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Yoga for Back Pain

Lower back pain is the most common complaint I hear from the biking community. It is highly prevalent and most riders who suffer don't realise that a short, simple yoga routine performed consistently could completely alleviate the pain.


  • + 10
 I've had lower back problems for years from working in the construction industry tried this routine this morning and noticed the difference already
set my alarm a little earlier for tomorrow Smile
thank you for sharing
  • + 7
 Thanks so much for putting your time and effort into this! I used to do yoga weekly and had an awesome back that summer - just haven't had the $$ to go back. This is a great set of poses that I would have never remembered on my own. You rock!
  • + 4
 Never believed in yoga, messed my back up pretty bad, saw this video, tried it, hooked! I was an idiot, yoga has sorted me out in 4 sessions. Thanks for the video and for opening my mind!
  • + 1
 I've always thought that yoga was a load of old rubbish but having been suffering with some back pain recently I decided to give this a go. I'm genuinely surprised to say that after three or four goes at this routine I feel better with much reduced tightness in my lower back as I was previously feeling. I may have to give some of the other sessions a go!
  • + 1
 That's awesome @gtee. I hope that you continue to see the benefits. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with.
  • + 1
 Hello yoga15app,

found out today about your videos, thank you first of all for your tips!

I have a question, I am pretty flexible but tend to be very stiff in the morning. Would you recommend I follow this routine when I am most naturally flexible (evenings) or would I have better benefits if I did it in when most stiff (mornings) ?

Thank you!
  • + 3
 Thank you @TheBigMtt and great question. I would actually suggest doing your 15 minutes of yoga in the evening when your muscles are warm and supple. This has the added benefit of winding down your body for sleep. If you do prefer to practice yoga in the morning, you just have to be a bit more careful and deliberate with your movements as your muscles will tend to be stiff and inflexible and therefore more prone to injury. If you live in a warm climate, this is not so much of an issue.
  • + 1
 Great, thanks for your answer.
I guess UK weather does not qualify as "warm climate" so evening routine will be Big Grin
  • + 2
 Unless there's a heatwave any time soon, I think that's a safe bet!
  • + 1
 Really struggling with the half reclining hero pose as my calves are really bulky and make it impossible to get both seat bones flat to the mat. There's some alternatives I've found that work better for my build though....
  • + 1
 I had broken my my T5 vertebrae and had been super sore ever since. I gave this a shot and I feel amazing! Loose and alive again! Thank you so much yoga15app!!
  • + 2
 Loose and alive...epic! I have tonnes more vids and articles on my new site: if you want to check that out.
  • + 1
 It's my pleasure @milfiger. If you keep it up every couple of days you should notice a significant difference in your ease of movement.
  • + 1
 hi, what are you views with doing this routine with a herniated disc, do you think it would help or cause more damage, thank you
  • + 1
 ohhh thank you very much for these movements , my back thanks you very much just 2 sessions I feel much better. you are great
  • + 1
 Thanks @shredmdp! If you are consistent, it should relieve any back pain you have.
  • + 1
 Thanks for sharing your videos,am starting to work my way through the routines.
  • + 1
 Thank you @Number21 and @marin8ted. I really hope the vids boost your performance on the bike.
  • + 1
 this video comes in the right moment! Thank you!
I'll try to do this every morning! :-D
  • + 1
 That's amazing @pablito-blois. Thank you.
  • + 1
 I am currently having back injury, thank you for this video
  • + 1
 How are you getting on with the vid? Are you getting relief from your back pain?
  • + 1
 I've been doing this at home and I feel great! Thank you so much!
  • + 1
 It's my pleasure! New vids coming soon.
  • + 1
 It's my pleasure! New vids coming soon. 
  • + 1
 No problem @cliffdog! Keep it up and let me know how you get on.

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