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In the Know featuring Curtis Robinson and Dylan Dunkerton

In the Know featuring Curtis Robinson and Dylan Dunkerton


  • + 320
 (excuse me for my bad writing skills, but this is simply something i want to let you guys know)

i've bin 4 years in depression, and tried suicide 5 times
all because of, rejection (more like active rejection then passive)
time passed in those 4 years like the sun in rain storms, a quick flash of misery.
i gave up all my hope in life and passion.
but then... in all of a suden
like a biger storm or like a car accident... it happens so quick and you dont even notice it.
i got introduced into mountain biking.... by my self or coinsidens.
i've writen a lot about my depression
and made 3 short stories writen in a poetic way... it was my autobiography,unpublished.
this storm, or huricane.
it (re)-started a fire in me, it was a little bolt and then a big fire...
i want to give this fire to others, stucked in misery.

the reason why i am posting this comment is because
i imagine the voice of life cycles saying this in this video

just as much as i can imagine that voice saying the thing i have to say in my projekt.
  • - 50
flag Jordoneo (Jun 1, 2015 at 17:02) (Below Threshold)
  • + 53
 @davidpr2 you're not alone! I've in depression for 3 years because of a rejection and the way I felt so displaced in my family and in the world.... and I got to say... One of the only things that kept me going, even when I didn't wanted to, was that I was able to ride my back every weekend. All my problems are gone while I'm riding. It's easy (not so easy) to say that mtb is something special. But it truly is. It just feels right, like it's a part of me. Riding a bike feels effortless because it's what we truly love and what connect us to the real purpose of life making us feel alive. Keep riding mate!
  • + 31
 Yes, exactly
I have to do things I dont even care about every day, stuff like home work
I notice every single second I spend with it
And since I found mtb... I feel a strong pulling and pushing to go out and ride
And ride faster every day. The best thing is- that I totaly forget that invention "Time"
  • + 15
 Thanks for sharing. It's really important to say these things out loud sometimes among friends and strangers. It motivates us to not recede back into the darkness or deny how serious depression is. The energy of others knowing and caring can be super powerful. Keep riding and feel free to tell us fellow PinkBikers if you are hurting.
  • + 8
 You are not alone buddy. Stay with us and on your bike. He will take you on life journey!
  • + 16
 Well, as I said I am making this projekt called no way back the biography (movie)
Its not about me being in depression, its more like... geting out of it
Finding the way,maybe even the fastest one
Its...not giving up at the darkest moments
Trying again after falling so deep
And hard... I am fine now
And I am doing pretty good, training with cc buds on my slash
Its tuff but...(haha) I got used to it I think
The bike gives you tons of time to think
And even more time where you dont have to think
Where, it is fun not to think and people see that your instincts take over
Where, you take turns not based on a must but because youre willing to
Because you decided it so
And you do take turns much faster and better when youre into it where you put it all in it

Thats what mountain biking teached me...and its still teaching me tons of things like... hiting it...
And that you should do it, feel the moment... be in it
Be in the moment and stop thinking...

The best times I had
Were bike related, and thats something I am really thank full for
And ofcorse, tha k to you guys for so much support...this really means that our leader less community works
  • - 13
flag Orion3001 (Jun 29, 2015 at 18:25) (Below Threshold)
 lucky you made it this far
  • + 4
 very, i agree but that doesnt mean that it shouldn't be shared
  • + 4
 This is my exact story as well. Smile
  • + 8
 I will dedicate my Sunday ride to your wellness :-)
  • + 8
 thank you, but dedicate it to your wellness
you deserve your ride Big Grin

if it would be for my wellness you would ride 40km up and down with a constant speed of 21 Km/h
but no, i dont want you to dedicate your ride to others ^.^dedicate it to you, its something you should enjoy cm by cm, grip by grip bumb for bumb

have fun 3
  • + 2
 i love you guys
  • + 2
 @davidpr2 Amazing story. Truely inspirational. I hope there are more people like you, and that others who aren't, learn from people like you. It takes dedication and passion to get over something that tears apart many peoples lives. If you ever publish a poem, or the project you were working on, please share! It could be a massive motivation and inspiration to others alike!

