nothin more to say on that vid Smile
  • + 1
 i got em bars! soooo sick , i love em
  • + 1
 sick bike but what seat is that?
  • + 1
 how much is this bike? looks really expensive
  • + 1
 How can he do a backflip and speaking at the same time? xD Hilarious
  • + 1
 ssssiiiiiccckkkk set up wish i cud afford ;p
  • + 1
 Cam is so funny he just fits every word in a single air
  • + 1
 niiice bike and crazy rideing
  • + 1
 I love the voice over in this, especially when he does the super flip.
  • + 1
 haha he said we are interested about the new trek 831 not fox 831
  • + 1
 where can i get hold of one of those frames?? Razz
  • + 1
 hardest working man in showbiz
  • + 1
 Come on pinkbke how is this not VOD yet?!?! Sooo Sick!!!
  • + 2
 such a clean style!!!
  • + 1
 cant get over how smooth that guy actually is!!
  • + 1
 sooo sick. the superflip while talking is so sick
  • + 2
 Super smooth!!
  • + 1
 that site is all about breaks... wish there was more on it
  • + 1
 haha funny at the start, gota love cam awesome dude.
  • + 2
 ŁoŁ he's nuts...
  • + 1
 rockin the bar spin there. great VOD
  • + 1
 That superflip was sic , but the bike in the beggining was the best Wink
  • + 1
 hahaha i laughed so hard at this, its so dope man
  • + 1
 you're kidding ?! So sick video !
Cam rips !
  • + 1
 what a fucking legend! the begining made me laugh my ass off
  • + 1
 how can u argue when he cases his skills like that. ROCKSTAR!
  • + 1
 what song was that at the end?
  • + 1
 yeah i heard the song sumwhere else but i couldnt find it so some help would be cool
  • + 1
 Bonafied Lovin
  • + 1
 by chromeo!
  • + 1
 Hahaha i saw this like a week ago and i still love it
  • + 1
 best bike check ever seen
  • + 1
 how he can speak an ride =O
  • + 1
 Not just riding mate, f*cking tearing, soo good. Cams so sik Smile Smile
  • + 2
 That was sweet!
  • + 1
 thats sick how he talks and rides at the same time, most impressive!
  • - 1
 you guys do know that its called a narrative track you do the audio after you film it and lay it over
  • + 2
 no he dont you can see him talking while hes going round the track watch his mouth and you can hear him land nd stuff
  • - 2
 im wrong yes but you didnt just prove anything he can talk and they can match audio up its not hard or even an advanced skill thats why i thought it might be true but they have a very nice wireless mic
  • + 1
 what do you think how heavy(or how light) is that bike?
  • + 1
 pretty damm sick
  • + 1
 cam is fuckin badass
  • + 0
 in love, and i want to know more about that cable system.
  • + 0
 ya same was dissapointed when there was no detailed clip of it.
  • + 3
 its a hydraulic gyro, and he told u their web address. figure it out
  • + 2
 thats sick! ^^^
  • + 0
 Haha he farted at the end Razz
  • + 1
 sick ! VOD
  • + 1
 0:47!!! wtf! smooth much
  • + 1
 man his so cool!
  • + 1
 such a sick bike!
  • + 1
  • + 0
 fuck me... he does all that without even trying...
  • + 0
 hes doing those jumps no prob just talking whil doing back flips lol
  • + 1
 Haha, thats awsome
  • + 0
 WTF was he talking while he was superflipping?Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
  • + 1
  • + 1
 I love you Cam!!
  • + 1
  • + 1
 me like alot.
  • + 1
 lmao hilarious vod
  • - 1
 i was there when this happened, so funny watching him ride while talking about random shit
  • + 1
 haha 2:00
  • + 0
 i want to know how heavy this bike is!
  • + 1
  • + 1
  • + 1
 Where is this park?:P
  • + 1
  • + 1
 hahaha! so crazy!
  • + 1
 lol ..SICK!
  • + 1
 I want one! Smile
  • + 1
 this is awsome, nice vod
  • + 0
  • + 0
 were are those jumps ??
  • - 1
 LoL Big Grin
  • - 2
 no VOD worthy in my opinion the guys voice is mad annoying.
  • - 3
 you guys do know that its called a narrative track you do the audio after you film it and lay it over
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