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Steps to the Top - Finn Iles

Steps to the Top - Finn Iles


  • + 187
 You know you're doing it well when Travis Pastrana comes to watch you riding bikes.
  • + 15
 Seriously, that must have been such an incredible experience and I didn't know it was Billinghurst who by the sounds was a huge part in Finn being allowed in, that's so sick. This is a bit of a claim but back in '06 we were lucky enough to fly out to Whistler from NE and do a weekend camp with him and Schley as our "coaches". Even though I was a huge fan of Richie and barely knew Adam (only watched freeride vids then), I distinctly remember Billinghurst being really fun and more memorable than Richie... and that's saying something because Richie was friggen awesome and beyond friendly/helpful. Its so tight to see Adam is still creating such a positive impact on the sport... and congrats to Finn also, haha.
  • + 85
 Not to brag but I bunny hopped onto the curb today...
  • + 102
 Vid or it didn't happen
  • + 20
 Maaan, all those feels right here. Such a happy moment watching this knowing what kind of community mountain biking is all about. Finn is killin' it already at such a young age! champion.
  • + 7
 I don't mean to sound pretentious, but Finn is the future of MTB and at that age it is unimaginable to see what he will be able to achieve in the future when he has got potentially two solid decades to compete as a pro rider. I just can't wait for him to get is invite to Rampage and all the other stops on the diamond tour next season. Wink
  • + 8
 This is one of the best stories ever. Congrats to the win, Finn! Wowser! You rock!
  • + 6
 i am 14 and i can barely ride a bike compared to him
  • + 3
 At least you have time! I'm 43 and still trying to do a half decent whip.
  • + 6
 Reminds me of strait. Great story.
  • + 3
 cant wait to see finn at rampage then
  • + 4
 this is actually inspirational for me as a 14 year old kid too know someone else my age can do that. I know this video is a bit old now but congrats Finn
  • + 5
 his one handed whip was so sick. style at its fullest! finn killed it
  • + 5
 he won the chainless a line as well
  • + 4
 aw so glad they let him in. Very cool story.
  • + 5
 Damn, I really suck.....
  • + 4
 Not too young for crank works anymore. Awesome
  • + 2
 He really did have the cleanest style. All the best to this kid, he's got a great attitude and gonna kill it! Sweet edit too @larock
  • + 2
 And THIS is how you progress our sport! Encourage the young ones to push their limits and enjoy the rewards. EPIC!
  • + 3
 Yeah Finn! Congrats on the win. Keep up the great riding!
  • + 1
 So sick!!!!! Finn killin it so awesome!!!!!! Very rad!!!! To be growing up in this and so young and already a great pro!!! He has advantage over some of us!!!!!
  • - 1
 stwww.bikemag.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/8K7B1004.jpg Finn Iles, best whip? fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t1.0-9/10628140_313981632103686_2706996217316838480_n.jpg Bernardo Cruz, second best whip? not disparaging to the boy, the whip is his animal, but honestly the Bernardo is more ...
  • - 10
flag tomamitai (Aug 30, 2014 at 13:31) (Below Threshold)
 It's not all about size.. (that's what she said)
  • - 1
 I'm with you dude that whip is mental
  • - 5
flag silvanodiasf (Aug 30, 2014 at 16:03) (Below Threshold)
 It's not because I'm Brazilian too, but in my opinion the whip Bernardo is the best. If there is any photo that shows the whip Finn was better, please show me
  • + 5
 The judges looked at the whip as well as the landing. Finn had really smooth landings as well as his big whips.
  • + 3
 While bernado looks more sideways he always landed more sideways too, young Finn was landing as straight as possible, deadset full on moto style. I can honestly say this as I was literally standing on top of that jump where those photos were taken.
  • - 5
flag silvanodiasf (Aug 31, 2014 at 9:59) (Below Threshold)
 I know it's rated the landing too, but even so, the championship is the whip, where Bernardo was the best. Finn made ​​smoother maneuver and it ended up landing rather obvious that. Bernardo dared more, and consequently had more difficulty in landing ... And I hope you have not weighed in the decision being a brat just 14 years, and local pilot ... But that's just my point of view, each one evaluates one way. hug
  • - 1
 They're called "cutie" points.
  • + 3
 Amazing !!!! What's that sound?
  • + 1
 Ah man accidentally gave a thumbs down on the first comment because of this tablet lol. . Should have zoomed in
  • + 2
 he's better than most of us will ever be and hes only 14! legend
  • + 2
 What a weapon, he's got a bright future ahead of him in biking!
  • + 2
 Just do your thing and you might surprise yourself...
  • + 1
 Seriously though, who's responsible for the post production? You don't think anyone wants to see the one hander?
  • + 1
 are you guys using vsco to color or?
  • + 1
 Damn, that little dude has got a mean whip on him. Respect.
  • + 1
 Stoked to see him on a Lapierre
  • + 1
 that whip is going to keep me up tonight.
  • + 1
 WHAT A TANK i love this vid!!!
  • + 1
 Sick video, what's the name of the song??
  • + 2
 That whip made me cry
  • + 1
 This dude can definitely whiipppp!!! no wonder he won
  • + 1
 Good childhood, I've never seen that in China .
  • + 1
 Finn illes = finals. Bred to win?
  • + 1
 That kid is just Finntastik!!!
  • + 1
 That whip made my day
  • + 1
  • + 1
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