Like others have said, we're here to support you, and so is your bike!
  • + 2
 Thank you, and in deed i am curently working on my project wich i named no way back the biography. It is about my depression but i try to aim it on the way out.

I am curently trying to get better in editing and filming: there is sadly no way i can tell when its going to be released, as i want to give the best. So offcorse i am not satisfied with something that is just *ok*

I published a trailer out of everything i had left in my hands as i lost a massive amount of material.
Feeling devastated i worked hard to put *some* content out.

I am curently visiting my familiy in Colombia wich gave me lots of inspiration!
And i am more then exited for me to get back behind the more commonly seen mix behind camera and bars.

Ride on and have a beautifull weekend (heart)
  • + 2
 Thank you for the reply @davidpr2!

I've got family who used to live over in Columbia, heard it's an amazing place! Losing material is terrible, but we learn from our mistakes! Hope you're having a great time in Columbia with family. I really look forward to seeing what you produce!
  • + 1
 Just like everyone else has said. You’re not alone. I dealed with depression a couple years ago and every now and then I’ll still get a little depressed. I loved mountain biking so much then even when my bike wasn’t workin I would take my BMX bike down to the trail and rip around a little bit. I just got a new mountain bike so I can really ride now ???? but that’s not the point. Every time I rode it’s like everything just disappeared and all I was focusing on was the trail. Whenever i feel down and hopeless I just leave he house and go on a ride to calm myself. Like last week I just found out my dog had cancer and had at most 6 months to live, after that I just left the house and rode all day, I didn’t even take the time to fill water i just left. I don’t think it’s the thrill or adrenaline of mountain biking that fixes the soul, i think it’s the environment and all the sounds and things you see like the trees and just being around nature that fixes the soul. But long story short, it happens to everyone at some point in life but everyone you know and me are very happy you found something that made you happy, just keep riding and you’ll be good????????
  • + 114
 By far the best vibe I've gotten from a MTB video in a long time. Everyone's got their own taste and the super intense vibe stuff is great too, but this simple piano thing is really, really hitting the spot for me.
  • + 14
 in between raw and full on music. lets you focus and appreciate the riding more, at the same time having a song to make the video really entertaining.
  • + 6
 Exactly what I thought, it's like the closest thing to raw, without being raw, just gives it a touch of finesse
  • + 5
 Yeah! I had never tought of that kind of music for a riding video but it just works! Gives it a touch of magic
  • + 1
 Well deserved POD
  • + 41
 Poetry in motion ; that's what it is
  • + 24
 SRAM [Can't] make Perfect videos.
  • + 14
 @SramMedia Can you please let us know the name and artist of the song? It's beautiful!
  • - 17
flag ollieball (Jun 3, 2015 at 5:59) (Below Threshold)
 Get Shazam. Problem solved
  • + 13
 @mtbnz118 tried before I posted the comment. Doesn't work with that or Soundhound.
  • + 9
 Paperchaser: Hometown Hero, checked out the people who work the sound for SRAM media, but I am into calming music while climbing big walls to building trails to slaming down a double black diamond run. Enjoy my friend.
  • + 1
 @MadRock74 Thank you so much!
  • + 2
 Excuse me but Paperchaser: Hometown Hero is not the same song.. if you have a link would you like post it to download? i want the song
  • + 1
 @lacykemp thank you miss
  • + 1
 @lacykemp you just made my year
  • + 12
 oh, Another video I'll watch 3x a day.... Great vid
  • + 6
 This is the only mountain bike video that's put a smile on my face by not riding off some huge cliff or massive stunt. This video is incredible.
  • + 3
 that was positively one of the best videos I have ever seen on PB - it seems to have really struck some deep meaning to some on this thread and kudos to you guys that have had struggles.... biking has made my life better for sure! What I like best about this video, is the sound of the tires rolling on the dirt and the hubs buzzing in the background... it made me want to be on the trail early in the morning, out there with my thoughts and some buds. Great job!
  • + 6
 woah that was a weird feeling... i just sat and watched, smiling, then hit replay about 4x. Simply perfection.
  • + 5
 Best video I've seen in months... The piano mixed with the stylish riding is just perfect
  • + 2
 There is no way to describe the feeling of flying down a mountain on a downhill bike, that empty space were it's only you, the mountain, and the bike! I think this is the closest you'll ever get a description!!

As Shaun Palmer said in Won't Back Down; "[....]We live more than any rich yacht owning motherf*cker could ever live in his life! [......] There is no f*cking drug in the world giving you a high like that.. and I've done alot.. of drugs[...]!"
  • + 1
 What a wonderful video concept. great riding to a peaceful soundtrack. Very nice. Loved it. "pintoproof" I hope you are doing well. Know that you are a valued and loved person. Stay strong and keep riding bud. We are all so blessed to have a much needed physical outlet to enjoy like mountain biking. It's a great community of people too.
  • + 1
 This is exactly what riding means to me. Made me feel like the first time i watched The Collective. Best video i have seen in a very long time. The riding, music, location, it all just fits. VOD !! or even VOY. INCREDIBLE!
  • + 1
 Dylan Dunkerton, Curtis Robinson, Kyle, and Kyle use to be make my favorite VODs back when I was a freshman in college. I would watch there videos on the school computers lol. Crazy to think these guys are still pushing the limits and shredding just as hard 14 years later. Thanks for the epic times guys and always inspiring me even as an adult now lol
  • + 5
 So good! Love the calmness of the piano in the background.
  • + 2
 Simplicity is beauty - These guys made this riding look so effortless and easy, delivered with simple music it was beautiful. wow, I need to watch this again and again.
  • + 1
 It was so delicate
  • + 1
 Best video ive seen in a long time! I never tought the piano music would work on a video but im glad they tried it!, give it a fairy tale touch! Awesome video guys cheers
  • + 3
 now thats what i call perfection! gave me goove bumps!
  • + 3
 Did you guys stay speechless when it ended ?
  • + 2
 I always see "Feat and "ft" in songs and videos! Who is He/ She, some sort of music artist or athlete???
  • + 1
 It's short for "featuring."
  • + 3
 Cant believe nobody has said this, this video seriously deserves VOD!
  • + 2
 I hope your park isn't as lonely as you depict.
  • + 2
 Makes me want to ride.....and that's what it's all about !
  • + 1
 the most moving vid I have seen in a long time. Great music simple colors and beautiful editing. Great job
  • + 3
 best video on pb
  • + 2
 song please
  • + 1
 I can say with confidence this is the best bike video I've ever seen!
  • + 1
 Specialized enduro with a DH fork? COOL!
  • + 1
 Did they put a gravity fork on a specialized enduro?
  • + 1
 Beautiful poetic skilled and refreshing
  • + 1
 Norbs, WTF ?? Where are you?
  • + 1
 this is the best video for sunday evening uggghhh
  • + 1
 Best 3 1/2 minute downhill video I've seen in a long time
  • + 1
 Specialized Enduro with a dual crown fork on it????
  • + 1
 is that a specialized enduro with boxxers?
  • + 1
 What frame is this? Many thanks.
Amazing video
  • + 1
 Cannot believe how good that video is. Truly an incredible job!!
  • + 1
 Audio made this something special
  • + 1
 100% the best mtb video i have ever watched
  • + 2
 It's like a fairy tale
  • + 2
 If ninjas rode bikes...
  • + 1
 that was very incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • + 1
 are those specialized enduro with a dh fork?
  • + 2
 is the Enduro Evo?
  • + 1
 what the heck how is this not VOD yet VOD VOD
  • + 2
 Sooooo beautiful !
  • + 1
 Just NICE !
  • + 1
 Just wonderful!...
  • + 1
  • + 1
  • + 0
 sad music!!!!!! but great riding.....
  • + 1
 So Good
  • + 1
 know way..
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